Thought for the Week: John 16

Christ Sends Helper Spirit

The Upper Room Discourse
contains Jesus’ final words of
instruction and encouragement
to His disciples before His death.
Only John records these intimate
moments between Jesus & His men
as He models true humility (c13),
describes the Holy Spirit who will
comfort & Empower them (c14-16)
and intercedes for protection and
unity of His disciples worldwide(c17).

Lord, we look to Your Spirit for Help:
Very truly I tell you, it is for your
good that I am going away. Unless
I go away, the Helper will not come..
but if I go, I will Send Him to you.
When He comes, He will convict
the world of sin, of righteousness
and of judgment (John 16:7-8).
When the Spirit of truth comes,
He will Guide you into all truth…
He will tell you about the future…
He will glorify me by telling u what-
ever He received from Me (v13-14).
These things I have spoken to you,
that in Me you may have Peace.
In the world you will have tribulation
but be of good cheer, I have
Overcome the world (v33) Amen.

Lord Jesus, hard times are to be
expected in this life; but Thank You
for sending Your Spirit to help us.
I don’t have to go through difficulty
alone; for You are always with me
to help, counsel and pray for me; so
Thanks for Your powerful presence.
As I yield to You and follow Your
leading, let Your power flow thru
me. In Jesus’ mighty name, Amen.

Holy Spirit, only You can sort out
the different voices in my mind;
and I trust You to do just that.
Keep me Lord away from deception
and instead lead me to the truth.
Show me enough of the future
and how it fits with Your purposes.
Lord Jesus, let the Spirit bring You
glory by revealing Your truth to me
that I can share with others. Amen.

Father God, trials and tribulations
are normal part & parcel of this life.
Though I don’t like this reality, but it
reminds me of my need for You God.
I praise You for being more powerful
than any worldly trouble I may face.
Remind me Lord always to keep me
looking to You. And I have the peace,
for You always have the final word,
You have overcome the world and
You who are surely for me. Amen.

Reflection on John 13-21 (Oct 23)

Seeking God thru Biblical Prayers

The purpose of the gospel of John
is to prove conclusively that Jesus
is the Son of God and that all who
believe in Him will have eternal life.
On Monday, we learn from John 14
that Christ the Way Gives Peace.
On Tuesday, we learn from John 15
that Christ the Vine Desires Intimacy,
On Wed, we learn from John 16
that Christ Sends Helper Spirit.
On Thursday, we learn from John 17
that Christ Intercedes for Our Unity.
On Friday, we learn from John 20
that Christ the Truth Inspires Faith.
On Saturday, we learn from John 21
that Christ Redirects & Restores Us.
Let us Lord humble ourselves & pray
and seek Your face; for You desire intimacy with us & want to guide us.
Help us O God to be disciples who purpose to love You & be obedient
to You; for You care, give peace,
pray, help and restore Your people.
In Jesus’ precious name we pray.

Seeking God In John 21 (Oct 22)

Christ Redirects, Restores, Refocuses

Following betrayal of Judas and
denial of Peter, John focuses on
the trial before Pilate & his futile
efforts to release Jesus. Yielding
to expediency, Pilate sentences
Jesus to be crucified. Many of the
details John includes are unique:
soldiers casting dice for Jesus’ robe
the spear trust into Jesus’ side;
the post-resurrection appearances.
Through it all, John clearly present
Jesus Christ as the Son of God
in His life, death and resurrection.

Lord, we will Submit to You:
Jesus called out: Friends, have you
caught any fish? No, they replied.
Then he said: Throw out your net
on the right-hand side of the boat
and you’ll get plenty of fish!!
So they did, and they couldn’t
draw in the net because there
were so many fish in it (Jn 21:4-6)
(Peter) said: Lord, You know every
thing. You know that I love You.
Jesus said:Then feed my sheep(v17)
Peter…saw the disciple Jesus loved
…and asked Jesus: What about him
Lord? Jesus replied: If I want him to
remain until I return, what is that to
you? As for you, follow me (v20-22)

Lord, You will Redirect us to mission
field just as You Redirected Peter.
Show me Lord the best way to go
about the work You have called me
to do so that I can be more fruitful.
Thank You for creative ideas that
I never would think of on my own.
Grateful You delight to reveal them
to a willing heart. May I remember
to give You all the credit. Amen.

Lord, thank You for Being Patient
with me just as You did to Peter.
I confess denying You now & then
and yet You forgive me repeatedly.
Your patience with me, even
as I struggle with stronghold,
has caused me to love You more.
In gratitude, I ask You to lead me
now to a life of obedience. Amen.

Lord, we note You Refocus Peter
to Your mission for him even as
he was sidetracked to others.
I need Your help to stop focussing
on how I compare with others.
Help me Lord instead to focus
on following You in the work
to which You have called me.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Seeking God In John 20 (Oct 21)

Christ the Truth Teaches Faith

Following betrayal of Judas and
denial of Peter, John focuses on
the trial before Pilate & governor’s
futile efforts to release Jesus.
Yielding to political expediency
and mob pressure, Pilate sentences
Jesus to be crucified. Many of the
details John includes are unique:
soldiers casting dice for Jesus’robe
the spear trust into Jesus’ side;
the post-resurrection appearances
including to Thomas. Through it all,
John’s purpose shines forth clearly
to present Jesus as the Son of God
in His life, death and resurrection.

Lord, we’ll Believe without seeing:
Mary saw two angels in white sitting
where the body of Jesus was lain.
Then they said: Woman Why are you
Weeping? She said to them: Because
they have taken away my Lord…
Now when she turned around & saw
Jesus standing there… Jesus said: Woman, Why are you Weeping?…
Jesus said to her: Mary! She turned and said to him: Rabonni! Jesus said
to her: Go to my brethren and say
to them: I am ascending to My Father
and your Father (Jn 20:12-17).
And Thomas answered and said
to Him: My Lord and my God!
Then Jesus told him: Blessed are
those who have Not Seen and
yet Have Believed (Jn 20:28-29).
The disciples saw Jesus do many
other miraculous signs in addition
to the ones recorded in this book.
But these are written so that
you may continue to Believe
that Jesus is the Messiah, the
Son of God, and that By Believing
in him you will Have Life by the
power of his name (v30-31) Amen.

Father, thanks for the wonderful
fact that Christ is indeed risen!
Help us Lord to put every aspect
of our lives in that perspective.
Continue to pour out Your grace
and Your mercy on Your people.
Lead us to perfect freedom in Christ.
And let the joy to be fulfilled in
heaven will also gladden our way
on earth. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Lord, we can turn very skeptical
when we go through tough times.
Like Thomas, we may want proof
that Your words are really true.
Help us Lord in spiritual matters
to just Believe whether or not
we see or understand all that
is going on. And when we do so,
we ask that You Lord will grant us
experience Your blessings. Amen.

Lord, your word says By Believing
in You, we will have abundant life.
Thank You for the peace even
when problem blew up in my face.
I purpose to turn to You; for I just
know my situation is in Your hand
& that You will lead me through it. 
Help me Lord to continue to draw
near to You in Word and prayer.
And may Your inner witness be 
my comfort and strength. Amen.

Seeking God In John 17 (Oct 20)

Christ Intercedes for Our Unity

Christ Jesus Prays for Our Unity:
The Upper Room Discourse
contains Jesus’ final words of
instruction and encouragement
to His disciples before His death.
Only John records these intimate
moments between Jesus & His
men as He models true humility,
describes the Holy Spirit who
will comfort and empower them;
and Intercedes for Protection and
Unity of His disciples worldwide.

Lord, we pray for Unity among us:
Holy Father, keep those You have
given Me, that they be one as
We are… They are not of the world,
just as I am not of the world.
Sanctify them by Your Truth…
As You Sent Me into the world,
I also Have Sent them into
the world (John 17:11-18).
I pray also for those who will
believe in Me thru their message,
that all of them May Be One…
that they also may be One In Us,
that the world may believe
that You sent me (v20-21).
I have given them the glory You
gave me, so they may be one as
We are one… May they experience
such perfect unity that the world
will know… You have loved them
as You have loved Me (v22-23).

Lord Jesus, You have sent us
into the world with an assignment.
You have provided Your Word to
protect us from worldly influence.
Help us soak our mind, will and
emotion with Your Word; and let
it flavour every aspect of our life.
Help us Lord to be truly salt of
the earth and light of the world; and
Help us Lord to be One Voice. Amen

Lord, we pray for Unity among
believers regardless of any
differences in views and values.
May we be truly one with the
Father, the Son & the Holy Spirit.
May this Unity we have with You and
with one another show the world,
that You Jesus came from the Father.
May this Unity draw prebelievers to You Jesus so that they too
may experience Your love. Amen.

Lord Jesus, You are one with
the Father in desires, mission,
purpose, character & in substance.
Just as You and the Father are one,
help us to be one among believers.
Fulfil this union in every way and
let there be no division in the church
so that prebelievers be drawn to U.
And may Your love, word and deed
flow thru each of us for Your glory
& extension of Your kingdom. Amen

Seeking God In John 16 (Oct 19)

Christ Sends Helper Spirit

The Upper Room Discourse
contains Jesus’ final words of
instruction and encouragement
to His disciples before His death.
Only John records these intimate
moments between Jesus & His men
as He models true humility (c13),
describes the Holy Spirit who will
comfort & Empower them (c14-16)
and intercedes for protection and
unity of His disciples worldwide(c17).

Lord, we look to Your Spirit for Help:
Very truly I tell you, it is for your
good that I am going away. Unless
I go away, the Helper will not come..
but if I go, I will Send Him to you.
When He comes, He will convict
the world of sin, of righteousness
and of judgment (John 16:7-8).
When the Spirit of truth comes,
He will Guide you into all truth…
He will tell you about the future…
He will glorify me by telling u what-
ever He received from Me (v13-14).
These things I have spoken to you,
that in Me you may have Peace.
In the world you will have tribulation
but be of good cheer, I have
Overcome the world (v33) Amen.

Lord Jesus, hard times are to be
expected in this life; but Thank You
for sending Your Spirit to help us.
I don’t have to go through difficulty
alone; for You are always with me
to help, counsel and pray for me; so
Thanks for Your powerful presence.
As I yield to You and follow Your
leading, let Your power flow thru
me. In Jesus’ mighty name, Amen.

Holy Spirit, only You can sort out
the different voices in my mind;
and I trust You to do just that.
Keep me Lord away from deception
and instead lead me to the truth.
Show me enough of the future
and how it fits with Your purposes.
Lord Jesus, let the Spirit bring You
glory by revealing Your truth to me
that I can share with others. Amen.

Father God, trials and tribulations
are normal part & parcel of this life.
Though I don’t like this reality, but it
reminds me of my need for You God.
I praise You for being more powerful
than any worldly trouble I may face.
Remind me Lord always to keep me
looking to You. And I have the peace,
for You always have the final word,
You have overcome the world and
You who are surely for me. Amen.

Seeking God in John 15 (Oct 18)

Christ the Vine Desires Intimacy

The Upper Room Discourse
contains Jesus’ final words of
instruction and encouragement
to His disciples before His death.
Only John records these intimate
moments between Jesus & His men
as He models true humility (c13),
describes the Holy Spirit who will
comfort & empower them (c14-16)
and intercedes for protection and
unity of His disciples worldwide(c17).

Lord, we purpose to Remain in You:
I am the vine; you are the branches.
IF You REMAIN In Me and I in you,
you will bear much fruit; apart
from Me you can do nothing…
By this My Father is glorified that
you bear much fruit (Jn 15:5-8).
IF You KEEP my commandments,
you will abide in My love. This is My
commandment that you Love one
another as I have loved you (v10-12)
You are My friends IF You DO
what I command. I no longer call
you servants… Instead I have
called you friends (v14-15) Amen.

Lord, as I purpose to Remain in You,
help me to walk closely with You.
Help me Lord stay constantly
in communication with You –
both by talking and listening
to You speak into my heart.
Help me to stay deeply in Your
Word, getting to know You better.
Help me increase in knowledge
of Your ways and will. Amen.

Lord, we note Your command
for us to love one another
in the way You have loved us.
Help me follow Your command to
love others with Your kind of love.
And help me to do good works
and share the gospel so that
others will come to believe in You.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Lord Jesus, I desire that You will
become my best friend & help me
develop deep friendship with You.
Help me to understand the full
implications of friendship with You.
Help me to be loyal, committed
and loving, walking with You daily.
Help me enjoy staying deeply in
Your Word, learning more about
Your nature, way and will. Amen.

Seeking God In John 14 (Oct 17)

Christ the Way Gives Peace

The Upper Room Discourse
contains Jesus’ final words of
instruction and encouragement
to His disciples before His death.
Only John records these intimate
moments between Jesus & His men
as He models true humility (c13),
describes the Holy Spirit who will
comfort & empower them (c14-16)
and intercedes for protection and
unity of His disciples worldwide(c17).

Lord, thanks for Secured Future:
Let not your heart be troubled;
you believe in God, believe also
in Me. In My Father’s house are
many mansions…I go to prepare
a place for you. And if I go and
prepare for you, I will come
again and receive you to Myself;
that where I am, there you
may be also (John 14:1-3).
I am the way, the truth and
the life. No one comes to the
Father except through Me (v6).
Peace I leave with you, My peace
I give to you; not as the world
gives do I give to you. Let
not your heart be troubled,
neither let it be afraid (v27).

Lord, so grateful for the magnificent
mansion You are building for me.
Thank You that I will live with You
in a perfect place for all eternity.
Thank You for the promise that You
will escort me to my heavenly home.
Thank You for giving me eternal life:
Though this life is filled with trouble,
I know that I’m only passing through.
Grant me an eternal mindset so that
I can endure temporal difficulties.
that may come my way. Amen.

Lord, in life challenges that come,
I will not let my heart be troubled
but will choose to keep trusting
You to deliver on Your promises.
For I trust in You with all my heart.
For I have purposed to live by faith.
For my God knows the plans He
has for me, plans to prosper me
and not to harm me, to give me
a future and a hope. Amen.

Lord, we may have afflictions but
You’ll Deliver us; and we are more than
conqueror through You who loved us.
Loving Lord we choose to keep faith,
trusting that You will protect and
provide, for in due time we’ll reap.
And thank You for the comfort
and reminder from the hymn.
Jesus, Jesus, how I trust Him!
How I’ve proved Him o’er & o’er!
O for grace to trust Him more. Amen

Thought for the Week: John 6

Christ our Bread of Life 

Early in His ministry, Christ issues
a challenge: Search the scriptures
for they testify of me (Jn 5:39).
Now His public declarations and
miraculous demonstrations serve
to confirm what the Old Testament
said would be true of Him. Using
the Jewish feast days as public
forum, Jesus declares Himself
to be the Bread of Life (6:35),
the Sent One of God (7:28),
the Forgiver of Sins (8:11) and
the Light of the World (8:12).

Lord, we’ll Come to You for Help:
Then Jesus said to them: Most
assuredly I say to you, Moses did
not give you the bread from heaven
but My Father gives you the True
Bread from heaven. For the bread
of God is He who comes down
from heaven and Gives Life to
the world. Then they said to Him:
Lord, gives us this bread always.
Jesus replied: I’m the Bread of Life.
No one who comes to Me will ever
be hungry again. Those who believe
in Me will never thirst (Jn 6:32-35).
And the one who comes to Me,
I will by no means cast out.. No one
can come to Me unless the Father
who sent Me draws him (v37, 44).
Most assuredly I say to you: he who
believes in Me has everlasting life.
I am the bread of life (v47-48).

Lord, You are our great resource.
When I am anxious over a problem
and I look to myself, I may get
downhearted due to inadequacy.
And when I look to others for
help, I may get disappointed.
But when I look to You Jesus as my
great resource I’ll get encouraged.
So, I surrender my challenge to You.
Help me Lord shift focus from my
inadequacy to Your sufficiency. For
You’re Bread of Life & All in all. Amen.

Lord Jesus, as the Bread of Life,
forgive me for seeking after
things that will never really satisfy
or fulfill my deepest longings.
Forgive me for focussing on what
You can do for me materially
instead of seeking the True Life
that comes from You. Cause me
to hunger & thirst for You each day.
And let Your Word fill my mind, rule
my heart and guide my way. Amen.

Lord Jesus, You had said
everyone who calls on the
name of the Lord will be saved.
Thank You for the promise to hear
and answer our cries for help.
Your rescue may not end up
looking like what I imagine,
but You do promise to deliver.
Grant me the faith to believe
Your word with all my heart. Amen.

Reflection on John (Oct 16)

Seeking God thru Biblical Prayers

The purpose of the gospel of John
is to prove conclusively that Jesus
is the Son of God and that all who
believe in Him will have eternal life.
On Monday, we learn from John 1
that Christ With Us & Reveals Father.
On Tuesday, we learn from John 3
that Christ Given for God So Loved Us.
On Wed, we learn from John 4
that Christ Satisfies Our Longings.
On Thursday, we learn from John 6
that Christ is our Bread of Life.
On Friday, we learn from John 7
that Christ Our Source of Living Water.
On Saturday, we learn from John 11
that Christ our Resurrection Life.
Let us humble ourselves and pray
and seek His face. Help us O God
to be disciples who purpose to
be grateful and obedient to You;
for You are with us, so loved us,
supplies all our needs, satisfies
our longings, and source of our joy.
In Jesus’ precious name we pray.