Seeking God In Colossians 1

Prayer on Christ Living In Us

All is not well in Colosse. A heresy
that Jesus Christ is neither central
nor supreme is undermining
the church. Paul’s response to
these false teachings is two-fold.
First, he upholds Christ as the
preeminent Head of the church.
Next, he speaks out against the
rituals and man-made regulations.
which typify worship at Colosse.

Lord Jesus, You Live Within Us:
We ask God to give you complete
understanding of what he wants
to do in your lives, & make you wise
with spiritual wisdom… We also
pray that you will be strengthened
with His glorious power so that
you will have all the patience and
endurance you need. May you
be filled with joy, always thanking
the Father, who has enabled you to
share the inheritance that belongs
to God’s people (Col 1:9-12).
Everything was created thro Him &
for Him…that in all things He may
have the preeminence (v16-18).
This is the secret: Christ lives in u
and this is your assurance that you
will share in his glory (v27). Amen.

Lord, thank you for providing
a way for me to be enlightened
with the understanding of your
will and for desiring that I fully
grasp your purposes for my life!
Fill me with spiritual wisdom.
Strengthen me with your glorious
power so that I will have all the
patience and endurance I need.
And fill me with your joy so that
I will readily offer thanks to U. Amen

Lord, You’re Supreme & Almighty.
You created me for a reason; and
Help me be all that You created
me to be. Jesus, I adore You
not only for your sacrificial love,
but also condescending to live in
and thro me. Help me to let You
have the preeminence in all things.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Lord, as I walk each day, may I be
aware that Jesus is actually living
in me by His Spirit. Though I may
not fully understand how that can
be, help me to realise that your
presence in me is a reality and
my life & hope. In that knowledge,
grant me the freedom to enjoy
this time together with You. Amen