Trusting God In Matt 13/14 (Feb 9)

God Reveals His Will to us

A turning point occurs in Matthew
12 where mounting antagonism by
the Jewish religious leaders erupts
into open denunciation of Jesus.
Because of their rejection, Jesus
begins to speak to them in parables
and explained only to the disciples.
After a rude reception in His home
town of Nazareth, Jesus withdraws
across the Sea of Galilee to the
regions of Tyre and Sidon in order
to escape growing opposition.

Lord, we’ll Respond to Your Word:
You are permitted to understand
the secrets of the Kingdom of
Heaven but others are not (Mt 13:11)
That is why I use these parables
for they hear but don’t really listen.
The hearts of these people are
hardened… they can’t understand,
and they cannot turn to me and
let me heal them (Matt 13:13-15).
Immediately Jesus made His
disciples get into the boat and go
before Him to the other side while
He sent the multitudes away…(Then)
He went up the mountain by Himself
       to pray. Now when evening came,
.         He was alone there (Matt 14:21-23)

Lord, help me to be a true seeker
to hear from the personal God.
Help me to have an open mind,
ever ready to listen to You and
to believe Your Word of truth.
Give me the heart that can hear
Your mysteries, understand them
and internalise Your eternal truths.
Help me root out any attitude that
might block my hearing You. Amen.

Lord, where my heart hardened at
times, tell me I have turned You out.
For it’s tough to recognise hardness
in myself, and so I need to know.
Soften me up Lord, where there’s
any area of insensitivity in my life.
Draw my attention & heighten my
spiritual senses to Your promptings.
Renew my mind with Your Word and
help me respond with my heart in
prayer of agreement & commitment.
In Jesus’ mighty name, Amen.

Lord, help me find the time I need
every day to be alone with You.
Escaping busyness and diversions
seems to be a constant struggle.
And I need greater ability to shut
out everything and find solitude
with You in prayer. Help me to
secure a place of peace and quiet
so that I can hear Your voice
speaking to my heart. Amen.

Trusting God In Matthew 11 (Feb 8)

Christ Gives Rest to the Weary

Jesus came to earth to begin His
kingdom. Matthew focuses on 10
miracles in Mt8&9 demonstrating
Jesus’ power over disease, the
forces of nature & the spirit world.
Christ then bestows that same
power & authority on His chosen
apostles and sends them out
as ambassadors of the kingdom.
He first instructs them how to act,
then warns them of the dangers
they will face, as He calls them
to committed discipleship.

Lord, You Care for the Weary:
Jesus spoke to the crowds…
John came neither eating nor
drinking, and they say, ‘He has
a demon’; the Son of Man came
eating and drinking, and they
say, ‘Look, a glutton and a drunkard,
a friend of tax collectors
and sinners’ (Matt 11:16-19).
O Father Lord of heaven and earth,
thank You for hiding these things
from those who think themselves
wise and clever and for Revealing
them to the childlike (v25-26).
Jesus said: Come To Me, all of you
who are weary and carry heavy
burdens, and I will give you Rest.
Take my yoke upon you… and
you will Find Rest for your souls.
For my yoke is easy to bear, and the
burdens I give you is light (v28-30).

Lord, we tend to judge, dismiss and
reject people & we need Your help.
Reveal where we are called
to be more free of prejudices.
Reveal who are the sinners
that we are called to befriend.
Grant us wisdom to interpret
the truth and the call to change.
Grant us freedom that opens us
to follow Christ more closely. Amen.

Father, we want to hear Your voice
in the midst of life circumstances,
like Jesus did in His chat with You.
Apostle Paul tells us to “never stop
praying” and we can attempt that.
But hearing from God unceasingly
and picking up Your voice
consistently can be challenging.
Give us Lord the sensitivity to
hear from You clearly as well as
the boldness to believe. Amen.

Lord Jesus, thank You for Your
offer to carry my burdens for me.
I give them all to You and gladly
receive Your Rest that You give.
In Your infinite care You carried
the burden of my sins on the cross.
I thank You and praise You for
Your great love and compassion.
Help me Lord to walk in the ways
You have set before me. Amen.

Trusting God In Matthew 10 (Feb 7)

Christ Empowers the Called

Jesus came to earth to begin His
kingdom. Matthew focuses on 10
miracles in Mt8&9 demonstrating
Jesus’ power over disease, the
forces of nature & the spirit world.
Christ then bestows that same
power & authority on His chosen
apostles and sends them out
as ambassadors of the kingdom.
He first instructs them how to
act, then warns them of the
dangers they will face, as He calls
them to committed discipleship.

Lord, we Trust Your Care of us:
When He had called His twelve
disciples… He gave them power
over unclean spirits, to cast them
out and to heal all kind of sickness
and all kinds of diseases (Mt 10:1).
Don’t Worry about… What to say.
God will give you the Right words
at the right time… It is not you
who will be speaking – it will be
the Spirit…speaking thru you (v19-20).
Not even a sparrow can fall to
the ground without your Father
knowing it. And the very hairs
on your head are all numbered.
So Don’t Be Afraid; you are
more valuable to Him than a
whole flock of sparrows (v29-31).

Lord, give me the Words to say,
not just in pressure situations
but in every relationship I have.
Let my words be seasoned with
grace, truth and even power.
Use my mouth liberally as
You wish speaking through me.
And help me Lord make the
most of every opportunity for
Your purpose and glory. Amen.

Lord, Thank You for loving me 
more than any other person.
Grateful for assurance You don’t
intend us to live in fear or worry.
Thankfuk for Your Watchful Care
and I have no need to be afraid.
Remind me Lord that You the
Almighty God are always with me.
Let me go about with confidence
that I am safe in Your hand. Amen.

Lord, You may allow challenges 
in our lives to test our Faith in You.
But thank You for Your assurance
that You do not ever intend
for us to live in fear or worry.
I know You Lord will never leave me
alone and that You will surely fulfill
Your promise to provide a way out.
For You are a good good God; and
I Trust You’ll take care of me. Amen

Trusting God In Matthew 8 (Feb 6)

God Blesses those who Believe

Matthew shared ten miracles to
demonstrate Jesus’ power over
disease, nature and the spirit world.
Christ then bestows that same
power and authority on His chosen
apostles and sends them out
as ambassadors of the kingdom.
He first instructs them how to act,
then warns them of the dangers
they will face, as he calls them
to committed discipleship.

Lord, we will Pray In Faith:
When He came down from the
mountain, a leper worshiped Him…
Lord if You’re willing, You can make
me clean. Then Jesus put out His
hand and touched him saying: I am
willing, be cleansed. And instantly
the leprosy disappeared (Mt 8:1-3)
When Jesus entered Capernaum,
a centurion came pleading: Lord my
servant is lying at home paralysed…
Jesus said: I will come & heal him.
The centurion answered: Only speak
a word & my servant will be healed…
Jesus said to those who followed:
I have not found such great faith
in Israel… Then Jesus said to the
centurion: Go your way; as you‘ve
believed, let it be done for u (v5-13)
Suddenly a terrible storm came up
with waves breaking into the boat.
But Jesus was sleeping. The
disciples wake Him up shouting:
Lord, save us! And Jesus
answered: Why are you afraid?
You have so little faith (v23-26)

Lord, You are creator & Almighty
and nothing is beyond You.
From the account of the healing
of the leper we know You are
also compassionate and willing.
Hear our cry to Heal our friends
who are unwell, including Covid.
Jehovah Rapha, our healer, You can
make them whole, touch their lives
so that they know You more deeply
& love You more than before. Amen.

Lord we realise from the centurion
account that our Faith determines
our experience of Your power.
What we expect in our hearts
will largely determine what we
will get in our actual experience.
Help us Lord to expect You to make
Yourself more real to us each day;
and we wait with anticipation for
You to do so. In Jesus’ name, Amen

Lord, sometimes we forget that
You are in the boat with us and
You rule over storms in our lives.
Increase our faith so that in the
midst of turbulence we will not
panic but trust You to care for us.
Grant our spirits be able to rest
and be still knowing You are God;
Because Your presence is greater
than any stormy circumstances
we will face through life. Amen.

Thought for the Week: Matthew 6

Father Provides Our Needs

Jesus claimed to be the Messiah,
the king of the Jews. And Matthew
5 to 7 traditionally called the
Sermon on the Mount, essentially
presents His statement of heaven.
Relationship to God (rather than
adherence to ritual) and inward
attitude (not outward action)
become the focus of His message.
Only by building upon the sure
foundation which God has provided
can we live lifestyle of righteousness

Lord, we Lift Up Our Needs to You:
Therefore I say to you, do not worry
about your life… Look at the birds of
the air, for they neither sow nor reap
nor gather into barns;yet yr heavenly
Father feeds them. Are you not of
more value than they? (Mt 6:25-26).
Do not worry saying: What shall
we eat…or What shall we wear?
For the pagans run after these
things and Your Heavenly Father
Knows that You Need them (v27).
But Seek First the Kingdom of
God and His righteousness,
and all these things will be given
to you as well. Therefore Do Not
Worry about tomorrow (v31-34).

Father, You promise and advise us
Not To Worry about basic needs
for You Will Provide them to us.
Grateful I don’t have to be drained
by worry; but I can be consumed
with You Lord and Your kingdom;
for You will take care of my needs.
So, I choose to keep anxiety from
cluttering my heart and instead
purpose to be filled with You. Amen.

Father, You are All-Knowing and
therefore You Know all our needs.
Praise You for Knowing everything
about us and every detail of our
situation; for nothing surprises You.
For Your Word says You Know
our needs and Will Provide them.
And so we can live peacefully and
cheerfully each day when we keep
Your kingdom as key concern. Amen

Loving Father, Thanks for caring
for us, including being our Provider.
Lead me to regularly Seek You First,
trust Your gracious promise and
keep from worrying about the future.
Guide me into the right perspective
and not worry over issues beyond
my control. Help me Lord to see the
difference between needs & wants;
and transform my inner being. Amen

Reflection on Matt 1-7 (Feb 5)

Trusting God thru His Promises

The purpose of the gospel of                Matthew is to prove that Jesus
is the Messiah the eternal King.
On Monday, we see from the five
books of Laws that the promises
of God being fulfilled in its time.
On Tuesday, we learn from Matt 1
that Immanuel God Is With Us.
On Wednesday, we learn from Mt 4,
that God’s Word Keeps Us From Sin.
On Thur, we learn from Matt 5 that
God Blesses those Depend on Him.
On Friday, we learn from Matt 6
that Father Provides Our Needs.
On Saturday, we learn from Matt 7
that God Rewards those who Seek.
Let us humble ourselves and pray
and seek His face. Help us O God
be Christ’s disciples who purpose
to trust our almighty and caring
God for our protection & provision
for He is with us as well as blesses
and rewards His people. Amen.

Reflection on Matt 1-7 (Feb 5)

Trusting God thru His Promises

The purpose of the gospel of Matthew is to prove that Jesus
is the Messiah the eternal King.
On Monday, we see from the five
books of Laws that the promises
of God being fulfilled in its time.
On Tuesday, we learn from Matt 1
that Immanuel God Is With Us.
On Wednesday, we learn from Mt 4,
that God’s Word Keeps Us From Sin.
On Thur, we learn from Matt 5 that
God Blesses those Depend on Him.
On Friday, we learn from Matt 6
that Father Provides Our Needs.
On Saturday, we learn from Matt 7
that God Rewards those who Seek.
Let us humble ourselves and pray
and seek His face. Help us O God
be Christ’s disciples who purpose
to trust our almighty and caring
God for our protection & provision
for He is with us as well as blesses
and rewards His people. Amen.

Trusting God In Matthew 7 (Feb 4)

God Rewards those who Seek

Jesus claimed to be the Messiah,
the king of the Jews. And Matthew
5 to 7 traditionally called the
Sermon on the Mount, essentially
presents His statement of heaven.
Relationship to God (not adherence
to ritual) and our inward attitude
(not outward action) become
the focus of Christ’s message.

Lord, we will Ask, Seek & Knock:
Ask and it will be given to you;
seek and you will find; knock and
the door will be opened to you.
For everyone who asks receives;
he who seeks finds; and
to him who knocks, the door
will be opened (Matthew 7:7-8).
If you then, being evil, know how
to give good gifts to your children,
how much more will your Father
who is in heaven give good things
to those who Ask Him (v11).
Without faith it is impossible
to please Him, for he who comes
to God must believe that He is,
and that He is a rewarded of those
who diligently seek Him (Heb 11:6).

Lord Jesus, thank You for promising
that those who ask receive and
that when we seek, we will find.
Grant me the grace to Persevere,
to Keep On asking, seeking and
knocking until the answer comes.
Grant me the power of Your Spirit,
and strength to Persevere In Prayer
especially when I am in my weakest
moment & felt like giving up. Amen.

Father God, I come to You in faith,
believing in Your Goodness and
that You want to bless Your children.
I Ask that the desires of my heart
be aligned with Your will so that
my prayer will surely come to pass.
And Lord I will keep asking You and
Knock on Your door, and anticipate
it being opened by You. Amen.

Lord, Your Word says it’s impossible
to please God without Faith.
And so we come to You believing
not only You exist but also
believing that You Will Reward
those who diligently seek You.
For the Father desires to give
good things to those who ask Him.
So I will come to You in prayer and
I will Seek Your face, In Jesus’ name.

Trusting God In Matthew 6 (Feb 3)

Father Provides Our Needs

Jesus claimed to be the Messiah,
the king of the Jews. And Matthew
5 to 7 traditionally called the
Sermon on the Mount, essentially
presents His statement of heaven.
Relationship to God (rather than
adherence to ritual) and inward
attitude (not outward action)
become the focus of His message.
Only by building upon the sure
foundation which God has provided
can we live lifestyle of righteousness

Lord, we Lift Up Our Needs to You:
Therefore I say to you, do not worry
about your life… Look at the birds of
the air, for they neither sow nor reap
nor gather into barns;yet yr heavenly
Father feeds them. Are you not of
more value than they? (Mt 6:25-26).
Do not worry saying: What shall
we eat…or What shall we wear?
For the pagans run after these
things and Your Heavenly Father
Knows that You Need them (v27).
But Seek First the Kingdom of
God and His righteousness,
and all these things will be given
to you as well. Therefore Do Not
Worry about tomorrow (v31-34).

Father, You promise and advise us
Not To Worry about basic needs
for You Will Provide them to us.
Grateful I don’t have to be drained
by worry; but I can be consumed
with You Lord and Your kingdom;
for You will take care of my needs.
So, I choose to keep anxiety from
cluttering my heart and instead
purpose to be filled with You. Amen.

Father, You are All-Knowing and
therefore You Know all our needs.
Praise You for Knowing everything
about us and every detail of our
situation; for nothing surprises You.
For Your Word says You Know
our needs and Will Provide them.
And so we can live peacefully and
cheerfully each day when we keep
Your kingdom as key concern. Amen

Loving Father, Thanks for caring
for us, including being our Provider.
Lead me to regularly Seek You First,
trust Your gracious promise and
keep from worrying about the future.
Guide me into the right perspective
and not worry over issues beyond
my control. Help me Lord to see the
difference between needs & wants;
and transform my inner being. Amen

Trusting God In Matthew 5 (Feb 2)

God Blesses those Depend on Him

Backgrounder on Matthew 5-7:
Jesus claimed to be the Messiah,
the king of the Jews. And this
section traditionally called the
Sermon on the Mount, presents
His statement of heaven.
Relationship to God (rather than
adherence to ritual) and inward
attitude (not outward action)
become the focus of His message.

Lord, we will Depend on You:
Blessed are the Poor in spirit
(and realise their need for Him)
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are the Meek,
for they shall inherit the earth.
Blessed are the Merciful,
for they shall obtain mercy.
(Matthew 5:3, 5, 7). Amen.

Lord, the kingdom of God belongs
to those who realize they are
incapable of providing spiritually.
It’s in our weakness that God meets
us & displays Your power clearly.
So Lord, I freely admit that apart
from You, I am empty and weak.
Let my emptiness & helplessness
gives You room to fill me with
Your abundant blessings. Amen.

Lord, thank You for dealing with
Your people gently, even though
You are supreme, holy and just.
I want to be a person of principle
and also a person of gentleness.
Realising my short comings,
help me Be Meek & mild tempered.
For people who have power in their
thoughts & can control that power
will be able to guide others into
God’s wisdom, gently plod them
do good & inherit blessings. Amen.

Lord, You are so merciful.
Thank You for not giving us
the eternal death we deserve but
instead You give us life in Christ.
To be truly right with You God,
help me to extend mercy to the
undeserving people in my lives.
Teach me to be lavish in willingness
to overlook wrongs & to bless those
who don’t deserve blessing. Amen.