Trusting God In Job 38 (April 14)

Almighty God Knows What’s Best

Instead of answering Job’s
questions directly, God asks
Job a series of questions that
no human can possibly answer.
Job humbles himself and responds
by recognising God’s ways are best.
God rebukes the three friends for
adding to Job’s suffering by their
false assumptions and criticisms.
Job’s material possessions and
family are restored & he receives
even greater blessings than before.

Lord, we’ll Not Question Yr Wisdom:
Then the Lord answered Job:
Who is this that questions my
wisdom with such ignorant words?
I have some questions for you and
you must answer them (Job 38:1-3)
Where were you when I laid
the foundations of the earth?…
Do you know how its dimensions
were determined?.. Who defined
the boundaries of the sea (v4-8).
Have you… commanded the morning
to appear & cause the dawn to rise?
Where does the light come from and
where does the darkness go(v12,19)
Who sends the rain that…
makes the tender grass spring up?
Where does the dew come from?..
Can you ensure proper sequence
of the seasons?… Do you know
the laws of the universe and
how God rules the earth? (v27-33).

Lord, just as we don’t understand
God’s creation, it’s challenging
to understand God’s purposes.
And bitterness over suffering can
limit understanding of Your ways.
Help us to trust You regardless
of whether You allow blessing
or suffering to come to our life.
For it is not our job to question
You the sovereign and good God,
but to simply worship You. Amen.

Lord, grateful that You are a
personal God and I can pour out
my hurts and frustrations to You.
Help me learn to question Yr works
without criticising Your wisdom.
For we know You’re always good,
no matter how things may appear.
Your goodness may be obscured
due to my limited perspective.
So help me Lord see and hear
the truth behind the scenes. Amen

Lord, Hide me now Under Yr wings
Cover me Within Your mighty hand.
When oceans rise & thunders roar
I will soar with You above the storm.
Father You are king over the flood
I will be still and know you are God.
Find rest my soul In Christ alone
Know His power In quietness & trust.
When oceans rise & thunders roar
I will soar with You above the storm.
Father You are king over the flood
I’ll be still & know You are God.Amen