Trusting God In Ps 116/118 (May 31)

God Listens & Answers Prayers

Backgrounder on Psalms 111-118:
Praise permeates nearly every
line of these eight psalms. God is
praiseworthy for His care (Ps 111),
His commandments (Ps 112),
His name(Ps 113), His power(Ps 114)
His uniqueness (Ps 115),
His Deliverance (Ps 116), His truth
(Ps 117) and His mercy (Ps 118).
What other response could there
be thankful to Praise the Lord.

Lord, You Hear & Answer Prayers:
I love the Lord, for He Heard
my voice; He Heard my cry
for mercy. Because He turned
His ear to me, I will call on Him
as long as I live (Psalm 116:1-2).
The Lord is gracious & righteous;
our God is full of Compassion…
Be at rest… O my soul, for
the Lord has been good to you…
I believe in You, so I prayed, (for)
I am deeply troubled Lord (v5-7,10).
In my distress I prayed to the
Lord and the Lord answered me
and rescued me. The Lord is
On My Side, I will not be afraid.
What can mere mortals do to me?
Yes, the Lord is For me;
He will help me (Ps 118:5-7).

Lord, I take great comfort in
knowing You Hear my prayers.
Your Word tells me You Listen
and Hear when I call upon You.
Help me to be patient to wait for
Your answers, not lose heart and
not fear that You have never heard.
Help me Lord to trust You enough to
pray for all that concerns me. Amen.

Father, You take care of us for You
are Compassionate & full of mercy.
You are good to Your children,
taking care of our every need.
Thank You Lord for not treating me
as I deserve; and for being gracious.
Enable me in tough time to fix my
mind on Your record of kindness.
Increase my faith in the power of
prayer to You when troubled. Amen.

Father God, as Your child, Nothing
can separate me from Your love.
Thank You Lord for answering
and helping me in my distress.
Thank You Lord for the truth
that You are For me, for it is
assuring of Your concern for me.
Help me to resolve not to be afraid
because the Almighty Lord of the
universe is On My Side. Amen.

Trusting God In Psalm 108/109

God Faithful to His People (May 30)

There is plenty to sing about in
Ps 107-110. First comes the song
of the Redeemed (Ps 107), then
a song dedicated to the God of
might & glory (Ps 108) and a song
of lament over the slanderous
attacks of an enemy (Ps 109).
But how can you sing when the
godless are seemingly getting
away with murder? Remember
with the psalmist David that
the Lord is king (Psalm 110).

Lord, You are Faithful & Merciful:
I will Praise You, O Lord, among
the Peoples and I will sing praises
to You among the nations.
For Your mercy is great above
the heavens, and Your Faithfulness
reaches to the clouds. Be exalted
O God above the heavens, and Your
glory above all the earth(Ps 108:3-5)
O God the Lord deal with me
for Your name’s sake; because
Your mercy is good, deliver me.
For I am poor & needy(Ps109:21-22)
Help me O Lord my God…
Save me according to Your mercy,
that they may know that this
is Your hand- that You, Lord,
have done it (Ps 109:26-27).

Lord, as Your unfailing love
is higher than the mountains
and Your faithfulness reaches
to the clouds, surely You promise
to be Faithful to Your people.
I surrender my fears to You and
trust in You to see me through.
Grant me Lord the grace to praise
and thank You each day and to see
Your glory no matter what! Amen.

Lord, thank You for always
calling me to draw near to You.
That is my desire, so I ask You
to work within me the power and
the energy to meet You regularly.
My heart is confident in You Lord,
in Your mercy & Your faithfulness.
No wonder I love to sing Yr praises!
Be exalted O God above the heavens
& Yr glory be over all the earth.Amen

Dear Heavenly Father, we thank You
for Your grace and lovingkindness.
We extol You Lord for You are
our strength and also because
You have become our salvation.
You are the one who shows favours,
opens doors & gives opportunities.
For we can do nothing from You,
so You are fully worthy of our
heartfelt praise. In Jesus’ name.

Trusting God In Psalm 107

God Helps His People (May 29)

There is plenty to sing about in
Ps 107-110. First comes the song
of the Redeemed (Ps 107), then
a song dedicated to the God of
might & glory (Ps 108) and a song
of lament over the slanderous
attacks of an enemy (Ps 109).
But how can you sing when the
godless are seemingly getting
away with murder? Remember
with the psalmist David that
the Lord is king (Psalm 110).

Lord, You Help Your People:
O give thanks to the Lord,
for He is good! For His mercy
endures forever. Let the redeemed
of the Lord say so (Ps 107:1-2).
Some wandered in the desert,
lost & homeless. Hungry & thirsty,
they nearly died. Lord, Help!
they Cried in their trouble and He
Rescued them from their distress…
Let them Praise the Lord for his
great love & for all his wonderful
deeds to them. For He satisfies
the longing soul, and fills the
hungry soul with goodness (v4-9)
Fools because of their transgression
were afflicted…Then they cried out
to the Lord in their trouble, and He
saved them out of their distresses.
And delivered them fr destructions.
Oh that men would give thanks to
the Lord for His goodness (v17-21).

Lord, I will recall all the ways
that You have been faithful and
gracious to me. Remind me when
I forget Your wonderful deeds.
Call Your work to my attention,
anchor it in my memory; and 
I will recall & Cry to You for help.
Help me Lord trust that You will
come to my rescue; and I will
Praise Your love & mercy. Amen

Lord, You take care of Your people
and Your workers in amazing ways.
You promise to meet our needs
and the truth is that You simply do.
Although it might not be in the way that we wish, but it will be done.
Help us Lord to Trust in You
and not let the evil one influence
and tell us otherwise. Amen.

Lord, help us to Be Wise and
take all this to heart so that
we will Observe in the history of
Your people & in our own history
“the faithful love of the Lord”.
Help us lift up our eyes and See
the incredible things You do in
response to our wholehearted
Cries for help. At our wit’s end,
Lord, glorify Yourselves. Amen.

Thought for the Week: Psalm 103

God Blesses His People

In Psalm 103, the psalmist urges
you to count your blessings.
And Psalm 98-102 provide plenty
of ideas to help you do just that
by focusing on the many things
for which you should be thankful:
your salvation (Psalm 98),
answered prayer (Psalm 99),
God’s goodness and mercy (Ps 100),
God’s justice & holiness (Ps 101) and
God’s care the downcast (Ps 102).

Lord, You Bless Your People:
Bless the Lord, O my soul, and
Forget Not All His Benefits –
who forgives all your sins,
who heals all your diseases,
who redeems your life fr destructn,
who crowns u with lovingkindness,
who satisfies your desires with
Good things (Psalm 103:2-5).
The Lord is Merciful and Gracious,
slow to anger & abounding in mercy.
He will not always strive with us, nor
will He keep His anger forever(v8-9)
The Lord is like a father to His
children, tender & Compassionate
to those who fear Him. For He
knows how weak we are (v13-14).

Lord, You are worthy of praise,
for You do countless Good things
for Your children. Forgive us Lord
for the times we fail to acknowledge
Your many blessings in our lives.
Forgiveness, healing, rescue,
love and mercy, You indeed fill our
lives with undeserved blessings.
Teach us Lord the wonderful habit
of counting our blessings. Amen.

Lord, You are Merciful & Gracious,
full of unfailing love; and we ask You
to reveal these in our lives each day.
Grateful for revealing Your wondrous
attributes to us in Your Word.
Open our eyes to who You really are
so that our prayers will rest on the
solid foundation of Your character.
And may our prayers have dunamis
power because they are based on
the truth about You Lord. Amen.

Lord, in Your mercy, do not leave
us exposed to lack or danger.
Remember we are weak and
we can get easily discouraged.
Please do not test us too long,
beyond what we are able to bear.
Instead encourage us with ready
manifestation of Your presence.
Strengthen us Lord in the spirit
when we are deeply discouraged.
Help us see Your Compassion and
loving kindness toward us. Amen.

Reflection on Psalms 90-106

Trusting God thru His Promises

The purpose of Psalms is to provide poetry for the expression of praise, worship and confession to God.
Ps 90-106 is similar to Numbers.
Because we are citizens of the kingdom of God, we can keep
events & troubles in perspective.
On Monday, we learn from Ps 91
that God Shields & Shelters You.
On Tuesday, we learn fr Ps 95/96
that God Is Our Maker & Saviour.
On Wed, we learn from Ps 100
that God Is Good and Merciful.
On Thu, we learn from Ps 102
that God Cares for the Downcast.
On Friday, we learn from Ps 103
that God Blesses His People.
On Sat, we learn from Ps 105
on God’s Plan Will Never Fail.
Let us humble ourselves and pray
and seek His face. Help us O God
be Christ’s disciples who trust You:
for You are our maker & saviour
as well as good and merciful.
for You care for the downcast,
shield us and bless Your people.
for You truly keep Your promises
and so Your plan will never fail.Amen

God’s Plan Never Fails (May 27)

Backgrounder on Psalms 104-106:
In these psalms, we see three snap
shots of the great God you serve.
He is big enough to create and
rule the universe (Ps 104); He is
small enough to rule in the hearts
of His people (Ps 105) and He
is loving enough to discipline
His rebellious children (Ps 106).

Lord, Your Plan Never Fails:
He remembers His covenant forever.
The covenant which He made
with Abraham… saying: To you
I will give the land of Canaan as
the allotment of your inheritance…
He permitted no one to do them
wrong… saying: Do not touch
my anointed ones… (Ps 105:7-15).
Then Israel arrived in Egypt; Jacob
lived as a foreigner in the land of
Ham. And the Lord multiplied the
people of Israel until they became
too mighty for their enemies.
Then He turned the Egyptians
against the Israelites (v23-25).
The Lord spread out a cloud above
them as a covering and gave them
a great fire to light the darkness.
They asked for meat and he gave
them quail; he gave them manna.
He opened up a rock and water
gushed out (Ps 105:39-41).

Father God, grateful that You
remember Your covenant forever;
and that You are quick to honor it.
You have promised to protect Your
people from those who plan evil;
& so You’ll stand up in my defense.
For I am Your anointed and You
do not tolerate those who would
try to harm me. In Jesus’ name.

Lord, grateful for the assurance
that Your sovereign plans never fail.
When everything seems hopeless,
remind me of Your plan for the
Israelites in captivity in Egypt.
Help me Lord to see things
from Your eternal perspective.
Help me to hold on to the reality
that in spite of the way things look,
You are always in control. Amen.

Lord, thankful for Your Word
showing Your faithful provision
to Your people through history.Thank You Lord for all the ways
You have provided for my needs.
Help me to respond with thanks-
giving and obedience to Your will.
I look to You as my provider, for 
Your provision never fails. Amen.

Trusting God In Psalm 103 (May 26)

God Blesses His People

In Psalm 103, the psalmist urges
you to count your blessings.
And Psalm 98-102 provide plenty
of ideas to help you do just that
by focusing on the many things
for which you should be thankful:
your salvation (Psalm 98),
answered prayer (Psalm 99),
God’s goodness and mercy (Ps 100),
God’s justice & holiness (Ps 101) and
God’s care the downcast (Ps 102).

Lord, You Bless Your People:
Bless the Lord, O my soul, and
Forget Not All His Benefits –
who forgives all your sins,
who heals all your diseases,
who redeems your life fr destructn,
who crowns u with lovingkindness,
who satisfies your desires with
Good things (Psalm 103:2-5).
The Lord is Merciful and Gracious,
slow to anger & abounding in mercy.
He will not always strive with us, nor
will He keep His anger forever(v8-9)
The Lord is like a father to His
children, tender & Compassionate
to those who fear Him. For He
knows how weak we are (v13-14).

Lord, You are worthy of praise,
for You do countless Good things
for Your children. Forgive us Lord
for the times we fail to acknowledge
Your many blessings in our lives.
Forgiveness, healing, rescue,
love and mercy, You indeed fill our
lives with undeserved blessings.
Teach us Lord the wonderful habit
of counting our blessings. Amen.

Lord, You are Merciful & Gracious,
full of unfailing love; and we ask You
to reveal these in our lives each day.
Grateful for revealing Your wondrous
attributes to us in Your Word.
Open our eyes to who You really are
so that our prayers will rest on the
solid foundation of Your character.
And may our prayers have dunamis
power because they are based on
the truth about You Lord. Amen.

Lord, in Your mercy, do not leave
us exposed to lack or danger.
Remember we are weak and
we can get easily discouraged.
Please do not test us too long,
beyond what we are able to bear.
Instead encourage us with ready
manifestation of Your presence.
Strengthen us Lord in the spirit
when we are deeply discouraged.
Help us see Your Compassion and
loving kindness toward us. Amen.

Trusting God In Psalm 102 (May 25)

God Cares for the Downcast

Backgrounder on Psalms 98-103:
In Psalm 103, the psalmist urges
you to count your blessings. And
Psalm 98-102 provide plenty of
ideas to help you do just that by
focusing on the many things for
which you should be thankful:
your salvation (Ps 98), answered
prayer (Ps 99), God’s mercy and
truth (Ps 100), God’s justice and
holiness (Ps 101) and God’s Care
when you are downcast (Ps 102).

Lord, You Care for the Afflicted:
Hear my prayer; O Lord,
let my cry for help come to You.
Do not hide Your face from me
when I am in distress.
Turn Your ear to me; when I call,
answer me quickly (Ps 102:1-2).
You will arise and have compassion
in Zion, for it is time to show favour
to her; the appointed time has come.
He will respond to the prayer
of the destitute; He will not
despise their plea (v13-17).
You laid the foundation of the
earth… Even they will perish
but You remain forever.
You are Always The Same.
The children of your people
will Live In Security (v25-28).

Lord, we worship You for being
greater than anything we face.
We thank You for being merciful
and compassionate; and that You
hear our prayers and answer them.
  We thank You that You inhabit our
praise, and that in Your presence
our circumstances are changed.
And we are grateful that praising
You renew and transform us. Amen.

Lord, You hear the prayers of those
in need & will not despise their plea.
You have also said in Your word
that blessed are the poor in spirit
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Thank You for knowing my need
and all about my current situation.
Show me if I’m being disciplined or
if this is just an opportunity to trust
You and grow in faith in You. Amen.

Lord, You are Unchanging and
we praise Your faithfulness.
Thank You for the reminder
that though our circumstances
may change and that the things
around us may even pass away,
You remain the Same forever.
Help me Lord find my Security
in Your eternal sameness.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Trusting God In Psalm 100 (May 24)

God of Goodness & Mercy

In Psalm 103, the psalmist urges
you to count your blessings. And
Psalm 98-102 provide plenty of
ideas to help you do just that by
focusing on the many things for
which you should be thankful:
your salvation (P98), answered
prayer (P99), God’s Goodness and
Mercy (P100), God’s justice and
holiness (P101) and God’s care
when you are downcast (P102).

Lord, You are Good & Merciful:
Know that the Lord, He is God;
It is He who has made us,
and not we ourselves; we are His
people and the sheep of His pasture.
Enter into His gates with thanks-
giving & into His courts with praise.
Be Thankful to Him and bless
His name. For the Lord Is GOOD;
His mercies is ever lasting
and His truth endures to all
generations (Psalm 100:3-5).

Father God, I come before You
with praise and thanksgiving
for all You are and everything
that You have done for me.
No matter what happens in my life
or in the world around me, I will not sink to the level of the problem.
Instead I will rise to the level of
the solution and praise You as the solution to problems & challenges.
I thank You for Your Goodness,
love and faithfulness to me. Amen.

Lord, transform my heart and
give me an attitude of gratefulness.
Open my eyes to see Your hand
in every area of my life. When
I have forgotten Your goodness,
remind me of what an awesome
God You are and the many things
I have to be gratefully thankful for.
Thank You Lord for the unique
ways You’ve blessed my life. Amen.

Lord, You are Good, able & faithful.
We are eternally grateful and
You deserve all praise & thanks.
For if we’re walking thro the valley
And there are shadows all around.
We’ll not fear, You will guide us
You will keep us safe and sound.
You hv promised to never leave us
Or forsake us and Your word is true
God is Good all the time
You put a song of praise
in the heart of mine
God is Good all the time
Through the darkest night,
Your light will shine; God is Good,
God is Good all the time. Amen.

Trusting God In Ps 95/96 (May 23)

God Our Maker & Saviour

Though the author of most of
Psalms 90-97 are unknown,
the Object of their worship is well
known: the God of eternity (Ps 90),
the God of protection (Ps 91),
the God of greatness (Ps 92),
the God of majesty (Ps 93),
the God of vengeance (Ps 94),
the God of salvation (Ps 95),
the God of glory (Ps 96) and
the God of holiness (Ps 97).

Lord, we will praise Our Maker:
Let us come before His presence
with thanksgiving; let us shout
joyfully to Him with psalms.
For the Lord is the great God,
and the great King (Ps 95:2-3).
Oh come, let us worship
and bow down; let us kneel
before the Lord our Maker.
For He is our God, and we are
the people of His pasture, and
the sheep of His hand (Ps 95:6-7)
Sing a new song to the Lord! Let
the whole earth sing to the Lord!
Bless His name. Each day proclaim
the good news that He Saves…
Tell everyone the amazing things
He does. For He is great and
greatly to be praised (Ps 96:1-4).

Father God, we thank You
that You have given us so much.
Your grace does not just come
in to us and forgive us our sins.
For it changes the way we live
in the world and with each other.
Draw and lead us Father God to
be more like Your Son who is so
gracious and came to serve. Amen.

Lord God, You are my maker
and I bow before You in adoration.
I worship You for Your strength,
Your perfection & Your compassion.
I worship You for being holy and
also being merciful to forgive sins.
I worship You for being greater
than the problems of this world.
I worship You for being the reason
for love, hope and joy in a world that
lacks much of these things. Amen.

Lord, draw me to sing to You
and bless Your name every day.
Give me a joyful heart to tell others
about the amazing things You do,
notably the good news: You Save!
Give me words Lord to share from
Your heart with those I will meet.
Reveal more of Yourself so that
I may praise You more and more.
For the Lord is great and greatly
to be praised indeed! Amen.