Seeking God In Daniel 9 (Oct 1)

God of Holiness & Mercy

God’s people, a major force among
the Gentiles since days of Joshua,
now find themselves under Gentile
domination. But even world powers
don’t rise or fall without the consent
of almighty God. In a remarkable
collection of prophetic glimpses,
Daniel sets forth both the near
and distant future of God’s
chosen people; a future filled with
purifying judgment and blessing.

Holy Lord, we Come to You for Mercy:
But we have Sinned & done wrong.
We have rebelled against You
and scorned Your commands…
We have refused to listen to
Your… prophets (Daniel 9:5-6).
Now, our God, hear the prayers and
petitions of Your servant… We do
not make requests of You because
we are righteous, but because
of Your Great Mercy (v17-18).
Seventy weeks are determined
for your people and for your holy
city… to make an end of sins,
to make reconciliation for iniquity,
to bring in everlasting righteousness
and to anoint the Most Holy (v24).

Lord, Daniel was an exceptional man
but even him had offended You God.
So in Daniel’s prayers, he took
responsibility for the sins that
he and his people had committed.
Help us Lord to learn from Daniel
not deny our faults but admit them.
Help us to be honest with You God,
confess our sins; so that we can
feel clean, relieved and prepared
to serve You forgiven. Amen.

Lord, I come to You not because
I am worthy but because You are.
You are full of mercy; and I need
Your mercy to be extended to me.
I need help with challenging things, 
especially with certain situation
in my life right now. I thank You
that Your help isn’t dependent
upon my good works, but upon
Your goodness, love & grace. Amen.

Lord, let Your holiness manifest
itself in us; and may it transform
our thoughts, speech and actions.
You have purchased us our purity
at such a great cost; & we don’t
want it to be wasted in our lives.
Help us honour You in all we do
& help us focus on Your holiness.
And empower us to live a life
that is set apart to You Lord.
In Jesus’ gracious name, Amen.