Trusting God thru His Promises

Launch of New Series (Jan 2)

Beginning this week, we will
be meditating on a new series on
Trusting God through His Promises.
We know the importance of prayer
in our lives; and there are so much
to pray about for ourselves and
for others: dreams, hopes & plans.
But often we are held up by doubts:
Does God care about our requests?
How valuable then it is to pray back
to God the very promises found
in His Word. When we speak God’s
very words back to Him, we no
longer wonder if this is something
God cares about, for He brought
it up in the very first place.

Like the two previous series,
we will systematically cover God’s
Promises thru the Bible in one year.
It should be noted many promises
in Scripture were made to the nation
of Israel – God’s chosen people.
As believers we can claim the truth
of many of those promises though
not directed specifically to us.
But we need to be mindful of the
Context of the specific portion of
Scripture & take that into account
as we take hold of God’s Promises.
And the backgrounder will give us
the Context behind each promise.

Secondly, we should also note
that praying God’s Promises is
not some kind of magic formula.
Although scripture tells us our
prayers are effective & have power,
we must always trust God to work
it in His Way and in His Time.
We must be patient, wait upon
the Lord and keep trusting that
His promises will come true!

Thirdly, as we pray God’s promises,
we must always remember that
the starting point is the nature
of God. In fact the very essence
of God’s character is in itself a
promise: The Lord is trustworthy
in all He promises and faithful
in all He does (Psalm 145:13).
And God keeps every promise
forever (Psalm 146:6).

Lord, each time when You reveal
something of Your nature, You are
promising us that You will be true
to that nature in any circumstance.
We look up to You and praise
You for Your Word says Your are
trustworthy and faithful and
that You keep every promise!
We know by promising and then
performing what U promised, you’ll
awaken in us expectation & desire
and find outlets in prayer of faith.
Praise You that Your promises are
rock solid; and that Your very nature
and character stand behind them.
Grant us faith not only to merely
believe Your Word but also to act
on it. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.