Reflection on Psalms Book 2

Trusting God thru His Promises

The purpose of Psalms is to provide poetry for the expression of praise, worship and confession to God.
Psalms 42-72 is similar to Exodus
which describe nation of Israel ruined & recovered. As God rescued nation of Israel, He also rescues us.
On Mon, we learn from Psalm 46 that God Is Our Refuge & Strength.
On Tuesday, we learn from Ps 51
that God Gives Joy to Clean Hearts.
On Wed, we learn from Ps 55 that
God Bears Burdens & Gives Rest.
On Thu, we learn from Psalm 56
that Almighty God Is On Your Side.
On Friday, we learn from Ps 57
that God Has A Plan For You.
On Sat, we learn from Psalm 59
that God Delivers those who Wait.
Let us humble ourselves and pray
and seek His face. Help us O God
be Christ’s disciples who trust You:
for You truly keep Your promises;
for You Lord God Almighty is our
refuge for You are on our side;
for You bear burdens, give joy,
have a plan for us and You deliver
those who wait upon You. Amen.