Seeking God In Prov 23 (Aug 6)

Fear of the Lord & Hope In the Lord 

The final 11 chapters of Proverbs
contains sound counsel for those
in positions of authority. And Prov
22-24 contain wise counsel for
anyone in position of responsibility
including parents and pastors.
Leaders need to know God’s
precepts if they are to direct
their charges into God-honouring
paths of conduct and character.

Lord, You promise Wonderful Future:
Do not let your heart envy sinners
but always be zealous for the fear
of the Lord. There is surely a future
hope for you, and your hope will
not be cut off (Proverbs 23:17-18).
Be Wise and guide your heart in
the Way… Buy the truth and do not
sell it; get wisdom, discipline and
understanding (v19 & 23). Amen.

Lord, grant me Your revelation
and flood my heart with Your light
that I need. Help me to see not
just my present trouble but the
future You have planned for me.
Your Word assures me that
those who Hope in the Lord
will have a wonderful future.
Grant me Lord the faith to cling to
Your promise; and in Your mercy
let it come to fruition. Amen.

Lord,thank You that You’ve planned
a future and a hope for my life.
Because of Your power and Your
faithfulness, I know that nothing
in my life is outside Your control.
Let my hope be firmly grounded
in Your unchanging character.
Draw me to seek You earnestly;
and lead me to submit to Your
Way and will for my future. Amen.

Lord, I pray that You grant me
wisdom so that I will have a life
of peace, blessing and happiness.
Give me also wisdom that brings
guidance, protection & confidence.
I pray to have the wisdom that
saves me from evil and enables
me to make the right decisions.
Along with that, help me to live
with understanding and discipline
which bring glory to You. Amen.