Thought for the Week: 2 Sam 12

Prayer for Forgiveness

At a time when David should
have been on the field of battle,
he finds himself instead on the
roof of the palace. A casual glance,
a lustful thought, an inquiry and
the king of Israel set in motion
a chain of events that culminates
in adultery and murder. God then
Sends Nathan To David to uncover
the whole ugly scheme; and David
Repents & Receives Forgiveness.

Lord, we Seek Your Forgiveness:
The Lord sent Nathan to David…
David’s anger was greatly aroused…
and he said to Nathan: the man who
has done this shall surely die!…
Then Nathan said to David:
You are the man… Why have you
despised the commandment of
the Lord, to do evil in His sight…
So David said: I have sinned against
the Lord. And Nathan said to David:
The Lord also has Put Away your sin;
you shall not die (2Sam 12:1-13).
But because by this deed you have
made the enemies of the Lord show
utter contempt, the son born to you
shall surely die… David therefore
pleaded with God for the child, and
David fasted and… lay all night on the
ground… Then on the seventh day…
the child died… So David arose from
the ground, washed and anointed
himself, and changed his clothes;
and went into the house of the Lord
and worshiped. Then… he ate (v14-20)

Lord, grateful for Your tender
mercies and forgiving spirit that
was shown clearly when You put
away David’s sin & spare his life
despite serious transgressions
including adultery, false witness,
abusing of power and murder.
We purpose that when we fall
into sin, that we will not hide
but come to You in repentance
that we may receive mercy. Amen.

Gracious Lord, have mercy upon
me; blot out my transgressions;
and cleanse me from my sin. For
I acknowledge my transgressions
and my sin is always before me.
Against You have I sinned & done
this unrighteousness in Your sight.
Create in me a clean heart O God
& renew steadfast spirit within me.
And restore to me the joy of Your
salvation. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Lord, here is an instance where
You denied a prayer in wisdom.
David’s request for the child of
his shame was denied in mercy
and judgment, for the child would
have been a perpetual reminder
of his sin. When the child was dead,
David humbled himself under the
mighty hand of God, and rested
grateful with His grace for him.
And then another son came whose
birth was no taint of shame. Amen.

Reflection on 2 Samuel (April 10)

Seeking God thru Biblical Prayers

The purpose of 2 Samuel is to record the history of David’s reign, to show the qualities that please God and to foreshadow Christ who will be the ideal leader of a new and perfect kingdom.
This week we seek gracious God
for Direction, Forgiveness and Help.
On Mon, we learn fr 2 Sam 1/2
on Prayer for Direction.
On Tue, we learn from 2 Sam 5
on Doing God’s Will in God’s Way.
On Wed, we learn from 2 Sam 7
on When God Says No.
On Thu, we learn from 2 Sam 12
on Prayer for Forgiveness.
On Fri, we learn from 2 Sam 15
on Prayer in Challenging Situation.
On Sat, we learn from 2 Sam 22
on Prayer as a Song of Praise.
Let us humble ourselves and pray
and seek His face…In Jesus’ name.

Reflection on 2 Samuel (April 10)

Seeking God thru Biblical Prayers

The purpose of 2 Samuel is to record the history of David’s reign, to show the qualities that please God and to foreshadow Christ who will be the ideal leader of a new and perfect kingdom.
This week we seek gracious God
for Direction, Forgiveness and Help.
On Mon, we learn fr 2 Sam 1/2
on Prayer for Direction.
On Tue, we learn from 2 Sam 5
on Doing God’s Will in God’s Way.
On Wed, we learn from 2 Sam 7
on When God Says No.
On Thu, we learn from 2 Sam 12
on Prayer for Forgiveness.
On Fri, we learn from 2 Sam 15
on Prayer in Challenging Situation.
On Sat, we learn from 2 Sam 22
on Prayer as a Song of Praise.
Let us humble ourselves and pray
and seek His face…In Jesus’ name.

Seeking God In 2 Samuel 15 (Apr 8)

Prayer in Challenging Situation

Today’s reading describes the
fulfilment of Nathan’s prophetic
judgment on David. While his own
transgression was done in secret,
the shame & murder within his own
family circle would be done before
all Israel. But the greatest headache
would be the rebellious attempt by
Absalom to usurp his father’s throne.
David’s faith in God never diminish,
though severely tested. Driven from
Jerusalem and disgraced by his son,
David is restored eventually, though
at heavy personal and national cost.

Lord, we Entrust our future to You:
(Absalom) got up every morning
and went out to the gate of the city.
When people brought a case to the
king for judgment, Absalom would
ask where in Israel they were from,
and they would tell him their tribe.
Then Absalom would say: You’ve
really got a strong case here! It’s
too bad the king doesn’t have any-
one to hear it. I wish I were the judge.
Absalom did this with everyone
who came to the king for judgment,
and so he stole the hearts of all
the people of Israel (2 Sam 15:2-6).
A messenger came and told David:
The hearts of the men of Israel are
with Absalom. Then David said to
all his officials… Come! We must
flee, or none of us will escape from
Absalom… They set down the ark of
God and Abiathar offered sacrifices..
Then the king said to Zadok: Take
the ark of God back into the city.
If I find favour in the Lord’s eyes,
He will bring me back and let me
see it… again. But if He says: I am
not pleased with you… let Him do
to me whatever seems good to Him
(2 Samuel 15:13-14, 24-26). Amen.

Lord, all scripture is profitable
for instruction in righteousness;
including obscure passages related
to the judgment on King David.
Help us Lord to do the right thing
in difficult & challenging situations.
Help us to entrust our future to You
help us to be Guided by Your Law;
Help us to think being doing anything.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Lord of Justice, we realize that
there is much pressure to conform
to the world in its ways and values.
Rather than trying to be popular,
guide our life Lord by the moral principles given in God’s Word.
For You who never change will stand for justice, You know the ways of
evil men & know what is best for us.
We entrust our future to You. Amen.

Lord, let us follow the example of
David when life’s broken & dreams
shattered, he still worshipped You.
Help us when the future is uncertain
to entrust ourselves to Your hands.
Help us to trust that when we
protect Your honour and seek
Your kingdom and righteousness,
You will provide all that we need.
Help us to depend solely on You for
deliverance. In Jesus’ name, Amen.