Reflection on Luke 1-9 (Aug 14)

Seeking God thru Biblical Prayers

The purpose of the gospel of Luke
is to present an accurate account of
the life of Christ and to present Him
as the perfect human and Savior.
This week, we see the importance
to Trust, Seek and Follow the Lord.
On Monday, we learn from Luke 1
to Trust God of the Impossible.
On Tuesday, we learn from Luke 2
to Seek and Wait Upon the Lord.
On Wednesday, we learn from Luke 5
to Emulate Christ’s Care for the Lost.
On Thursday, we learn from Luke 6
to Follow Christ Our Solid Rock.
On Friday, we learn from Luke 8
to Respond to the Master’s Word.
On Saturday, we learn from Luke 9
to Hear the Lord’s Voice & Follow Him.
Let us humble ourselves and pray
and seek His face… In Jesus’ name.

Seeking God In Luke 9 (Aug 13)

Hear the Lord’s Voice & Follow Him

Preaching, healing and disciplining
that summarises the daily activities
of the Son of Man. Luke records
the healings with careful attention.
And those documented miracles
become proof of Jesus’ claim to
a faithless & perverse generation.
As he preaches and heals, Jesus
patiently prepares His disciples
to carry on in His absence. The
cost is steep, but the goal of saving
lives eternally makes it worthwhile.

Lord, we’ll Hear & Follow You:
Then Jesus said to them: If anyone
desires to come after me, let him
deny himself, and take up his
cross daily and follow me. For
whoever desires to save his life
will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will save it (Lk 9:23-24)
As He prayed, the appearance of
His face was altered and his robe
became white and glistening…
And a voice came out of the
cloud saying: This is My beloved
Son. Hear Him (v29-35).
Then Jesus said to another:
Follow me… But he said: Lord,
I will follow You, but let me first 
go and bid farewell who are at
my house. But Jesus said to him:
No one having put his hand to
the plow, and looking back is fit
for the kingdom of God (v59-62).

Lord, we realise to follow You,
we must submit our wants and
desires to Yours. We must stop
serving ourselves & start serving U.
Lord, the call to total commitment
and priority may be challenging.
But we know You will accompany
the call with divine confirmation
so that we’ll have the necessary
faith to act upon it. Amen.

Lord, we will join You in ministry
to further the kingdom of God.
Help us to befriend sinners and
give us heart of compassion
for those hurting and in need.
Help us readily receive Your Word,
apply it and be obedient to You.
Strengthen our trust in You for
everything is possible if we believe.
As we offer ourselves to be used
by You, multiply the resources
for Your purposes. In Jesus’ name.

Lord, forgive me when I have put
my own priorities in front of Yours.
I may have treated You more like
a servant or an equal rather than
my Master and Sovereign King.
Enable me Lord to answer Your
divine call and make no excuses.
And though my track record of
doing that maybe rather spotty,
I ask for Your help & strength to be
a disciple You can count on. Amen.

Seeking God In Luke 8 (Aug 12)

Respond to the Master’s Word

Preaching, healing and disciplining
that summarises the daily activities
of the Son of Man. Luke records
the healings with careful attention
to detail as befitting a physician.
And those documented miracles
become the proof of Jesus’ claim
to a doubting John the Baptist and
a faithless & perverse generation.
As He preaches and heals, Jesus
patiently prepares His disciples
to carry on in His absence. The
cost is steep, but the goal of saving
lives eternally makes it worthwhile.

Lord, we will Respond to Your Word:
The seed is the word of God…
The rocky soil represents those
who hear the message with joy.
But their roots Don’t Go Very Deep.
They wilt when testing blow…
But the good soil represents
people who Hear God’s message,
Cling to it and steadily produce
a huge harvest (Luke 8:11-15).
Pay attention to How You Hear.
To those who listen to my teaching,
more will be given. But for those
who are not listening, even what
they think they understand will be
taken away from them (Lk 8:18).
(Jesus) got into the boat with his
disciples and said: Let Us Cross
over to the other side of the lake…
And they awoke Him saying:
Master Master we are perishing…
He rebuked the wind and raging
waves. Then he asked them:
Where Is Your Faith? (v22-25).

Lord, I want to Receive Your Word,
apply it and be obedient to You.
If my heart is hard, soften it with
Your love. If my roots aren’t deep,
enrich the soil. Deliver me Lord 
from being consumed with the
cares and pleasures of this world.
And bring forth by Your Spirit 
a great harvest in my life. Amen.

Lord, You know how much I want
more understanding of Your will.
If I have neglected Your teaching
in any way, help me turn toward You
and restore my spirit to a position
of understanding and growth.
Open my heart to hear and to
follow everything that You say.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Lord, thank You that inherent
in the storms of life is Your
promise of peace; not peace
that is the absence of trouble but
peace that eclipse circumstances.
Help me to remember Your Words
and Incline my heart to Yours Lord,
that I may experience more of
Your peace in the storm I face.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Seeking God In Luke 6 (Aug 11)

Follow Christ Our Solid Rock

Rejection in His hometown of
Nazareth causes Jesus to shift to
Capernaum where He ministers
for two years. There Christ calls
12 men calls 12 men to be His
travelling companions. And there
by the shores of Galilee He begin
to prepare them for ministry
He will soon entrust to them.

Lord,we purpose to Do What U Say:
Now it came to pass in those days
that He went out to the mountain
to pray, and continued all night in
prayer to God. And when it was day,
He called His disciples to Himself; and
from them He chose twelve whom He
also named apostles (Luke 6:12-13).
Then He lifted up His eyes
towards His disciples and said:
Blessed are the poor, for yours is
the kingdom of God (Luke 6:20). 
(Jesus said): Why do you call me
Lord, Lord, when you don’t do what
I say?… I will show you what it’s
like when someone comes to me,
listens to my teaching and then
follows it. It is like a person building
a house who digs deep and Lays
the Foundation on Solid Rock…
Anyone who hears and doesn’t obey
is like a person who builds a house
without a foundation (Lk 6:46-49).

Lord, we realise because of the
importance of the choice of the
Twelve disciples, You spent the
night in prayer with the Father.
For our hearts the lesson is clear:
Because we never know the
ultimate effect of major decisions,
Much prayer is needed before
the die is cast. Help us Lord to
be poor in spirit so that we can
claim the kingdom of God. Amen.

Lord, my heart is already Yours
considering what You have done
and I surrender once again to You.
My heart wants to accept Your will
and to do what You want me to.
But Lord, please share it with me
clearly; for only then will I have
the confidence that You are with
me in the challenge and dare to
undertake it. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Lord, You are leading me to lay
down my life daily. You say some
difficult things but also promise
great blessings for doing them.
Lord, I have to admit Your words
don’t always make sense to me.
And I am afraid to follow some of
them fully. But I do trust that You 
want my life to weather any storm.
Anchor me to the rock as I purpose
to follow You more closely. Amen.

Seeking God in Luke 5 (Aug 10)

Emulate Christ’s Care for the Lost

Luke introduces the ministry of
Jesus with three preparatory events:
the ministry of His forerunner
John the Baptist, His baptism by
John and His temptation by Satan.
Rejection in His hometown of
Nazareth causes Jesus to shift
to Capernaum where He ministers
for two years. There Christ calls
12 men to be His companions. And
there by the shores of Galilee He
begins to prepare them for ministry
He will soon entrust to them.

Lord, You Care for the Lost:
Jesus said: Now go out where it is
deeper & let down your nets. Simon
answered: Master, we’ve worked
hard all night and haven’t caught
anything. But because you say so,
I will let down the nets. When they
had done so, they caught such
a large number of fish…Then
Jesus said to Simon: From now
on You will catch men (Lk 5:4-10)
Later… Jesus saw a tax collector
named Levi sitting at his tax
collector’s booth. Follow me and
be my disciple, Jesus said to him.
So Levi got up, left everything,
and followed Him (Luke 5:27-28).
Healthy people don’t need a doctor
– sick people do. I have come to
call sinners to turn from their sins,
not to spend my time with those
who think they are already good
enough (Luke 5:31-32). Amen.

Lord, let us learn from Simon Peter
where obedience to Your voice
opens our lives to Your miraculous
work and receive Your blessing.
Open our ears Lord to hear Your
voice in our current circumstance.
Help us learn from the prophet
Samuel and say with him: Speak
for Your servants are listening. Amen

Lord, sometimes when I look at
someone, all I can see is who he
is now, and his need for huge change.
But I know Lord that You’re sovereign
and Your call cannot be resisted.
Help us Lord to befriend sinners,
and give us heart of compassion
for those hurting and lost in sin,
so that we can reach out to them
effectively in time of opening. Amen

Lord, thank You for shedding light
to show us that we need You the
Great Physician to heal our wounds.
Thank You Lord for calling us to
repent and come to You and for
Your tender mercies in our lives.
Give us Your heart for those who
are hurting, sick & lost in sin, just
as Your heart reaches out to us
in our time of greatest need. Amen

Seeking God In Luke 2 (Aug 9)

Seek & Wait Upon the Lord

Dr Luke – physician, historian
and writer of the longest gospel
account clearly states his purpose
for writing in the opening verses:
That thou might know the certainty
of those things thou has instructed
He begins with details surrounding
the miraculous birth of John the
forerunner and Jesus the Messiah.

Lord, we’ll Seek & Wait Upon You:
Simeon…eagerly expected the
Messiah to come and rescue
Israel… When Mary and Joseph
came to present Jesus to the
Lord, Simeon took the child in
his arms and praised God saying:
Lord now I can die in peace !
As you promised me, I have seen
the Saviour you have given to
all people. He is a light to reveal
God to the nations (Lk 2:25-32).
Anna, a prophet never left the
Temple but stayed worshipping
God… She came along just as
Simeon was talking with Mary &
Joseph, and she began praising
God. She talked about Jesus to
everyone who had been waiting
for the promised King to come
and deliver Jerusalem (v36-38).

Lord, thank You for being a light
to reveal God so that more people
can know & worship our Father.
Thank You for bringing us out of
darkness into Your marvellous light.
Help me to shine Your light
so that everyone around will
be drawn to You. And help us
like Simeon to accomplish Your
purpose and live our destiny. Amen.

Lord, help me to let go of
my divided desires and
be wholly devoted to You.
Capture and renew my heart
to regularly wait upon You.
And let the eyes of my heart
be awakened to see You Lord
and to rejoice in You each day.
For You are indeed worthy of
all praise and adoration. Amen.

Lord, praise and worship draw us
close to You and opens our ears
to Your voice. For when we spend
time adoring You in gratitude and praise, our hearts merge with Yours.
Father, I appreciate Your goodness
and all that You have done for me.
I pour my adoration to You Lord;
and let me enjoy Your goodness
abd seek Your heart above all else.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Seeking God In Luke 1 (Aug 8)

Trust God of the Impossible

Dr Luke – physician, historian and
writer of the longest gospel account
clearly states his purpose for writing
in the opening verses of his book.
That thou might know the certainty
of those things thou has instructed
(1:4). He begins with the details surrounding the miraculous birth
of two remarkable boys: John the forerunner, and Jesus the Messiah.

Lord, we Will Believe Your Word:
The angel said: Do Not be afraid,
Zacharias, for your prayer is heard;
your wife will bear you a son,
and you shall call his name John…
But behold you will be mute until
the day these things take place
because u did Not Believe my words
which will be fulfilled (Lk 1:13-20)
The angel said: Behold you will
conceive in your womb and bring
forth a Son and shall call His name
Jesus… For with God nothing
will be impossible. Then Mary
said: Let It Be to me According
To Your Word (Luke 1:31-38).
You are Blessed Because You
Believed what the Lord would do
what He said (Luke 1:45). Amen.

Lord, there may be difficulties
in our lives that have lingered
far Too Long that they seems like
impossibilities. But when God is
involved, nothing is impossible.
For nothing is too difficult for Him;
& He prefers to work in impossible
situations where His attributes and
power are most visibly displayed.
Lord, help us not be discouraged
by the Long unyielding situations
in our lives. Help us endure the long
periods requiring faith & patience.
Help us to Wait and believe for
nothing is impossible with U. Amen

Lord, even when things does
not make sense, remind me that
Your Word is the ultimate truth.
Even when my faith is weak
and hidden, Your promises can
bring it to pass out of hiding.
And I embrace Your promises,
even though they may seem
as impossible because You are
the God who can create new
things out of nothing. Amen.

Lord, help me not to focus on the
problem & be afraid like Zacharias;
but instead learn to take courage
like Mary focusing solely on You.
I embrace Lord Your promises like
Mary and rest the weight of my
circumstance on Your sure word.
For after all You are the God of
the impossible and I rest in You.
And Lord, I look forward to Receive
the Blessing thru Believing. Amen.

Reflection on OT Poetical Books

Seeking God thru Biblical Prayers

Over the last seven mths, we’ve been
Seeking God through Biblical prayers.
Meditating on the prayers of scripture
helps us understand and emulate
how Biblical giants talked with God.
Praying Biblical prayers helps
us Praise Him more and reach
new depths of Thankfulness.
The Bible’s prayers also teach
us how to Intercede for others,
be Honest about our sins and
Commit more of ourselves to God.
They also show us how to Wrestle
with doubts & questions with God.

Friends, when we pray the
prayers of the Bible, we learn
Healthy Patterns in prayers,
instructed in righteousness,
equipped for every good work,
Drawn Closer to God and
receive help to Delight in Him.
May our loving Lord Draw us ever nearer to Him as we pray His Word.
In Jesus‘ precious name, Amen.

The Bible is organised by genres:
Laws, History, Poetry and Prophets…
Before we continue into Prophets,
we’ll have the third gospel interlude.
But here’s the listing of the Key Thots from Poetry over the last nine weeks.
Jun 12: Prayer for Fair Trial (Job 23)
Jun 19: The Lord Delivers (Ps 18)
Jun 26: The Lord My Shepherd (Ps23)
Jul 3: Wait Upon the Lord (Ps 37)
Jul 10: Thirst for the Lord (Ps 42)
Jul 17: Walk With the Lord (Ps 86)
Jul 24: The Lord For His People(Ps118)
Jul 31: God Cares for His Pple (Ps 139)
Aug 7: Trust In the Lord (Prov 3)
To access, Navigation as follows:-
=> Click
=> Scroll down to Calendar
=> Select Jun-Aug 2022 & Click Day

Thought for the Week: Proverb 3

Trust In the Lord & Fear Him

The author of Proverbs clearly
states the purpose of the book:
To know wisdom and instructions
(Prov 1:2-5). God wants His people
to be wise and skilful in making
moral and ethical choices. And
the first nine chapters of Proverbs
take the form of a fatherly address
to a young son – a divine primer
for learning the fear of the Lord.

Lord, You Direct as we Trust You:
TRUST in the Lord with all your
heart and lean not on your own
understanding; in all your ways
acknowledge Him, and He shall
Direct Your Paths (Prov 3:5-6).
Do not be wise in your own eyes;
Fear the Lord & depart from evil.
It will be health to your flesh,
and Strength to your bones (v7-8)
Honour the Lord with your wealth,
with the firstfruits of all your crops;
then your barns Will Be Filled
to overflowing (v9-10). Amen.

Lord, help me to Trust You and
Your ways with all my heart.
Guard me from depending on my
limited understanding of things.
Help me instead to rely totally on
You and help me to acknowledge
You Lord in every area of my life.
Thank You for promising that You
will direct my paths as I depend
on Your higher understanding and
seek Your will in all that I do. Amen.

Lord, Thank You for the word of
warning that whenever I’m feeling
afraid or discouraged, these
may be symptoms that there
are places in my life where I am
depending on my own strength.
Right now I purpose to trust You
more and choose to lean on You.
And I choose to lean my weakness
on Your Strength each day. Amen.

Lord, Thank You for pledging to
meet the needs of Your children.
Keep us from being stingy with
our time, talents or treasure.
Deepen our conviction Lord that
we can give ourselves freely;
for You our Jehovah Jireh
will Be Faithful To Provide all
that we need out of Your glorious
riches in Christ Jesus. Amen.

Reflection on Proverbs (Aug 7)

Seeking God thru Biblical Prayers

The purpose of Proverbs is to
teach people how to attain wisdom,
discipline and a prudent life. It also
applies divine wisdom to daily life
and to provide moral instructions.
This week’s proverbs urge us
to seek, fear and trust the Lord.
On Monday, we learn from Prov 1/2
to Seek the Lord and Fear Him.
On Tues, we learn from Prov 3
to Trust in the Lord and Fear Him.
On Wed, we learn from Prov 8
to Seek & Wait Upon the Lord.
On Thursday, we learn from Pr15
to Humble Before the Lord.
On Friday, we learn from Pr 16
to Follow the Lord’s Direction.
On Sat, we learn from Prov 23
to Fear the Lord & Hope in Him.
Let us humble ourselves and pray
and seek His face… In Jesus’ name.