Seeking God In 1 Samuel 30

Prayer for Strength (April 2)

After months of running for his life,
David concludes that leaving
Israel entirely is the only way to
escape Saul’s relentless pursuit.
By convincing the Philistines he is
a defector, David is given the city
of Ziklag as his base of operations.
But instead of aiding the enemy,
David and his army methodically
destroy Philistine strongholds.
Meanwhile, Saul’s desperate
attempts to counter the Philistine
threat lead him to consult a medium.
And instead of promise of victory,
Saul heard frightening prediction
of defeat and death, forecasts which
came true the very next day as he
& his sons die on the field of battle.

Lord, You are God of My Strength:
It happened when David and his men
came to Ziglag, on the third day that
the Amalekites invaded the South…
burned it… and had taken captives…
Then David and the people who
were with him… wept until they
had no more power to weep Now
David was greatly distressed for
the people spoke of stoning him…
But David Strengthen himself
in the Lord his God (1Sam 30:1-6).
(And) David inquired of the Lord:
Shall I pursue this troop?…
And He answered him: Pursue,
for you shall surely overtake them
and without fail Recover all (v8).
God is my strong fortress; and
He makes me as surefooted as a
deer, leading me safely along the
mountain heights(2Sam 22:33-34)

Lord, we learnt from David that
we can strengthen ourselves in You.
For You are our strong fortress and
You are the God of my strength.
In You Lord are power and might;
and in You we find all that we need
when we are weary or go out of gas.
Forgive us for doubting Yr strength
and failing to access it in our life.
As Your children we claim access
to Your strength, rather than walking
in our own limited power. Amen.

Lord, I need You for my strength is
limited but Your strength is endless.
Gird me with Your great strength
for I am weak but You are strong.
Strengthen my heart and resolve
when life seems so challenging.
Strengthen my mind to think
big because I serve a big God.
Strengthen my hands to do all
that You have called me to do.
In Jesus’ mighty name, Amen.

Lord, some of the challenges
that we face in life can make us
feel insecure and doubtful.
Our fears tell us that if we take
wrong step, we will fall into danger.
We learn from David to inquire
of You Lord; and remember of
Your assurance to provide us
strength as the feet of a deer.
Thank You for direction & strength
to do what we are called to do.
Lord as we claim the assurance,
put a spring in our steps as we follow
where You lead. In Jesus’ name.