Seeking God In Matt 12-14 (Feb 21)

Christ Seeks Will of the Father

A turning point occurs in Matt 12
where mounting antagonism by
Jewish religious leaders erupts
into open denunciation of Jesus.
They demand yet another sign
to substantiate Jesus’ messianic
claims. After a rude reception
in His home town of Nazareth,
Jesus withdraws across the
Sea of Galilee to Tyre and Sidon
to escape growing opposition.

Lord, we see even in challenges,
You Reach Out to Less Fortunate;
Focus on the Gospel Treasure
and Seek the Will of the Father:
Jesus withdrew from that place.
Many followed Him and He healed
all their sick… This is to fulfil
what was spoken through the
prophet Isaiah: Here is My Servant
& He’ll Proclaim Justice to nations.
A bruised reed He will not break
and smouldering wick He will not
snuff out. In His name the nations
will put their hope (Mt 12;15-21).

The Kingdom of Heaven is like
a treasure that a man discovered
hidden in a field. He sold every
-thing he owned to get enough
money to buy the field (Mt 13:44).
About 5000 men had eaten
from those five loaves. After this,
Jesus made His disciples get
back into the boat & cross to the
other side of the lake while He
sent the pple home. Afterwards
He went up into the hills by
himself to pray (Matt 14:21-23).

Lord Jesus, we are inspired by
Your example of being a servant
that brings Hope to the nations.
Even as injustice bother You and
You proclaim justice, help us speak
against injustice & stand for justice.
Lord, You’re always seeking out
those on the margins of society.
So help us to reach out to the
less fortunate, the oppressed
and the disadvantaged. Amen.

Lord, we realise the kingdom of
Heaven is more valuable than
anything else we could have,
and a person ought to be willing
to give up everything to obtain it.
There is nothing more important
than to share the gospel to others.
As Your disciple, spur us to have
total commitment and not half-
hearted sharing of the gospel. Amen

Dear Lord, help me to find the
time I need every day to be
alone with You. Escaping all the
busyness seems to be a constant
struggle. Help me with the ability
to shut out everything else and
find solitude with You in prayer
so that I can hear Your voice
speaking to my heart. Amen.