Seeking God In Rev 22 (Dec 31)

Prepare for the Lord’s Return

Following judgments of the 7 vials,
John sees the doom of Babylon.
And a great multitude sings praises
ahead of the marriage of the Lamb.
A white horse emerges, mounted
by the King of Kings who destroys
the beast and the false prophet…
setting the stage for a new heaven
and new earth, where God and His
people live in intimate fellowship.

Lord, we’ll Prepare for Your Return:
I Jesus, have sent My angel
to testify to you these things
in the churches. I am the Root
and the Offspring of David,
the Bright and Morning Star.
And the Spirit and the bride say:
Come! And let him who hears say
Come! And let him who thirsts come.
Whoever desires, let him take the
water of life freely (Rev 22:16-17).
He who testifies to these things
says: “Surely I am coming quickly.”
Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus!
The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ
be with you all. Amen. (v20-21).

Lord Jesus, You are coming soon
and until then Your grace be with
Your people. Help me Lord to be
confident in the reality of heaven.
One day I will be with my loved ones
and we will enjoy You together
for all eternity. Until then, help me
to allow You Lord to live through me
so that I may be more like You,
be faithful in sharing the gospel and
to make disciples for Yr glory. Amen

Father God, we are prone to forget
Your goodness and care for us.
We purpose to trust You today
and into the new year; whatever
the challenges that we may face.
For You are the God we can trust.
Thank You Lord for Your Word
that will help us to stay focused.
Lead us to find delight in Your love
and share it with others. Amen.

Lord, we enter the new year
with this simple and earnest prayer.
Please heal the broken people;
Make well those who are sick;
Restore gladness to those in despair.
Bring love to the lonely,
food to the hungry and
peace to our world.
In Jesus’ precious name, amen.

Happy New Year  Everyone !!!