Reflectn on OT Historical Books

Seeking God thru Biblical Prayers

Over the last five months, we’ve been
Seeking God thru Biblical prayers.
Meditating on the prayers of scripture
helps us understand and emulate
how Biblical giants talked with God.
Praying Biblical prayers helps
us Praise Him more and reach
new depths of Thankfulness.
The Bible’s prayers also teach
us how to Intercede for others,
be Honest about our sins and
Commit more of ourselves to God.
They also show us how to Wrestle
with doubts & questions with God.

Friends, when we pray the
prayers of the Bible, we learn
Healthy Patterns in prayers,
instructed in righteousness,
equipped for every good work,
Drawn Closer to God and
receive help to Delight in Him.
May our loving Lord Draw you
ever nearer as you pray His Word.
In Jesus‘ precious name, Amen.

The Bible is organised by genres:
Laws, History, Poetry and Prophets…
Before we continue from Hist to Poetry
we’ll have 2nd of 3 gospel interludes.
But here’s the listing of Thought for
the Week over the last 11 weeks:
Mar13: Prayer for Miracle (Josh 10)
Mar20: Obey God’s Direction(Jdgs1/2)
Mar27:Prayer as Intercession(1Sam12)
Apr3: Prayer for Heart for G (1Sam13)
Apr10: Prayer for Forgiveness (2S12)
Apr17: Prayer for Wisdom (1Kgs 3)
Apr24: Prayer for Divine Vision (2Kg6)
May1: Inquire of the Lord (1Chr 14)
May8: Be Committed to Lord (2Chr15)
May15: Waiting Upon the Lord (Est6/7)
May22: Being Stirred by Spirit (Neh 1)
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Thought for the Week: Neh 1

Being Stirred by the Spirit

In ancient times, a city was only
as secure as its walls. In the case
of Jerusalem, the temple stands
in glistening splendour but the
walls lie in ruin. Enter Nehemiah,
cupbearer to the king of Persia
and God’s choice to rebuild the
city defenses. Armed with a burden
and a blueprint, Nehemiah shares
his request with the king & receives
even more than he asked for!

Lord, we are Open to Your Spirit:
I asked about the Jews who had
returned from captivity and about
how things were in Jerusalem.
They said: Things are not well.
They’re in great trouble & disgrace.
The walls of Jerusalem has been
torn down and the gates have been
destroyed by fire. When I heard
this, I sat down and wept. In fact
for days I mourned, fasted & prayed
I said: O Lord… Look down and
see me praying night and day
for Your people (Nehemiah 1:1-6).

Lord, like Nehemiah, who believed
in God’s plan for Jerusalem yet
heard the city still lay in ruins, we’re 
distraught for God-given dreams
had been reduced to rubble.
But learning from Nehemiah, we
don’t have to understand what
You are doing in order to trust You.
And we don’t have to hear details
to know we have heard You. Amen.

Lord, we realise that when we
or our loved ones are in trouble,
we tend to fill prayers with plans
that we want You to put into action.
Learning from Nehemiah, we claim
upon Your promises, imploring
You to do what You have pledged
to do in caring for Your very own.
And thank You that the basis for
deliverance is purely Your grace
and undeserved favour. Amen.

Lord, sometimes my heart is
gripped by the things that grip
Your heart for Your purposes.
Make me Lord to be sensitive
to the Stirring of Your Spirit and
the sound of Your voice. And
when I have sought Your Will
and direction, make me joyfully
eager to participate in Your plan.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Reflectn on Nehemiah (May 22)

Seeking God thru Biblical Prayers

Nehemiah is the last OT historical
books. It records the history of the
3rd return to Jerusalem after captivity, telling how the walls were rebuilt and the people were renewed in their faith.
This week we see the significance
of Seeking God & Doing His Work.
On Monday, we learn from Neh 1
on Being Stirred by the Spirit.
On Tues, we learn from Neh 2 on Discerning God’s Word in the Heart.
On Wed, we learn from Neh 4 on Rallying & Supporting One Another.
On Thursday, we learn from Neh 6/7
on Completing the Assignment.
On Friday, we learn from Neh 8-10
on Strength & Grace for Holy Living.
On Saturday, we learn from Neh 13
on Defending Purity in the Lord.
Let us humble ourselves and pray
and seek His face…In Jesus’ name.

Seeking God In Nehemiah 13

Defend Purity in the Lord (May 21)

With the walls in place and the
spiritual condition of the nation
revived, Nehemiah now sets about
the task of organising the populace.
One-tenth of the people are chosen
to relocate within the city walls
while the rest remains in suburbs.
The walls are dedicated and temple
officers commissioned to oversee
the function of national worship.
Nehemiah then returns from Babylon
to find the people disregarding God’s
laws regarding marriage and Sabbath.
Assuming again the role of reformer,
Nehemiah labors to restore natl purity.

Lord, we’ll be Distinctly Your People:
I was not in Jerusalem at that time,
for I had returned to King Artaxerxesɉ۬When I arrived in Jerusalem, I learnt
about Eliashib’s evil deed in providing
Tobiah a room in the courtyards of the
Temple of God. I became very upset
and threw all of Tobiah’s belongings
out of the room (Nehemiah 13:6-8)
I gave orders to purify the rooms, and
put back the equipment of the house
of God, with the offerings and incense.
I also learned the portions assigned
to the Levites had not been given to
them, and all the Levites… had gone
back to their fields. So I asked… Why
is the house of God neglected? Then
I stationed them at their posts (v9-11).
Remember me, O my God… and
do not wipe out good deeds that
I have done for the house of Godɉ۬I saw men of Judah treading out their
wine press on the Sabbath. They were
also bringing… all sorts of produce
to Jerusalem to sell on the Sabbath…
So I confronted the nobles: Why are
you profaning the Sabbath? (v14-17).

Lord, You know our heart for our
children to walk in Your ways.
You have heard our prayers and
You have witnessed our work.
But our children are ultimately
Your children; and they need
much more than godly parents.
For they need You to keep them
from compromises. In Jesus’ name.

Lord, we note Nehemiah to do what
is right and holy, set apart for You.
All along Nehemiah was personally
seeking to please God and wants
to ensure God’s people remain
distinctive from their neighbours.
Help us Lord the desire to be holy
and to stand up for what us true
in Your eyes. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Lord, we learn that Nehemiah is
a faithful servant leader, leading the
Israelites in rebuilding the city walls
& establishes policies for its residents.
He also helps renew the covenant
& keeps Israelites on track with God.
Help us Lord learn from Nehemiah
what good leaders should do. 
Grant us the wisdom and strength
to do what You have told us to do.
Remember us O God for the good
we’ve done for Your house. Amen.

Seeking God In Neh 8-10 (May 20)

Strength & Grace for Holy Living

The first half of Nehemiah teaches
lessons about working for God; the
second emphasises worshipping Him.
Beginning with chapter 8 the account
centers on the spiritual rather than
physical well-being of the people.
The public reading and explanation
of God’s Word bring a sweeping
revival to the city. Rejoicing at the
sound of God’s precious laws as
preached by Ezra the priest, the
people respond with prayers of
confession, worship to God and
a fresh resolve to live godly lives
in keeping with their commitment.

Lord, we Seek Your Strength &
Your Mercy to follow after You:
Nehemiah who was the governor,
said: Do not mourn nor weep…
Don’t be dejected and sad, for the
Joy of the Lord is yr Strength… So
the pple went away to eat & drink &
to celebrate with great joy because
they had heard God’s words and
understood them (Neh 8:9-12).
Yet for many years U had patience
with them, & testified against them
by Your Spirit in Your prophets.
Yet they would not listen. Therefore
You gave them into the hand
of the peoples of the lands. But
in Your great mercy, You did not…
abandon them, for You’re a Gracious
and merciful God (Neh 9:30-31).
And all who had separated themselves
from the pagan people of the land in
order to serve God… now all heartily
bound themselves with an oathɉ۬They solemnly promised to carefully
follow all the commands, laws…
of the Lord their God (Neh 10:28-29).

Lord, we rejoice in the grace that
You have poured out in our lives.
Thank You that it is never too late
to come back to You in repentance.
The past can be difficult to let go
of, but with Your Joy helping us,
we can move forward into what
You have prepared for us. Amen.

Lord, thanks for Your great mercy
that You have never judged me
according to what I have deserved.
Thank You that Your grace toward
me that is beyond comprehension.
Thank You that You will never
forsake me; and Help me to never
forsake You in any way either.
Pray that my attitude will be right
before You, and that I will not take
Yr grace & mercy for granted. Amen

Lord, following the build the wall,
the work wasn’t complete until the
people rebuilt their lives spiritually.
Ezra instructed the people in God’s
Word. They listened, recognised
the sin in their lives, admitted it and
took steps to remove it. Admitting
sin is not enough; for God does
not want halfhearted measures. We
must remove sin from our lives and
move God into the center of our lives.
Lord, we Seek Your Strength & Grace;
and we Seek to Follow You. Amen.

Seeking God In Neh 6/7 (May 19)

Complete the Assignment

With progress continuing on the
rebuilding of the walls, Nehemiah’s
opponents shift their attacks from
direct confrontation to conspiracy.
Sanballat and Geshem repeatedly
try to sidetrack Nehemiah from his
God-given assignment. Even a false
prophet arises to lead Nehemiah
into a potentially fatal trap – only
to have his plan foiled by Nehemiah’s
keen discernment. In spite of deceit,
espionage & attempted assassinatn,
Nehemiah and his dedicated brick-
layers complete the city walls in under
two months – a feat even Israel’s
enemies perceive is “wrought of God.”
As governor, Nehemiah also organises
the leadership in the newly built city.

Lord, we’ll Complete Your Assignment:
     Then Sanballat sent his assistant…
(with) letter: It is reported… that you
and the Jews are plotting to revolt,
and therefore you are building the wall.
Moreover, according to these reports
you are about to become their king…
I sent him this reply: Nothing like what
you are saying is happening; you are
just making it up… They are all trying
to frighten us, thinking: Their hands
will get too weak for the work, and
it will not be completed (Neh 6:5-9)
After the wall had been rebuilt and
I had set the doors in place, the
gatekeepers & Levites were apptd.
I put in charge of Jerusalem my
                brother Hanani along with Hananiah
the commander of the citadel
                 because he was a man of integrity
and feared God more than most
men do… Also appoint residents
of Jerusalem as guards (Neh 7:1-3)

Nehemiah demonstrated excellent
leadership. He was spiritually ready
to heed God’s call. He also used
careful planning, courage and
     perseverance to get the work done.
For positive expectations are never
a substitute for doing difficult work.
Lord, we will Stand Firm to Do Right;
and we will Fulfil Your Assignment.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Lord, we pray that our church
leaders will be equally committed
to doing what is right in God’s eyes.
Grant us Lord grace to listen to Your
instructions and to carry them out.
Pray that whatever distractions
and challenges may come, we will
concentrate on the work God has
called us to do. And strengthen
Lord our hearts and hands. Amen.

Lord, we recognise that correctly
     assessing people’s gifts, reliability
& character is essential of leadership.
And that integrity and fear of
God are the key character traits.
For people of integrity can be trusted
to carry out their work; and God-
fearing people can be expected to
do so in line with God’s priorities.
Grant us Lord the passion to serve
and to complete all that God has
        entrusted to us. In Jesus’ name.

Seeking God In Neh 4 (May 18)

Rallying & Supporting One Another

Like the earlier reconstruction efforts
under Zerubbabel & Ezra, Nehemiah’s
rebuilding corps faces opposition
both from without and within.
As the walls rise, so does opposition
from leaders in surrounding provinces.
For each problem, Nehemiah seeks
and finds a God-honouring solution.
Ridicule is handled with prayer;
threats of violence are dealt with by
preparation; discouragement is met
with example of faith in God’s power.

Lord, we will Support One Another: 
When Sanballat heard we’re rebuilding
the wall, he ridiculed the Jews & said:
What are those feeble Jews doing?..
Hear us O our God.. Do not cover up
their guilt… for they have insulted the
builders. So we rebuilt the wall till all of
it reached half its height, for the pple
worked with all their heart (Neh 4:1-6).
The walls of Jerusalem…beginning
to be closed, that they became very
angry. And all of them conspired… to
attack Jerusalem & create confusion.
But we prayed…and posted a guard
day & night to meet this threat (v7-9)
When… we were aware of their plot…
from that day, half my men worked
while the other half were equipped
with spears, shields, bows & armour…
And each of the builders wore His
sword at his side as he worked…
Wherever you hear the sound
of the trumpet, rally to us there.
Our God will fight for us (v15-20).

Lord, we note after work began,
Nehemiah faced slander and threats
from enemies as well as conflict and
discouragement from his own workers.
Lord, we realise when doing Your
work that ridicule may follow as well.
Teach us what to do and give us
grace and power to fulfil the same.
May we never forget to pray for
more things are accomplished
by prayer than we realise. Amen.

Lord, help us to be watchful
in prayer so that we will always
be aware of what we are supposed
to be doing; and understand what
we are not supposed to be doing.
Help us to pray without ceasing
so that we can stand guard against
the plan of the enemy against us.
In Jesus’ mighty name, Amen.

Lord, learnt from Nehemiah that
teamwork was crucial to complete
the wall. So Nehemiah organised
the workers together to support
each other as a team; half the men
worked while the other stood guard.
For it is also reassuring to know that
warning will be issued when needed
and that ready help will be coming.
Spur us Lord to support one another
for in unity there is strength. Amen.

Seeking God In Nehemiah 2 (May 17)

Discern God’s Word In Your Heart

In ancient times, a city was only
as secure as its walls. In the case
of Jerusalem, the temple stands
in glistening splendour but the
walls lie in ruin. Enter Nehemiah,
cupbearer to the king of Persia
and God’s choice to rebuild the
city defenses. Armed with a burden
and a blueprint, Nehemiah shares
his request with the king and
receives more than he asked for!

Lord, we Open our Heart to You:
The king asked: How can I help u?
With A Prayer to God of heaven,
(Nehemiah) replied: If it please
your majesty… send me to Judah
to rebuild the city where my
ancestors are buried (Neh 2:4-5).
So I came to Jerusalem and was
there three days…. I told no one
what my God Had Put In My Heart
to do at Jerusalem… And I went
out by night… and viewed the walls
which were broken down and the
gates which were burned (v11-13).
Then I said to (the Jewish leaders):
Come let us build the wall of
Jerusalem… And I told them of
the hand of God… and also of
the king’s words… So they said:
Let us rise up and build (v17-18).

Lord, we note Nehemiah covered
the process of rebuilding Jerusalem;
praying for his people for four months;
and breathing a brief prayer to U God
before stating his request to the king.
As we Your people surrender to You; 
come into our lives w restoring power.
Hear our prayers as U did Nehemiah’s
and as You God prove Yourself mighty,
may You receive much glory. Amen.

Lord, help me sort out the burdens
in my heart whether they’re Yours;
and which one I should follow.
Lead me to fulfil the purposes
You have placed within my heart;
Clarify vision and secure my steps.
Lead me Lord through open doors
to accomplish Your Kingdom mission
wherever You lead & wherever I can.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Lord, we learn Nehemiah’s example
on how to respond to bad news.
Following initial grief, he prayed,
pouring his heart out to You God.
Then he gathered all the information
he needed to assess the situation.
Only after careful planning would
Nehemiah Share his mission to others.
Help us Lord to confront challenges
with Trust in God and constructive
action. In Jesus’ mighty name, Amen.

Seeking God In Nehemiah 1

Being Stirred by the Spirit (May 16)

In ancient times, a city was only
as secure as its walls. In the case
of Jerusalem, the temple stands
in glistening splendour but the
walls lie in ruin. Enter Nehemiah,
cupbearer to the king of Persia
and God’s choice to rebuild the
city defenses. Armed with a burden
and a blueprint, Nehemiah shares
his request with the king & receives
even more than he asked for!

Lord, we are Open to Your Spirit:
I asked about the Jews who had
returned from captivity and about
how things were in Jerusalem.
They said: Things are not well.
They’re in great trouble & disgrace.
The walls of Jerusalem has been
torn down and the gates have been
destroyed by fire. When I heard
this, I sat down and wept. In fact
for days I mourned, fasted & prayed
I said: O Lord… Look down and
see me praying night and day
for Your people (Nehemiah 1:1-6).

Lord, like Nehemiah, who believed
in God’s plan for Jerusalem yet
heard the city still lay in ruins, we’re 
distraught for God-given dreams
had been reduced to rubble.
But learning from Nehemiah, we
don’t have to understand what
You are doing in order to trust You.
And we don’t have to hear details
to know we have heard You. Amen.

Lord, we realise that when we
or our loved ones are in trouble,
we tend to fill prayers with plans
that we want You to put into action.
Learning from Nehemiah, we claim
upon Your promises, imploring
You to do what You have pledged
to do in caring for Your very own.
And thank You that the basis for
deliverance is purely Your grace
and undeserved favour. Amen.

Lord, sometimes my heart is
gripped by the things that grip
Your heart for Your purposes.
Make me Lord to be sensitive
to the Stirring of Your Spirit and
the sound of Your voice. And
when I have sought Your Will
and direction, make me joyfully
eager to participate in Your plan.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Thought for the Week: Esth 6/7

Waiting Upon the Lord

The king and Haman are invited to
yet another banquet. Esther’s wise
and timely delay allows the Divine
Director to stage Haman’s exit.
Meanwhile, King Ahasuerus has
trouble sleeping and tries to cure
his insomnia by reading the court
records. To his surprise he discovers
the unrewarded kindness of
Mordecai and orders Haman to lead
the procession in Mordecai’s honor.
Thoroughly humiliated, Haman
returns to Esther’s banquet, where
she reveals both her nationality
and his treachery. The king directs
his servants to hang Haman on the
very gallows prepared for Mordecai.

Lord, we Trust You are In Control:
That night the king could not sleep.
So the book of records… were read
before the king. It was found written
that Mordecai had exposed… two
of the king’s officers… who had
conspired to assassinate King Xerxes.
Then the king said: What recognition
has Mordecai received for this? And
the king’s servants… said: Nothing
has been done for him (Esth 6:1-3).
Lord, we will Wait for Your Timing:
The king and Haman went to Queen
Esther’s banquet. And while they were
drinking wine, the king again asked
her: Tell me what you want… I will
give you even if it’s half the kingdom.
And so Queen Esther replied:
My petition is that my life and the
lives of my people will be spared.
For my people and I have been
sold to those who would kill us.
Who would do such a thing?
King Xerxes demanded. Who would
dare to touch you? Esther replied:
He is wicked Haman (Est 7:1-6).

Lord, noted king Xerxes unable to
sleep and decided to review history
of his reign may seem coincidental;
but You God are always at work.
Trust events that come together
for good are not mere coincidence.
But they are the result of almighty
God’s sovereign control over the
course of our lives. In Jesus’ name.

Lord, when I’m anxious, help me
to remember that Your grace is
sufficient for me and Your power
is made perfect in my weakness.
Lord, when dealing with those in
authority, it is important to ensure
the timing is right before speaking.
So teach us Lord to listen to Your
voice and respond in obedience
on Your perfect timing. Amen.

Lord, because You are in control of
history, You are not frustrated by turn
of events and You’re able to deliver us.
Because we trust You God, we are
not to fear; but instead we are to
be confident that God is in control.
And we will purpose to act with
courage to follow God’s guidance;
knowing & trusting You’re In Control.
Lord, we’ll Wait for Your Timing; and
we’ll Seize the Opportunity. Amen.