Reflection on Prophetic Books

Seeking God thru Biblical Prayers

Over the last nine months, we’ve been
Seeking God through Biblical prayers.
Meditating on the prayers of scripture
helps us understand and emulate
how Biblical giants talked with God.
Praying Biblical prayers helps
us Praise Him more and reach
new depths of Thankfulness.
The Bible’s prayers also teach
us how to Intercede for others,
be Honest about our sins and
Commit more of ourselves to God.
They also show us how to Wrestle
with doubts & questions with God.

Friends, when we pray the
prayers of the Bible, we learn
Healthy Patterns in prayers,
instructed in righteousness,
equipped for every good work,
Drawn Closer to God and
receive help to Delight in Him.
May our loving Lord Draw us ever nearer to Him as we pray His Word.
In Jesus‘ precious name, Amen.

Before we continue into final gospel,
here’s the key thots from the prophets,
rich in God’s grace/mercy and teach
us how to wait for the day of the Lord.
Sep 4: Trust God for Peace (Isiah 26)
Sep 11:God Comforts & Renews(Is40)
Sep 18: Trust God for Wellness (Jer 17)
S25: God Bigger than Problems(Jer32)
Oct2:God’s Faithfulness is Great(Lam3
Oct 9:God Shows Unfailing Love(Mic7)
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