Seeking God In Deuteronomy 10

Prayer to God of gods (Feb 10)

Moses continues his review of
Israel’s history as an illustration
to the people of God’s faithfulness
thru their 40 year wilderness trek.
God’s provision in the past provides
confidence for the future. He will
continue to do great things for
His people if they continue to walk
in obedience to Him. But if they are
disobedient, ignore His commands
and worship other gods, God will
judge their rebellion. The facts are
clear: If Israel loves and obeys God,
she will experience blessing. If she
disobeys, God’s judgment is sure.

Praise be to Elohei Haelohim:
Moses: What does the Lord your
God requires of you but to walk
in all His ways, to love and serve
Him with all your heart; and to
keep the commandments for
your good. Indeed the heavens
and the earth belong to the Lord.
Be stiff-necked no longer. For the
Lord your God is the God of gods
(Elohei Haelohim) and the Lord
of lords, the mighty and the
awesome God (Deut 10:12-17).
You shall fear the Lord your God;
you shall serve Him, and to
Him you shall hold fast (v30).

Elohei Haelohim, You are the God
of gods and the Lord of lords.
No one can force Your hand,
and You do not bend to pressure
from people. You rule according
to truth and Your righteousness.
You are the great and powerful
all-knowing God! And everything
we enjoy comes from You. Amen.

Elohei Haelohim, You are higher than
any other for You are God of gods.
Forgive us for looking to idols –
those things we look to in place of
You, when in need or facing a trial.
Forgive us for making our vocation
an idol, or status, or even recreation
or relationship. Have mercy upon
us and draw us close to You. Amen.

Elohei Haelohim, reign and rule
over the difficult circumstances
of my life that seek to defeat me.
You are stronger than all, higher
than all and wiser than all; and
nothing is impossible with You.
Lord, let me see You supremely
represented in my life, for my
challenges are nothing to You.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.