Thought for the Week: Jdgs 1/2

Seek & Obey God’s Direction

By faithfully obeying the Lord,
Joshua led the Israelites to military
victory. After his death, the tribes
failed to clear the inhabitants from
the land, so the Lord withdrew his
promise to help drive people out
and bless the Israelites in battle.
The new generation abandoned
God and worshiped idols.

Lord, we Seek Your Direction:
Now after the death of Joshua
it came to pass that the children
of Israel asked the Lord saying:
Who shall be first to go up for us
against the Canaanites to fight
against them? And the Lord said:
Judah shall go up. I have delivered
the land into his hand (Jdgs 1:1-2).
The Lord was with Judah and they
took possession of the hill country.
But they failed to drive out the
people living in the plains because
the pple there had iron chariots (v19)
Another generation arise who did not
know the Lord nor the work which
He had done for Israel. Then the
children of Israel did evil & served
the Baals. And the Lord delivered
them to plunderers…Nevertheless
the Lord raised up judges who
delivered them. But when the judge
is dead, they reverted and behaved
more corruptly (Jdgs 2:8-19).

Lord, we note the children of Israel
enquired for direction, which is
a good practice for us to follow.
We note that You God chose the
tribe of Judah which means Praise.
Praise is Your chosen troops
against the enemy. For Praise
leads the way and clears the way.
King Jehoshaphat learn this truth
years later in another campaign.
Help us Lord to remember to seek
Your direction and obey it. Amen.

Lord, we note Judah failed to drive
out the people in the plain because
their courage and faith failed
when they saw the iron chariots.
Help us Lord to fully trust and
obey Your instruction; not to
fear, doubt or compromise
but instead follow through
to complete Your assignment.
In Jesus’ mighty name, Amen.

Lord, we don’t want to fall away
in laziness, temptation and sin.
Help us not to neglect spending
regular time with You each day.
Guide us to Know You better, to
become more like U & to obey You.
Lead us Lord to teach our children
about You when they are young
and to encourage them in Your
way even as they mature. Amen.

Reflection on Judges (March 20)

Seeking God thru Biblical Prayers

The purpose of Judges is to show
that God’s judgment against sin
is certain; and His forgiveness of sin and restoration to relationship are
just as certain for those who repent.
This week we see God urging us
to Repent, Seek and Worship Him.
On Monday, we learn fr Jdgs 1/2
about Prayer for Direction.
On Tuesday, we learn fr Jdgs 3/5
about Prayer in time of Danger.
On Wed, we learn from Jdgs 6
on Prayer for Signs of Deliverance
On Thursday, we learn from Jdgs 10
on Prayer in time of Calamity.
On Friday, we learn from Jdgs 11
about Prayer as a Bargain.
On Sat, we learn from Jdgs 13-16
about Prayer in Perilous Times.
Let us humble ourselves and pray
and seek His face…In Jesus’ name.