Trusting God In Matt 26 (Feb 17)

Christ Models Seeking Father’s Will

The events during the final two
days of Jesus’ earthly life carry
the shadow of the cross. Everything
He says and does foreshadows
that symbol of shame, sacrifice
and salvation: the anointing in
Bethany, the Passover observance,
the Lord’s Supper and the prayer
in Gethsamane. Jesus is arrested
and tried, first by the Jews, then
the Romans; He is condemned,
executed and placed in a tomb.
But the story does not end there.
In glorious triumph, Jesus comes
forth from the grave in resurrection
power. Indeed, the King of the
Jews lives again, a message of
Good News which His followers
are commissioned to share.

Lord, we’ll learn to Seek God’s Will:
While they were eating, Jesus took
bread, gave thanks and broke it
and gave it to His disciples saying:
Take and eat; this is my body.
Then He took the cup, gave thanks
and offered it to them saying:
Drink from it, all of you. This is
my blood of the covenant, which
is poured out for many for the
forgiveness of sins (Mt 26:26-28)
My Father, if it is possible, may
this cup be taken from me. Yet
not as I will but as You will. Then
He returned to His disciples and
found them sleeping and said:
Could you not watch with Me one
hour? Watch and pray, lest you
enter into temptation (v39-41).
He went away 2nd time & prayed:
My Father, if it is not possible for
this cup to be taken away unless
I drink it, may Your will be done.
When He came back, he found them
sleeping. So He left & prayed the
third time the same thing (v42-44).

Lord Jesus, You tell us in Your
Word to watch and pray so that
we may not fall into temptation.
We realize as Christian soldiers
we’re compelled to constant guard
for the enemy is like a roaring lion
seeking to take advantage of us.
Make me Lord a worthy soldier of
Your army so that I will not fail You
or cause others to stumble. Amen.

Lord Jesus, thank You for the bread
and the cup for they signify You
offering Yourself for our sake.
Thank You Lord how much You love
us; and in gratefulness we’re drawn
into a deep relationship with You.
Remind us in each Lord’s Supper
that we are receiving Your gift
of Yourself to us, and that we will live
for You through Your Love. Amen.

Lord Jesus, You were totally
committed to Your Father’s plan;
obedient to do what He wanted.
Your prayer for the removal of the
cup was denied and Your submitted.
Father God, we know that You
have good plans for our lives; and
we want Your Will be done in our life.
Reveal Lord Your specific will and
help us to pray accordingly. Amen.