Trusting God In Psalm 9 (Apr 19)

Refuge In Times of Trouble

All but one of psalms 7-12,
begins with a cry of lament:
“O Lord my God,” “O Lord,””Lord.”
These short but potent songs
express the psalmist’s desire
that justice prevail (Psalm 7),
that the wicked be brought low
(Psalm 9-10), and that God’s holy
name be exalted (Psalm 8,11-12)

All Praise to God Our Stronghold:
I will praise You O Lord,
with my whole heart; I will tell
of all Your marvellous works.
I will be glad and rejoice in You;
I will sing praise to Your name,
O Most High (Psalm 9:1-2).
The Lord is a refuge for the
oppressed, a stronghold in times
of trouble. Those who know
Your name will trust in You,
for You Lord have never forsaken
those who seek You (Ps 9:9-10).  Have mercy on me Lord!
Consider my trouble… That I
may tell of all Your praise… I will rejoice in Your salvation (v13-14).

Lord Most High, I lift up Your name
in praise for You are my salvation and for Your marvellous works.
Thank You Lord for Your strength;
and thank You God for providing
a place to run to in times of need.
You provide a way out of troubles
where there seems to be no way.
In You alone I find my stronghold
to which I run for safety. Amen.

Lord, we pray for those who don’t
know You as their stronghold, the
one to provide them help and hope.
Draw them with Your loving care;
and show them that in the midst
of their trials that You are there
for them, ever ready to provide
a shield against the storms of life.
Help me Lord share of Your love
and make me a witness of Your
hope to those in need. Amen.

Lord, fill me a spirit of faith and
I will look to You in every way.
I will Bless Your name forever
and I will Trust You at all times.
For Lord You are My Shield,
My Strength My Portion,
Deliverer… My Shelter,
Strong Tower… My Very Present
Help in time of need. Amen.