Trusting God In Psalm 59 (May 6)

God Delivers Those Who Wait

Psalms 55-59 capture the emotions
of King David during some of his
most difficult days. Notice David
frank petitions and confident trust
in God in the wake of being betrayed
(Ps 55), broken-hearted (Ps 56)
and pursued (Ps 57 and Ps 59).
Through it all David knows there
is a reward for the righteous and
God judges in the earth (Ps 58).

Lord, we will Wait Upon You:
Deliver me from my enemies,
O my God; defend me from
those who rise up against me.
Deliver…and save me (Ps 59:1-2)
You are my strength, I Wait
for You to rescue me for You,
O God are my place of safety.
In his unfailing love, my God
will come & help me (v9-10).
I will sing of Your strength…
I will sing of Your love; for
You are my fortress, my Refuge
in times of trouble. You are
my God whom I can rely(v16-17).

Lord, in Your loving kindness,
You have given reassuring
promises to deliver and save us.
Through Your mercy, grant us
peace of mind and heart so that
we will not be troubled or afraid.
Thank You for being my place
of safety in the day of distress.
May I rest in Your powerful arms
and sing of Your mercies. Amen.

Lord, You are my strength,
my place of safety, my help.
Instead of depending on my own
strength or concocting a human
solution, I will Call on Youl Lord
and Wait on You to rescue me; for
in Your unfailing love You’ll help me.
Give me Lord the grace to Keep
Trusting You to work in Your
Way and in Your Time. Amen.

Lord, You are my Refuge and You
are my place of safety in distress
for You are mighty and powerful!
Your love for me never fails; and
grateful for demonstrating Your
unfailing love to me day by day.
When situations are bleak and
hope may seems gone, give me
the faith to Cling to You and look
to You for deliverance. Amen.