Trusting God In Psalm 78 (May 17)

God Will Provide Our Needs

Backgrounder on Psalms 78-83:
The psalms of Asaph conclude
with six testimonies to the
greatness and faithfulness of
the God of Israel. He has kept
His promises in the past (Ps 78),
a comforting reminder in the face
of an uncertain future (Ps 79-80).
God is there (Ps 81) and is not
silent (Ps 82-83) when it comes
to overthrowing idols & enemies.

Lord, You will Provide Our Needs:
They tested God in their heart
by asking for the food of their fancy.
They spoke against God… Can He
give bread also? Can He provides
meat for His people (Ps 78:18-20).
The Lord heard this & was furious…
because they did not believe in God
and did not trust in his salvation.
Yet He opened the doors of
heaven and rained down manna.
God gave them all they could eat…
He also rained meat on them… So
they ate and were well filled(v21-29)
(And) He made His own people
go forth like sheep, and guided them
in the wilderness like a flock; and
He led them on safely, so that
they did not fear; but the sea overwhelmed their enemies(v52-53)

Lord, just like the Israelites we can
become so focused on some Desire
that it consume us and all we
could see was what we didn’t have.
But our Father knows our needs.
Lord we believe You even when
we don’t see Your provision yet.
So even when we don’t see any
hope on the horizon, we can rest
assured that the provision will
be there when we need it. Amen.

Lord, as You know all our needs,
we shall not be anxious about
anything, but in every situation,
by prayer with thanksgiving, we
shall present our requests to You.
For we are assured that our
God will Supply all our needs
according to His riches in glory.
And we live with contentment as
everything comes from You. Amen.

Lord Shepherd, grateful for guiding
us Your sheep through wilderness;
and protecting us against enemies.
And in gratitude, we also thank You
for Providing basic needs as well
as giving us good things which
make life great and wonderful.
Lord, You’re truly Jehovah Jireh
our Provider. Thank You for
Providing for us in the past,
this day and in the future. Amen.