Seeking God In Luke 13 (Aug 18)

Be Responsive to Christ’s Patience

With His gaze fixed in Jerusalem
and the consummation of His
earthly ministry, Jesus intensifies
His final training of the disciples.
Stewardship is The Central theme,
for the disciples will soon be
entrusted with the message
of the gospel. Jesus outlines the
duties of a servant & underscores
the importance of prayer.

Lord, we will Seek Things Eternal:
A man had a fig tree planted in his
vineyard & he went to look for fruit
on it, but did not find any. So he
said to the (carer) of the vineyard.
For three years now I’ve been coming
to look for fruit on this fig tree and
haven’t found any. Cut it down!
Sir, the man replied, leave it alone
for one more year and I’ll… fertilise it.
If it bears fruit next year, fine !
If not, then cut it down (Lk 13:6-9).
The Kingdom of God is like the yeast
a woman used in making bread. Even
though she put only a little yeast in
three measures of flour, it permeated every part of the dough (v20-21).
Work hard to enter the narrow door
to God’s Kingdom, for many will
try to enter but will fail. When the
master of the house has locked
the door, it will be too late (v24-25)

Lord, You are holy and yet
You are also compassionate
and patience at the same time.
We realise judgement day is coming
but it is being graciously held back
for a time to allow repentance.
Lead us Lord to make full use of
the current time of grace to share the
Good News before the door is shut.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Lord, in Your Kingdom, the process
is as important as finished product.
And the Spirit brings beauty out
of ugliness for He is not just author
of life but also transformer of life.
Teach us Lord Patience as we look
for evidence of Your Kingdom’s
power in the situations of our life.
Train us to live by what we know
rather than by what we see; and let
Your Kingdom work in our lives. Amen

Lord, You don’t care about a
person’s achievements; but
rather You care about person’s
commitment to Christ.
And many people You consider great
may get little worldly recognition.
Help us not waste time to impress
the world; but rather seek praise
from You God alone; for truly Your
approval counts for eternity. Amen.