Seeking God In Isaiah 7 (Aug 31)

Immanuel God With Us

Isaiah’s national call for repentance
is so urgent that even his personal
call and commission to prophetic
office must wait until chapter 6.
The task set before Isaiah is an
unenviable one, for God promises
from the start that the people will
be spiritually deaf & nearsighted.
But armed with confidence in his
Immanuel, Isaiah begins to declare
harsh words from on high in the
courts and palaces of Judah.

All Praise be to Immanuel:
The Lord spoke again to Ahaz
saying: Ask a sign for yourself
from the Lord your God…
Then Isaiah said: Hear now, you
house of David! Is it not enough
to try the patience of men?
Will you try the patience of my
God also? Therefore the Lord
Himself will give you a sign:
Behold, a virgin will be with child
and bear a son, and she will call
his name Immanuel (Isa 7:10-14)

Lord Immanuel, God with us.
The most perfect being – the Creator
of all things, chose to dwell among us.
Lord, You are fully God but also
fully man & You took on the sin of
all humanity to offer us salvation.
You Lord are the King of kings,
in a manger – the humble King,
who came to reveal the heart and
character of Father to us. Amen.

Lord Immanuel, we focus much
You during Christmas and give
Youbthe honour rightly due to You.
But often throughout the rest of
the year, we forget the significance
of Your name – God with us!
Forgive us for being so easily
distracted that we fail to give You
the honour due You each day.
Forgive us for looking elsewhere
for that which only You can supply:
meaning and purpose of life. Amen.

Lord ,strengthen Your followers
to live lives that reflect Your glory
& point people to U as God with us.
May Your name spread in such
a way as to draw people to You.
May we experience You more
fully and intimately each day.
May You not be to us a distant God,
but truly know You as God with us.
And May I know You as Immanuel,
God with me. In Jesus’ name. Amen

Seeking God In Isaiah 6 (Aug 30)

God Reveals & Calls You

Wickedness has permeated
every fiber of Judah – a condition
which God finds intolerable.
Isaiah’s national call for repentance
is so urgent that even his Call
to the prophetic office must wait.
The task before Isaiah is unenviable,
for God said the people will be
spiritually deaf and nearsighted.
Having encountered God, Isaiah
begins to declare harsh words with
confidence in the courts of Judah.

Lord, You are Holy & In Control:
I saw the Lord Sitting on a Throne,
high and lifted up… Above it stood
seraphim… And one cried to
another and said: Holy, holy, holy
is the Lord of hosts; The whole
earth is full of His glory! (Isa 6:1-3).
Woe to me, I cried: For I am a man
of unclean lips, and my eyes have
seen the King, the Lord Almighty.
Then one seraphim flew to me,
having in his hand a live coal from
the altar. And he touched my mouth
and said: Your iniquity is Taken
Away and your sin purged (v5-6).
I heard the Lord asking: Whom
should I send as a messenger to
this people? Who will go for us?
Then I said: Here am I. Send me (v8-9)

Lord, all praise and honour to You
for Sitting on the Throne & by faith
I proclaim that You reign over all.
You are In Control and everyone
and everything is subject to You.
When my faith is weak & I despair
because of challenges, remind me
Lord that You are still in charge.
Give me a vision of Your kingship
over the whole world and over all my circumstances. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Lord, whenever I sense Your
holy presence, I am greatly
aware of my own unworthiness.
That makes me More Grateful for
how much You had sacrificed for me.
Touch and purify me and help me
to separate from all that is unholy.
And I can come before Your holy
throne with confidence to find Your
grace & mercy in time of need. Amen.

Lord, You are glorious & magnificent;
& do share Your presence with me.
Reveal more of Yourself to me; and
let Your words be abundantly clear.
Open my ears Lord to hear of what
You have for me; to be and to do.
Help me to have a tender heart
to respond positively to Your plan;
so that I will say: Here Am I Lord
and then do the good works that
You have prepared for me. Amen.

Seeking God In Isaiah 1 (Aug 29)

Grateful & Repent to Gracious God

A crisis exists in the nation of Judah.
Wickedness has permeated every
fiber of the social, political and
spiritual life of the country – a
condition that God finds intolerable.
Divine indictment falls from the
lips of His prophet Isaiah. Unless
Repentance sweeps the nation,
God will reduce His people to ruin.
Famine and pestilence will replace
feasting and pleasure to show that
the Holy One still rules in Zion.

Lord, Grateful You Make Us Clean:
Even though you make
many prayers, I will not hear,
your hands are full of blood.
Wash yourselves, make yourselves
clean… Cease to do evil,
learn to do good; Seek justice,
Rebuke the oppressors…
Plead for the widow (Isa 1:15-17).
Come now, and let us reason
together, says the Lord,
Though your sins are like scarlet,
they shall be as white as snow;
Though they are red like crimson,
they shall be as wool (Isaiah 1:18).
If you are willing and obedient,
you shall eat the good of the land;
But if you refuse & rebel, you shall
be devoured by the sword (v19-20).

Lord, what an amazing promise
that You are willing to cleanse
any and every kind of sin. No act is
too awful, too big, too outrageous.
Even that sin, that unspeakable
thought, motive & act is forgiveable.
What an incredible Saviour You are!
Thank You for dealing fully and
finally with our sins. Thank You for
forgiveness in Christ’s name, Amen.

Lord, we’re grateful for your Grace.
Nothing stains quite as sin, for
it not only leaves a stain in our
heart but a residue in our minds.
By Your grace You don’t just forgive
our sins, You banish them; the stain
is removed & the guilt taken away.
We are fully clean by Your grace.
O what joy Your grace gives us
merciful God! We can never really
thank & praise You enough. Amen.

Father, grateful that You do not
see my sins, rather You see me
righteous because of the work of
Your precious son, Jesus Christ.
Thanks for Your loving kindness
that I can eat the good of the land
and I appreciate Your love & mercy.
Help me follow the Holy Spirit
so that I will remain obedient.
Help me have deep gratitude to
You for Jesus Paid It All. Amen.

Thought for the Week: Luke 18

Press On with Childlike Faith

With His gaze fixed in Jerusalem
and the consummation of his
earthly ministry, Jesus intensifies
His final training of the disciples.
Stewardship is The Central theme,
for the disciples will soon be
entrusted with the message
of the gospel. Jesus outlines the
duties of a servant & underscores
the importance of prayer.

Lord, gear us with Child-like Faith:
One day Jesus told his disciples
a story to show that they should
always pray and never give up…
There was a widow; and she came
to the judge, saying: Get justice for
me from my adversary… And shall
God not avenge His own elect who
cry out day & night to Him (L18:1-7)
Jesus called for the children & said
to the disciples: Let the children
come to me. Don’t stop them!
For the Kingdom of God belongs
to such as these. I assure you,
anyone who doesn’t have their
kind of faith will never get into the
kingdom of God (Luke 18:16-17).
A blind beggar… asked what was
happening. They told him that
Jesus the Nazarene was going by.
So he began shouting: Jesus, Son
of David have mercy on me (35-38)

Lord, sometimes in prayer, we may
feel like the widow, being ignored.
Help us Lord to be like the widow
to keep knocking on You in spite
of how discouraged we may feel.
For prayer is not overcoming God’s
reluctance but laying hold of His will.
And we will find our Father has
indeed heard; for Lord You are
our hope and our salvation. Amen.

Lord, sometimes we can take
our faith in You for granted.
Restore to me my first love for You
Lord and the Child-like faith in You.
I want to embrace the simplicity of
the Father’s love; and there are new
depths that You wish to show me.
I ask You Lord to take my faith to
the next level; and then help me
to share it with others. Amen.

Lord, grateful that You are our
Healer; and that You are not only
able but also willing to touch the
smallest to greatest of our needs.
We realise Lord one fundamental
question on prayer is that we
give Jesus access to our needs.
Help us emulate the blind beggar
who cry out to You in simple faith.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Reflection on Luke 17-24 (Aug 28)

Seeking God thru Biblical Prayers

The purpose of the gospel of Luke
is to present an accurate account of
the life of Christ and to present Him
as the perfect human and Saviour.
On Monday, we learn from Luke 17
on Prayer of Faith and Gratitude.
On Tuesday, we learn from Lk 18
to Press On with Childlike Faith.
On Wednesday, we learn from Lk 19
to Emulate Christ to Seek the Lost.
On Thursday, we learn from Luke 22
to Emulate Christ’s Care & Intercesn.
On Friday, we learn from Luke 23
that Christ Models Forgiveness.
On Saturday, we learn from Luke 24
on Receiving Revelation & Power.
Let us humble ourselves and pray
and seek His face. Help us O Lord
to be disciples who are full of faith,
persistent, caring, seeking the lost,
forgiving and receptive to Holy Spirit.
In Jesus’ precious name we pray.

Seeking God In Luke 24 (Aug 27)

Receiving Revelation & Power

With attention to details, Luke
provides a full account of the
arrest, trial and crucifixion of
the Son of Man. He describes the
plot of Judas, the warm fellowship
of the Last Supper, the mental
anguish at Gethsemane, the tragic
denial by Peter, the miscarriage
of justice at the trials & the brutal
agony of the Roman execution.
But the dark days in Jerusalem
give way to the brilliant dawning
of that first Easter morning when
angels announce: He’s risen.

Lord, Fill us with Your Power:
Two of them were travelling to a
village called Emmaus… And they
talked of all which had happened.
While they conversed, Jesus drew
near and went with them. But their
eyes were restrained, so that they
did not know Him (Lk 24:13-16).
Then Jesus said to them; O foolish
ones and slow of heart to believe
in all that the prophets have spoken…
Jesus took them through the
writings of Moses and all the prophets,
explaining from all the Scriptures
the things concerning Himself (v25-27)
Then Jesus said to them: It was
necessary for the Christ to suffer
and to rise from the dead and that
repentance and remission of sins
be preached in His name to all
nations… And you are witnesses
of these things…. But stay here
in the city until the Holy Spirit fills
you with power (Lk 24:46-49).

Lord, heighten my senses to hear deeper truths and see bigger visions.
May Your Spirit explain the Scriptures
to me personally and specifically
to the situation in my life. And also
provide me Lord a word in season
to those I am ministering that will
lift their spirit or challenge them
to walk closely with You. Amen.

Father, our inability to enjoy the presence of Christ sometimes stem
from disbelief of the Scriptures.
And we worry about life’s problems
despite God’s promises to provide
for our needs. But thanks be to
Christ Jesus that He had defeated
sin and death; and He is with us
through the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Lord Jesus, thanks for the promises
in Your Word of empowerment of
the Holy Spirit of sharing the gospel
and be Your effective witness.
Holy Spirit thank You for dwelling within me & filling me with Your power.
Let my prayers be pleasing to You
O Lord as Your Spirit leads me
praying in the light of Your promises.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Seeking God In Luke 23 (Aug 26)

Christ Models Forgiveness

With attention to details, Luke
provides a full account of the
arrest, trial and crucifixion of
the Son of Man. He describes the
plot of Judas, the warm fellowship
of the Last Supper, the mental
anguish at Gethsemane, the tragic
denial by Peter, the miscarriage
of justice at the trials & the brutal
agony of the Roman execution.
But the dark days in Jerusalem
give way to the brilliant dawning
of that first Easter morning when
angels announce: He’s risen.

Lord, help us to Forgive others:
There were also two others,
criminals, led with him to be put
to death. And when they had
come to the place called Calvary,
there they crucified Him, and
the criminals, one on the right
hand and the other on the left.
Then Jesus said: Father,
forgive them for they do not
know what they are doing. And
the soldiers divided his clothes
by casting lots (Luke 23:32-34).
The leaders scoffed: He saved
others, let him save himself…
The soldiers mocked him too…
If You are the King of the Jews,
save yourself (Luke 23:36-37).

Lord, I pray You will help me
to forgive others the way You do;
noting that You willingly forgave
even those who are unforgivable.
For I can’t forgive the unthinkable
without You enabling me to do so.
Help me Lord to take my focus
off whether people deserve to be
forgiven or not and instead focus
on becoming more like You. Amen.

Lord Jesus, when You were led out
to be executed, after being beaten,
ridiculed and spit upon, You said:
Father forgive them. Lord, if You
can forgive those kinds of things
and You were totally innocent,
I can forgive the things done to me.
For the people who hurt me haven’t always known what they were doing or what repercussions their actions have.
Lord, help me to forgive. Amen.

Lord, we realise sometimes
Your plan for us doesn’t bring
instant victory or reward. And suffering, setbacks and trials
may even follow right choices.
Why these things happen we may
not know; but we can be sure
that all things will work for good to
those who love God and are called
according to His purpose. Amen.

Seeking God In Luke 22 (Aug 25)

Emulate Christ’s Care & Intercession

Backgrounder to Luke 22-24:
Luke provides a full account of
the arrest, trial and crucifixion of
the Son of Man. He describes the
plot of Judas, the warm fellowship
of the Last Supper, the mental
anguish at Gethsemane, the tragic
denial by Peter, the miscarriage
of justice at the trials & the brutal
agony of the Roman execution.
But the dark days give way to
the first Easter morning when
angels announce: He’s risen.

Lord, we will be In Your Presence:
Then Jesus & the 12 apostles sat
together at the table. Jesus said:
I have looked forward to this hour
with Deep Longing, anxious to eat
this Passover Meal With You before
my suffering begins (Lk 22:14-15)
And the Lord said: Simon Simon!
Satan has asked for you,
that he may sift you as wheat.
But I have prayed that
your Faith May Not Fail. (v31-32).
(Jesus prayed): Father if you are
willing, please take this cup of
suffering away from me. Yet I
Want Your Will, not mine. (v41-42)

Lord Jesus, You’ve done so much
for us; yet sometimes we think
we have nothing to offer You.
The thought that You Long for my
friendship is quite overwhelming
and You have given me so much.
Grateful that You want to be with me;
and I also love to be in Your presence.
Draw me Lord to devote a portion of
each day to commune with You. Amen.

Lord Jesus, I pray my Faith Will
Not Fail when I am put to the test.
Help me Lord to resist doubt
and fear so that my foundation
will be built solidly in Christ
and therefore will not crumble.
Enable me to be a person who
can strengthen the faith of others
because my Faith In You is so strong.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Lord Jesus, thanks for following the
Father’s wish that nite at Gethsemane.
Sometimes we need to be
reminded that we share in Your suffering
just as we like to share in Your joy.
Realise Lord the road You choose
for me will not always be easy.
Help me remember that to love You
is to obey You; and help me Choose
the Father’s Will in my life. Amen.

Seeking God In Luke 19 (Aug 24)

Emulate Christ to Seek the Lost

It is now in the final week of Jesus’
earthly life. In the city of Jerusalem,
there’s excitement of the feast days
– some preparing to welcome a King,
while others preparing for execution.
Jesus draws battle lines by driving
the money-changers fr the temple.
From then on, the religious leaders
double their efforts to trap Him.
Though His hour of anguish draws
near, Jesus continues the activities
that have characterised His ministry:
teaching, healing and affirming.

Lord, we will also Seek the Lost:
Then Zacchaeus said to the Lord:
Look, I give half of my goods to
the poor; and if I’ve taken anything
from anyone by false accusation,
I restore fourfold. Jesus responded:
Salvation has come to this home…
And I the Son of Man, have come
to seek and save those like him
who are lost (Luke 19:8-10).
The multitude of disciples began
to rejoice and praise God: Blessed
is the King who comes in the name
of the Lord! Some Pharisees…
said: Teacher, rebuke Your followers
for saying things like that! (Jesus)
replied:If they kept quiet,the stones
would burst into cheers (v39-40).
Jesus entered the Temple & began
to drive out the people selling
animals for sacrifices. He said:
The Scripture declare: My Temple
will be a house of prayer (v45-46).

Lord, You reached out to Zacchaeus
even when others despised him.
Thank You Lord for seeking and
saving all those who are lost.
Open our eyes to the despised that
we might see them and reach out.
Help us to look beneath the surface
to the person created in Your image.
Help us have burden for the lost &
befriend those seeking You. Amen

Lord, thank You for tender mercies
and great sacrificial love for us.
Grateful for the Holy Spirit and
Your Word that teaches & guides us.
We just cannot be quiet and keep
our love for You hidden within us.
Just as Your disciples called out
Your name, we will praise You for
we serve an amazing and wonderful
Lord and Saviour. Amen and amen.

Lord, You want Your church to be
a people of prayer; and not just
supplication, but also adoration,
confession and thanksgiving.
Forgive us Lord for being distracted
and neglecting prayer in both
our personal and community life.
Restore us to spiritual awakening
and grant us the heart of prayer.
In Christ’s name for His glory. Amen.

Seeking God In Luke 18 (Aug 23)

Press On with Childlike Faith

With His gaze fixed in Jerusalem
and the consummation of his
earthly ministry, Jesus intensifies
His final training of the disciples.
Stewardship is The Central theme,
for the disciples will soon be
entrusted with the message
of the gospel. Jesus outlines the
duties of a servant & underscores
the importance of prayer.

Lord, gear us with Child-like Faith:
One day Jesus told his disciples
a story to show that they should
always pray and never give up…
There was a widow; and she came
to the judge, saying: Get justice for
me from my adversary… And shall
God not avenge His own elect who
cry out day & night to Him (L18:1-7)
Jesus called for the children & said
to the disciples: Let the children
come to me. Don’t stop them!
For the Kingdom of God belongs
to such as these. I assure you,
anyone who doesn’t have their
kind of faith will never get into the
kingdom of God (Luke 18:16-17).
A blind beggar… asked what was
happening. They told him that
Jesus the Nazarene was going by.
So he began shouting: Jesus, Son
of David have mercy on me (35-38)

Lord, sometimes in prayer, we may
feel like the widow, being ignored.
Help us Lord to be like the widow
to keep knocking on You in spite
of how discouraged we may feel.
For prayer is not overcoming God’s
reluctance but laying hold of His will.
And we will find our Father has
indeed heard; for Lord You are
our hope and our salvation. Amen.

Lord, sometimes we can take
our faith in You for granted.
Restore to me my first love for You
Lord and the Child-like faith in You.
I want to embrace the simplicity of
the Father’s love; and there are new
depths that You wish to show me.
I ask You Lord to take my faith to
the next level; and then help me
to share it with others. Amen.

Lord, grateful that You are our
Healer; and that You are not only
able but also willing to touch the
smallest to greatest of our needs.
We realise Lord one fundamental
question on prayer is that we
give Jesus access to our needs.
Help us emulate the blind beggar
who cry out to You in simple faith.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.