Trusting God In Job 16/19 (April 12)

God In Control of the Situation

Backgrounder to Job 15-19:
Job agonises over his situation.
His three friends explain that he
must be suffering because of
some terrible sin he committed.
They try to persuade Job to repent
of his sin. When Job argues that he
hasn’t sinned enough to deserve
such suffering his friends respond
with even harsher accusations.

Lord, we’ll Put out Trust in You:
Then Job spoke: I have heard
all this before. What miserable
comforters you are! Won’t u ever
stop your flow of foolish words?
I could say the same things if
you were in my place. I could
spout off criticisms against you
…but that not what I would do.
I would speak in a way that
helps you. I would try to take
away your grief (Job 16:1-5).
Then Job spoke again: How long
will you torture me? You are
trying to use my humiliation as
evidence of my sin (Job 19:1-5).
For I know that my Redeemer Lives,
& He shall stand at last on the earth;
My flesh may be destroyed, yet from
this body I Will See God (v25-26)

Dear Lord, help us from the painful
experience of Job how to be a true
friend and Encouraging Comforter.
Lord, whilst we sometime cannot
understand troubles that befall us
we know You’ve awesome power,
and You are In Control of situation.
Help us never doubt You but
have unwavering faith like Job
that Our Redeemer Lives. Amen.

Lord, help me learn from the
painful experience of Job not
to sermonise, accuse, criticise,
or even talk for sake of talking to
someone who is in pain and grief.
Help me instead to put myself
in the other person’s place,
offer help and encouragement,
thereby Be A Comforter. Amen.

Lord, whilst sometimes just
like Job, we could not explain
troubles that beset us, we will
purpose not to forget You God.
Whatever happens, we like Job,
Trust You God Is In Control,
Trust You will never forsake us &
Trust You God in Your kairos time
will come as a redeemer. Amen.