Seeking God In Psalm 30 (Jun 25)

Wait Upon the LORD for Help

Backgrounder: The first book
(Psalm 1-41) is similar to Genesis.
Just as Genesis tells how man was
created, fell into sin and promised
redemption, many of the psalms
in book 1 (P1-41) discuss man as
blessed, fallen & redeemed by God.
And as David penned Psa 25-30,
he thought of the multi-faceted
character of the God he served.
The Lord is good & upright (25:8)
my light (27:1), my strength(28:7)
King forever (29:10) & God (30:2).

Lord, we cry out to You for Help:
O Lord my God, I cried out to You
for help, and You restored my health.
You brought me up from the grave
O Lord. You kept me from falling
into the pit of death (Psalm 30:1-2).
Sing the praises of the Lord,
you His faithful people; praise
His holy name. For His anger
lasts only a moment but His favour
lasts a lifetime; weeping may
stay for the night, but rejoicing
comes in the morning (v4-5).
Hear O Lord, and be merciful to me;
O Lord, be my helper.
You turn my mourning into dancing;
You remove my sackcloth
and clothe me with gladness,
that my heart may sing praise
to You and not be silent.
O Lord my God, I will give thanks
to You forever (v10-12). Amen.

Heavenly Father, forgive me for
looking for help in all the wrong places.
Thank You for Your constant love
and Your desire to be my help.
And thank You for extending
Your help to me whenever I need.
Only Your love will not fail.
Only You can satisfy.
Only You can give hope that
does not disappoint us. Amen.

Sovereign Lord, You are holy
and completely worthy of praise.
I want to worship You at all times,
when life is good and when it is
difficult. For I know that hard and
trying times are just temporary;
and Your favour is surely with me.
Though I may weep and mourn now,
I want to believe that You’re in control;
and that I will soon be rejoicing. Amen

Lord, whatsoever these days
may bring, let Your name be praised.
Be gracious to me Lord and help me.
Grant me the needed strength
to bear whatsoever You Lord may
send, and let not fear overrule me.
For I trust Your grace and commit
my life wholly into Your hands.
Lord, I wait for Your help & salvation;
and in Your loving kindness turn
my mourning into dancing. Amen.