Thought for the Week: Mark 4

God’s Word Is Trustworthy

Through both His words and works,
Christ proclaims His true identity
to the disciples and the multitudes.
At 1st even His closest companions
are perplexed by His power and
authority, wondering: What manner
of man is this, that even the wind
and the sea obey Him (4:41). But
patiently through the miracles of
exorcism, healing and even raising
the dead the Master Servant works
to convince His followers of the
nature of His person and mission.

Lord, we’ll Wholly Trust Your Word:
Listen, a sower went out to sow…
The one sown among thorns; they
are the ones who hear the word
and the cares of this world…choke
the word and it becomes unfruitful.
But the ones sown on good ground,
those who Hear the Word, Accept
It and Bear fruit (Mark 4:1-20).
When evening had come,
Jesus said to his disciples: LET US
Cross to the east side (v35).
Suddenly a storm struck the lake.
Waves started splashing into the
boat and it was about to sink. Jesus
was in the back of the boat asleep.
His disciples woke him and said:
Teacher don’t You care that we’re
about to drown? Jesus got up and
ordered the wind and waves to
be quiet. The wind stopped and
everything was calm. Jesus asked
His disciples: Why are u So Fearful?
How is it you hv No Faith (v37-40).
And they said to one another:
Who can this be, that even the
wind and the sea obey Him (v41).

Lord, worldly worries and desire
for things can affect us, especially
when our routine is overcrowded.
For material pursuits can easily
distract & deafen us to God’s Word.
Help us Lord to be focussed so that
we can Hear God when You speak.
Lead us not to have divided heart
but instead be Wholehearted to
You by Responding to Your Word.
Mold our hearts Lord to see things
from Your perspective so that we
will be ready to produce fruit. Amen

Lord, help us to remember clearly
Your Instructions like what You
told the disciples: “Let US Cross.”
Remind us to Rely On Your Word
and Not Focus on situation we’re in.
Remind us Lord Your Presence and
help us to say focussed on You.
Remind us no storm can take us
off course, for You Can Do all things
& Your plan can’t be thwarted. Amen

Lord, Thank You for Mark gospel,
which captures two purposes of
Christ coming to earth: to minister
and give His life a random for many.
Grant us the grace to be like Jesus
in having a servant mindset.
Grant us the grace to Love the
Word of God and to Respond to it.
Grant us the grace to Trust Fully His
Word for it’s powerful & trustworthy.
Lord, we’ll Live By Your Word. Amen.

Reflection on Gospel of Mark

Trusting God thru His Promises

The purpose of the Gospel according to Mark is to present
the person, work and teachings of Jesus, portraying Him as the perfect Servant who come to serve and to give His life as a ransom for many.
On Monday, we learn from Mark 1
that God Empowers & Directs Us.
On Tuesday, we learn from Mark 4
that God’s Word Is Trustworthy.
On Wed, we learn from Mark 8
that Christ Is the Bread of Life.
On Thursday, we learn from Mk 10
that God Enables & Rewards You.
On Friday, we learn from Mark 13
that Christ Promises to Return.
On Sat, we learn fr Mk 14-16 that
Christ Obeys Father’s Will For Us.
Let us humble ourselves and pray
and seek His face. Help us O God
be Christ’s disciples who trust You;
for You truly keep Your promises;
for You’re trustworthy & can satisfy our deepest needs and longings;
for You direct us, enable us, and
obeys Father’s will for us. Amen.