Thought for the Week: 2Cor 3/4

God Enables & Empowers Us

Paul opens his second epistle
to the Corinthians the same way
he began his first by establishing
his authority and documenting the
source of his revelation. He then
praises God for what He has done
for Timothy & him. In contrast to
the old covenant which condemned
the glorious new covenant sealed
in Jesus’ own blood, makes
God’s ministers bold & effective
in calling people to repentance.

Lord, You Will Enable Us:
You are an epistle of Christ…
written by the Spirit of God…
Such confidence we have through
Christ. Not that we are sufficient
of ourselves to think of anything
as being from ourselves but our
sufficiency is fr God (2Cor 3:3-5).
Whenever someone turns to
the Lord, the veil is taken away…
So all of us who have had the veil
removed can see and reflect the
glory of the Lord. And the Lord…
makes us more and more like
Him as we are changed into
His glorious image (v16-18). 
This light & power that now shine
within us is held in our weak bodies
So everyone can see that our
glorious power is from God and
not our own. We are pressed on
every side by troubles but we are
not broken. We are perplexed but
we don’t give up and quit… God
never abandons us (2Cor 4:7-9).

Lord, I realise the areas which
I feel inadequate or struggle,
draw me to You. And that I am
able to accomplish what You ask
of me only through Your power.
Your Word shows You are my adequacy and my sufficiency.
Let my confidence always be in You
through Christ Jesus; and then
You will receive all praise. Amen.

Lord, thank you for loving me
enough to work in me. Make me
aware of Your presence and make
me cooperative with Your Spirit.
Give me unveiled encounters;
for I know there are no limits in
knowing You & be known by You.
I want to reflect more of Your glory; and although I may not see signs of change but pray others can. Amen.

Lord, Thank You for designing me
to be a clay jar with an amazing
treasure inside. Although the
circumstances may press me
down, You never abandon me.
May others see Your power and
light through my life. And may
You be glorified in my weakness in
this earthen vessel that I am.Amen.

Reflection on Corinthians (Nov 20)

Seeking God thru Biblical Prayers

The purpose of the book of 1Cor
is to teach believers how to live
for Christ in a corrupt society,
while that of 2Cor is to affirm Paul’s ministry and refute false teachers.
On Monday, we learn from 1Cor 2
that Spirit of God Gives Insights.
On Tuesday, we learn from 1Cor 10
that God Provides the Way Out.
On Wed, we learn from 1Cor 12/14
that Spirit Distributes Spiritual Gifts.
On Thursday, we learn from 2Cor 1
that God Comforts & Delivers Us.
On Friday, we learn from 2Cor 3/4
that God Enables & Empowers Us.
On Saturday, we learn from 2Cor 5
that God Guarantees & Boosts Calling.
Let us humble ourselves and pray
and seek His face. Help us O God to
be Christ’s disciples who live rightly
and share the gospel for You help,
deliver, enable & empower us. Amen.