Trusting God In Psalm 1 (Apr 17)

God Promises Fruitfulness

The psalms written mostly by
David, over a period of 6 centuries
and used as the temple hymnbook,
capture the essence of what it
means to walk daily with God.
The first six psalms form a fitting
introduction to the entire Psalter.
In them you learn the importance
of meditating on God’s Word (Ps 1),
acknowledging the Lord as King(P2)
and constantly being devoted to
prayer in good times & bad (Ps 3-6).

Lord, we’ll Delight in Your Word:
Blessed is the man who walks
not in the counsel of the ungodly,
nor stands in the path of sinners,
nor sits in the seat of the scornful.
But his delight is in the law
of the Lord, and in His law he
meditates day and night (Ps 1:1-2)
He shall be like a tree
planted by the rivers of water,
that brings forth its Fruit
in its season, whose leaf also
shall not wither; and whatever
he does shall prosper (Ps 1:3).
For the Lord knows (and approves)
the way of the righteous (v6).

Father God, more than anything,
I want to make You Lord happy.
And I want to do and be all that
You planned when You created me.
It’s Your counsel I want to follow,
Your side Lord I want to be on and
Your behaviour I want to imitate.
Help me Lord to Continually Think
of You and Your Word so that
I may experience Your joy. Amen.

Lord, I want to have this kind of
blessed life & this kind of happiness.
So I pray that You Lord will
cause me to recognise the wicked
and refuse to follow their leading.
Pray I will refuse to join in with those
who mock what’s precious to You.
And pray that the Scriptures will increasingly become the controlling influence in my life. In Jesus’ name.

Lord, give me the desire to read
Your Word and to meditate on it
day and night. Let me eat deeply
from Your Word & make me wise.
Cause me to Delight in Doing Your
will and that’s what I purpose to do.
Most of all, empower me to Do
what it says and Transform me
and the circumstance so that
I will bear fruit that lasts. Amen.