Thought for the Week: Psalm 34

God Delivers those who Seek Him

Psalms 31-36 show how Proper
Perspective can help you face
any circumstance. It can bring
you from gloom to glory (Ps 31),
                    from failure to deliverance (Ps 32),
fr false security to secured trust(33)
from Affliction to Adoration (Ps 34),
from persecution to praise (Ps 35),
and from darkness to light (Ps 36).

Lord, You Deliver When We Seek:
I Sought the Lord & He heard me
& Delivered me from all my fears.
They looked to Him and were
Radiant, and their faces were not
ashamed…The angels of the Lord
encamps all around those who
fear Him, and delivers them.
Oh, taste and see that the Lord
is good, Blessed is the man
who Trusts in Him… Fear the Lord…
Those who Seek the Lord shall not
lack any good thing (Psalm 34:4-10)
The eyes of the Lord are on the
righteous and His ears are open to
their cry… The righteous cry out,
and the Lord Hears and Delivers
them out of their troubles (v15-17).
The Lord is near to those who
have a broken heart, and saves
such as have a contrite spirit.
Many are the afflictions of the
righteous, but the Lord delivers
him out of them all… The Lord
redeems the soul of His servants,
and none of those who trust in Him shall be condemned (v18-22).

Lord, we give You all our anxieties
over finances, work, health or
relationships & look to You for help.
Do a deep work in my heart on
those things that strike fear in me.
I lay these burdens and worries
before You Lord and ask You
to exchange my fear for faith.
Thank You Lord for Your promise
to answer me when I call on You,
to free me from fear & shame and
to make me radiant with joy. Amen.

Lord, it’s such a comfort to know
that Your eyes watch over me and
that Your ears hear my cries for help.
Grateful for hearing my cries and
rescuing when I am crushed in spirit.
You are close to the broken-hearted
and to those who are in dire straits.
Praise You for the hope and courage
Your promises give me when I am
facing difficult circumstances. Amen

Father God, You comfort me when
I am brokenhearted; and when
my spirit is crushed and I feel alone,
You wrap Yoir tender arms around
me and embraces me in Your love.
Though I am faced with troubles
of many kinds, but You Lord
delivers me out of every one.
Through it all I stand secured;
for I am a redeemed child of God!
And there is absolutely no condemnation for me, for I have
taken my refuge in the Lord. Amen.

Reflection on Psalms Book 1

Trusting God thru His Promises

The purpose of Psalms is to provide poetry for the expression of praise, worship and confession to God.
On Mon, we learn from Ps 23 that
God Provides, Guides & Protects.
On Tuesday, we learn from Ps 25/27
that God Is Good and My Salvation.
On Wed, we learn from Ps 32 that
God Forgives, Guides & Protects.
On Thu, we learn from Ps 34 that God Delivers those who Seek Him.
On Friday, we learn from Ps 37 that
God Rewards those who Trust Him.
On Sat, we learn from Psalm 39/40
that God Delivers those who Wait.
Let us humble ourselves and pray
and seek His face. Help us O God
be Christ’s disciples who trust You:
for You truly keep Your promises;
for You’re good and our salvation;
for You forgive our sins, deliver
us and care for all that we need.
In Jesus’ precious name we pray.

Trusting God in Psa 39/40 (Apr 29)

God Delivers Those Who Wait

Psalms is not only a book of praise,
it is also a book of practical counsel.
And in the last 5 chapters of Book 1
written by David, you will learn
how to deal with fretfulness (Ps 37)
and failing strength (Ps 38-39);
as well as how to rest in
God’s faithfulness (Ps 40)
and how to rightly respond to
a friend’s unfaithfulness (Ps 41).

Lord, we Wait Patiently for You:
Lord what do I wait for?
My hope is in You. Deliver me…
Hear my prayer O Lord, and
give ear to my cry; do not be
silent at my tears (Ps 39:7-12).
I Waited Patiently for the Lord
to help me, and He turned
to me and heard my cry.
He lifted me out of the pit of
despair, out of the miry clay.
He set my feet on solid ground
and steadied me (Psalm 40:1-2).
Be pleased O Lord to deliver me;
O Lord make haste to help me!
You are my help and my deliverer;
Do not delay (Psalm 40:13-17).

Lord, You see me and hear me
when I have lost all hope.
Remind me to wait patiently
for You and let You deliver me.
Give me the power to curb my
tongue and control what to say.
For Lord You are the one who
will lift me out of the pit of despair
for You are Good and Caring.Amen

Lord, we look to You to work
within us a spirit of Patient Waiting.
Grant me gracious Lord hope and
expectation as I watch for You
to display Your favour in my life.
Keep me from losing heart or
becoming impatient, and cause
me to continue to pray as I wait
to see Your powerful hand at work.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Lord, Thank You for hearing our
every sigh; so we will cry out to
You and cast our burdens to You.
We also Commit everything to You,
not to worry but instead trust You.
Grant us spirit of patient waiting
with certain hope and expectation
as we watch and pray for You to
display Your grace in our lives. Amen

Trusting God In Psalm 37 (April 28)

God Rewards those who Trust

Psalms is not only a book of praise;
it is also a book of practical counsel.
And in the last 5 chapters of Book 1
written by David, you will learn
how to deal with fretfulness (Ps 37)
and failing strength (Ps 38-39);
as well as how to rest in
God’s faithfulness (Ps 40)
and how to rightly respond to
a friend’s unfaithfulness (Ps 41).

Lord, we’ll Delight & Trust in You:
Trust in the Lord… do good;
and feed on His faithfulness.
DELIGHT yourself also in the
Lord, and He Shall Give you
the desires of your heart (Ps 37:3-4)
COMMIT your way to the Lord, TRUST also in Him, and He
shall bring it to pass. Rest in
the Lord and wait patiently for Him…
Do not fret, it only causes harm…
But those who Wait on the Lord,
they shall inherit the earth (v5-9).
The steps of a good man
are ordered by the Lord, and
He delights in his way. Though
he fall, he shall not be utterly
cast down; for the Lord
upholds him with His hand (v23-24)

Lord, help me to Delight in You;
to centre my heart in knowing You
more & loving You more day by day.
Grant me grace so that my heart
Desires You above everything else.
Help me Lord to discover that there
is fullness of joy in Your presence.
And stir up holy passion within me
so that the things I want are the
things You want to give me. Amen.

Lord, help me Commit my way
to You. Give me wisdom to sort
the precious from the worthless.
You promise to help if I’ll Trust You.
It goes against our old sinful nature
to wait on Your leading and to rely
on Your strength. For the tendency
is to get busy in our own strength.
Lord, change me to Trust You more,
be willing to be still and Wait on You.
Encourage me Lord and I trust You
will uphold me with Your hand. Amen

Lord, Give me knowledge of You
that causes me to cling to You.
Fashion my heart Lord so that
it reflects Yours more each day.
Mold me into Your likeness so that
You are the desire of my heart.
Enable my steps to be ordered
by You Lord and that they be firm.
And even if I stumble, I will not fall
for You Lord will catch me with
Your hand. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Trusting God In Psalm 34 (Apr 27)

God Delivers those who Seek Him

Psalms 31-36 show how Proper
Perspective can help you face
any circumstance. It can bring
you from gloom to glory (Ps 31),
from failure to deliverance (Ps 32),
fr false security to secured trust(33)
from Affliction to Adoration (Ps 34),
from persecution to praise (Ps 35),
and from darkness to light (Ps 36).

Lord, You Deliver When We Seek:
I Sought the Lord & He heard me
& Delivered me from all my fears.
They looked to Him and were
Radiant, and their faces were not
ashamed…The angels of the Lord
encamps all around those who
fear Him, and delivers them.
Oh, taste and see that the Lord
is good, Blessed is the man
who Trusts in Him… Fear the Lord…
Those who Seek the Lord shall not
lack any good thing (Psalm 34:4-10)
The eyes of the Lord are on the
righteous and His ears are open to
their cry… The righteous cry out,
and the Lord Hears and Delivers
them out of their troubles (v15-17).
The Lord is near to those who
have a broken heart, and saves
such as have a contrite spirit.
Many are the afflictions of the
righteous, but the Lord delivers
him out of them all… The Lord
redeems the soul of His servants,
and none of those who trust in Him shall be condemned (v18-22).

Lord, we give You all our anxieties
over finances, work, health or
relationships & look to You for help.
Do a deep work in my heart on
those things that strike fear in me.
I lay these burdens and worries
before You Lord and ask You
to exchange my fear for faith.
Thank You Lord for Your promise
to answer me when I call on You,
to free me from fear & shame and
to make me radiant with joy. Amen.

Lord, it’s such a comfort to know
that Your eyes watch over me and
that Your ears hear my cries for help.
Grateful for hearing my cries and
rescuing when I am crushed in spirit.
You are close to the broken-hearted
and to those who are in dire straits.
Praise You for the hope and courage
Your promises give me when I am
facing difficult circumstances. Amen

Father God, You comfort me when
I am brokenhearted; and when
my spirit is crushed and I feel alone,
You wrap Yoir tender arms around
me and embraces me in Your love.
Though I am faced with troubles
of many kinds, but You Lord
delivers me out of every one.
Through it all I stand secured;
for I am a redeemed child of God!
And there is absolutely no condemnation for me, for I have
taken my refuge in the Lord. Amen.

Trusting God In Psalm 32 (Apr 26)

God Forgives, Guides & Protects

Psalms 31-36 show how a proper
perspective can help you face
any circumstance; and can bring
you from gloom to glory (Ps 31);
from failure to deliverance (Ps 32);
fr false security to secured trust(33)
from affliction to adoration (Ps 34);
from persecution to praise (Ps 35);
and from darkness to light (Ps 36).

Lord, You Are My Hiding Place:
Blessed is he whose transgression
is forgiven, whose sin is covered…
When I kept silent,
my bones grew old through
my groaning all the day long…
I acknowledged my sin to You…
And You forgave… my sin.
For this cause everyone who is
godly shall pray to You (Ps 32:1-6)
You are My Hiding Place;
You protect me from trouble
and surround me with songs
of Deliverance (Psalm 32:7).
The Lord says: I Will Guide you
along the best pathway for your life.
I will Watch over you… (And)
he Who Trusts in the Lord,
mercy shall surround him (v8-10).

Lord, I am blessed for You have
forgiven all of my transgressions.
And You have eliminated every
sin that was set to my account.
I am so blessed because my
heavenly Father does not count
any of my sin against me and
has given me a spirit where
deceit cannot be found.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Lord, You promise that You will
Guide Your people along the
best pathways for their lives.
Thank You for Your assurance
of direction and protection.
So, Guide me Lord day by day;
and give me the strength to step
out with courage and faith
as I sense Your leading. Amen.

Lord, Thank for Your assurance
of direction and protection,
that Your unfailing love will
surround those who trust You.
Lord, You are My Hiding Place
You always fill my heart
With songs of deliverance.
Whenever I am afraid
I will trust in You; I will trust in You…
Let the weak say I am strong
In the strength of the Lord
I will trust in You. Amen.

Trusting God In Psa25/27(Apr25)

God Is Good & My Salvation

Backgrounder on Psalms 25-30:
As David penned these six psalms,
he thought of the multifaceted
character of God he served.
The Lord is Good & Upright (Ps25:8)
My Light (Psalm 27:1),
My Strength (Psalm 28:7),
King Forever (Psalm 29:10)
and My God (Psalm 30:2, 12).

Lord, You are Good & Upright:
In You Lord my God, I put my trust.
I trust in You, do not let me
be put to shame, nor let my
enemies triumph over me.
No one who hopes in You will
ever be put to shame (Ps 25:1-3).
Show me Your ways, O Lord;
my hope is in You all day long (v4-5)
The Lord is my light & my salvation
so why should I be afraid? The
Lord protects me from danger, so
why should I tremble? (Psalm 27:1).
I would have lost heart, unless
I had believed that I would see
the goodness of the Lord… Wait
on the Lord; Be of good courage,
And He shall strengthen your heart.
Wait I say on the Lord (v13-14).

Lord, we praise and thank You
that You are Good and Upright.
For You guide Your people and 
spare the faithful from shame.
Lord, I lift my soul to You for
You are good and I trust You
No one who walks with You
will ever be put to shame. 
I believe that You will make all
things right in the end; for You
are a God of Faithfulness. Amen.

Lord, I would love an easy life,
free of all trouble and confusion.
But You have never promise such
an existence. In fact, the testimony
of scripture is that I may have
to go through challenging times.
Thank You for promising to direct
me in the truth. Give me wisdom
and courage so that I’m willing to
walk with You where You lead. Amen

Almighty God, help me to see
the truth in Your Word. You are my
Light and my Salvation; and surely
You will protect me from all danger.
Indeed the Lord is the strength of
my life, of whom shall I be afraid?
Help me draw close to You Lord and
to rest in the confidence I’ve in You.
Help me to banish fear in my life
even as I put my trust in You. Amen

Trusting God In Psalm 23 (Apr 24)

God Provides, Guides & Protects

Backgrounder on Psalms 19-24:
The Lord can be seen in many
different roles in these six psalms.
He is the Creator (Psalm 19),
Helper (Ps 20), King (Ps 21),
Crucifield One (Ps 22), Shepherd
(Ps 23) and Glorious One (Ps 24).
For each divine role, there is a
corresponding responsibility for
the people who would follow Him
as their God, King and Shepherd.

Lord, You Provide, Guide & Protect:
The Lord is My Shepherd,
I Lack Nothing and have
everything I need (Psalm 23:1).
He lets me rest in green meadows;
He Leads me besides peaceful
streams. He Renews my strength.
He Guides me along right paths, bringing honour to His name (v2-3).
Even when I walk through the
dark valley of death, I will not be afraid for You are close beside me.
Your rod and Your staff Protect
and comfort me (Psalm 23:4).

Lord, the Shepherd of my soul,
praise & thank You for Your Care.
You are not just my Creator and
my God; You are not just the King
and the Judge of the universe. For
You are my Shepherd & I’m blessed
for because of You, I Lack Nothing.
Keep me from complaining; and
keep me from fear and worry; for
You’ll Provide all my needs. Amen.

Lord Shepherd, it is comforting
to know that I am not alone in
the journey of life. Thank You
that You are ever so vigilant,
Guiding and watching over me.
And thank You that You love to
lead me to “peaceful streams”.
Help me to respond to Your sweet
small voice, stay close to You;
and I will gladly Follow You. Amen.

Lord Shepherd, You faithfully
feed, guide and above all Protect
Your flock with Your very life.
Lord, You are always close by,
You protect & comfort us, and
You protectively watch over us.
Merciful Lord and dear Shepherd,
in my darkest moments when I’m
very afraid and I cry out to You,
extend Your hand to hold my hand.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Thought for the Week: Psalm 4

God Hears When I Call

The first six psalms form a fitting
introduction to the entire Psalter.
In them you will learn the
importance of meditating
on God’s Word (Psalm 1),
acknowledging the Lord as King
(Psslm 2), and constantly being
devoted to prayer in gospel
in good times and in bad (Ps 3-6).

Lord, Hear me when I Call You:
Answer me when I call, O God of
my righteousness (Elohe Tsadeki)!
You have relieved me in my
distress; Be gracious to me
and Hear my prayer (Psalm 4:1).
How long… will You turn my glory
to shame?… But know that the
Lord has set apart for Himself
him who is godly; The Lord will
Hear when I call to Him (v2-3).
You have put gladness in my heart..
I will both lie down in peace
and sleep; for You alone O Lord
make me dwell in safety (v7-8).

Lord Elohe Tsadeki, thank You for
the power of Your righteousness
for from You flow might & strength.
Your righteousness also brings
about the beauty we see in one
another in acts of kindness and love.
All these flow from You for goodness
stem from the core of who You are.
And so You Lord will be gracious
to me when I call upon You. Amen.

Lord, grateful that I am a child
of Yours set apart for Your glory
and that You will hear my prayers.
Show me Lord if there’s anything in
my life that would become a barrier
between me and You such that
my prayers will go unanswered.
Help me to have the peace, knowing
You have heard my prayers and will
answer in Your way & Yr time. Amen

Lord, thank You for setting apart
each of us to know You and for
answering when we call on You.
Grant me joy in Christ and peace
in Your presence even before
a turnaround or harvest comes.
And grant me to lie down in peace
and sleep, for You keep me safe.
For You know my every thought,
You see each tear that falls, and
You Hear me when I call. Amen.

Reflection on Psalms Book 1

Trusting God thru His Promises

The purpose of Psalms is to provide poetry for the expression of praise, worship and confession to God.
On Monday, we learn from Ps 1
that God Promises Fruitfulness.
On Tuesday, we learn from Ps 4
that God Hears When I Call.
On Wed, we learn from Ps 9 that
God Is Refuge in times of Trouble.
On Thursday, we learn from Ps 16
that God Gives Fullness of Joy.
On Friday, we learn from Psalm 18
that God Gives Strength & Security.
On Sat, we learn from Psalm 20
that God Will Come and Save.
Let us humble ourselves and pray
and seek His face. Help us O God
be Christ’s disciples who trust You:
for You’re refuge in time of trouble,
give security as well as save us;
for You hear prayers, promise fruitfulness and give fulness of joy;
for You truly keep Your promises.
In Jesus’ precious name we pray.