Seeking God In 1Cor 12/14 (Nov 16)

Spirit Distributes Spiritual Gifts

Paul’s letter so far has dealt with
problems of a personal nature.
But now he addresses public issues
in the Corinthian church: the veiling
of women, the importance of the
Lord’s Supper & the use of spiritual
gifts. Worship must be characterised
by propriety and orderliness. And
spiritual gifts must be exercised
in love, for the building up of the
whole body of Christ. Only then
is the church of God properly
worshipping the God of the church.

Lord, we desire Spiritual Gifts:
There are different kinds of gifts,
but the same Spirit distributes
them… for the Common Good.
To one is given the word of wisdom…
to another the word of knowledge…
to another faith… to another gifts
of healings… The same Spirit…
distributes to each individual
as He wills (1 Cor 12:4-11).
Pursue love & desire spiritual gifts,
especially that you may prophesy.
(For) one who prophesies is
helping others grow in the Lord,
encouraging & comforting them.
Ask God for those (gifts) that
will be of Real Help to the whole
church (1 Cor 14:1-3 & 12) Amen.

Lord, Your Word says that You give
Your people special gifts that they
can use to build Your kingdom.
Thank You for the different kinds
of gifts that the Spirit has given us.
Give me wisdom and discernment
and opportunities to use them
so as to help accomplish the
Lord’s will on earth. Amen.

Lord, Make me aware of the
creative ways You may speak.?
Open my mind to what on Your heart
& not limit on what to expect from You. 
Teach me to ask: What are You
saying Lord; rather than thinking:
Why is this thing happening?
Help me Lord to hear Your voice
in others; to see past their flaws and
to recognise what You are saying
through them. In Jesus’ name.

Lord, I ask You to give me
the spiritual gifts that You know
will be of Real Help to the church
and will fulfil Your purpose.
Thank You for creating me with
particular interests and talents.
Help me to see opportunities
to use them to serve others,
to fulfil Your destiny for my life
and glorify Your name. Amen.