Seeking God In Luke 9 (Aug 13)

Hear the Lord’s Voice & Follow Him

Preaching, healing and disciplining
that summarises the daily activities
of the Son of Man. Luke records
the healings with careful attention.
And those documented miracles
become proof of Jesus’ claim to
a faithless & perverse generation.
As he preaches and heals, Jesus
patiently prepares His disciples
to carry on in His absence. The
cost is steep, but the goal of saving
lives eternally makes it worthwhile.

Lord, we’ll Hear & Follow You:
Then Jesus said to them: If anyone
desires to come after me, let him
deny himself, and take up his
cross daily and follow me. For
whoever desires to save his life
will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will save it (Lk 9:23-24)
As He prayed, the appearance of
His face was altered and his robe
became white and glistening…
And a voice came out of the
cloud saying: This is My beloved
Son. Hear Him (v29-35).
Then Jesus said to another:
Follow me… But he said: Lord,
I will follow You, but let me first 
go and bid farewell who are at
my house. But Jesus said to him:
No one having put his hand to
the plow, and looking back is fit
for the kingdom of God (v59-62).

Lord, we realise to follow You,
we must submit our wants and
desires to Yours. We must stop
serving ourselves & start serving U.
Lord, the call to total commitment
and priority may be challenging.
But we know You will accompany
the call with divine confirmation
so that we’ll have the necessary
faith to act upon it. Amen.

Lord, we will join You in ministry
to further the kingdom of God.
Help us to befriend sinners and
give us heart of compassion
for those hurting and in need.
Help us readily receive Your Word,
apply it and be obedient to You.
Strengthen our trust in You for
everything is possible if we believe.
As we offer ourselves to be used
by You, multiply the resources
for Your purposes. In Jesus’ name.

Lord, forgive me when I have put
my own priorities in front of Yours.
I may have treated You more like
a servant or an equal rather than
my Master and Sovereign King.
Enable me Lord to answer Your
divine call and make no excuses.
And though my track record of
doing that maybe rather spotty,
I ask for Your help & strength to be
a disciple You can count on. Amen.