Seeking God In 1 Samuel 12

Prayer as a Vindication
and for Intercession (Mar 26)

From all outward appearance, Saul’s
selection as the first king of Israel
is an outstanding choice. His kingly
demeanour and imposing presence
make him a promising candidate
from a human perspective. But while
man looks on outward appearance
the Lord looks on the heart. Saul is
anointed by Samuel, installed as king
at Mizpah, proven in battle against
the Ammonites and confirmed as
king at Gilgal. But the fact remains
(as pointed out by Samuel in his
final address to the nation) that God
not Saul should be King over Israel.

Lord, we will also Pray For Others:
Samuel called to the Lord and
the Lord sent thunder and rain…
and the people greatly feared
the Lord and Samuel. And the
people said to Samuel: Pray to
the Lord your God that we may
not die; for we have added to
our sins… (by) asking a king
for ourselves (1 Sam 12:18-19).
(Samuel said to the people):
As for me, far be it from me that I
should sin agst the Lord by failing
to pray for you. And I will teach
you the way that is good and right.
But be sure to fear the Lord and
serve Him faithfully with all your
heart; consider what great things
He has done for you (v23-24).

Lord, I pray for my family and
loved ones to be blessed with
good health, provision, peace
and a greater knowledge of You.
Help me Lord not to be selfish
or lazy in praying; but instead
show me whom to pray for.
And help me not to sin against
You by failing to pray for other
people according to Your will.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Lord, we admit that our prayers
are often self-centered lists of
things we need and even want.
We are reminded this day that
we need to intercede for others.
Pray that You God will meet
the needs of friends & loved ones
according to Your riches in Christ.
Pray for those who are depressed
that they may have peace of mind
and may put their Hope in God.
Pray those facing challenges will
have friends & family members who
stand by them in adversity. Amen