Reflection on Psalm Book 5 (July 31)

Seeking God thru Biblical Prayers

Psalms Book 5 praises God’s works,
recount the blessings of righteous
living, thank God for diverance and
praise God for His wonderful Word.
This week psalms show God’s loving
care for His people and our response
will be to obey, thank and praise Him.
On Monday, we learn from Ps 126
that God Will Restore His People.
On Tues, we learn from Ps 127
that God Gives Rest to His People.
On Wed, we learn from Psalm 136
that God Loves His People enduringly.
On Thursday, we learn from Ps 139
that God Cares For His People.
On Friday, we learn from Psa 140,
that God Delivers His People.
On Sat, we learn from Psa 145
that God Saves His People.
Let us humble ourselves and pray
and seek His face… In Jesus’ name.