Seeking God In Deut 9 (Feb 9)

Intercessory Prayer for Mercy

Moses continues his review of
Israel’s history as an illustration
to the people of God’s faithfulness
through their 40-year wilderness
trek. God’s provision in the past
provides confidence for the future.
He will continue to do great things
for His people if they continue
to walk in obedience to Him.
But if they are disobedient, ignore
His commands and worship other
gods, God will judge their rebellion.

Lord, we will Intercede for others:
Moses feared the wrath of the
Lord for he was angry enough to
destroy you. But the Lord listened
to me…Likewise when the Lord sent
you from Kadesh Barnea saying:
Go up and possess the land which
I have given you, then you rebelled
against the Lord and you did not
believe Him nor obey His voice.
Thus I prostrated myself before
the Lord 40 days and 40 nights
because the Lord had said He
would destroy you (Deut 9:19-25).
Therefore I prayed to the Lord…
O Lord God, do not destroy
Your people and Your inheritance…
whom You have brought out of
Egypt… Remember Your servants,
Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (v26-27)
Remember Abraham… to whom
You swore by Your own self…
I will multiply your descendants
as the stars of heaven (Ex 32:13).

Father God, we are impressed
by the example of Moses.
Prostrating himself before the
Mercy Seat, Moses pled for the
forgiveness of the people who
had given him much heartache.
He confessed their great sin
and again prayer was successful.
Help us Lord to emulate Moses
of coming to You in humility for
You God will bent down to listen to
the prayer of Your servants. Amen.

Father God, help me to be one of
the intercessors for Your people.
Help me not to be so focused
on my interest and situation that
I don’t pray for the need of others.
Give me fervent faith to believe that
my prayers can make a difference
in their lives. Show me the people
I need to pray and how I should
specifically pray for them. Amen.

Lord, noted Moses urged You
to remember the covenant You
made to Abraham to multiply his
descendants as stars in heaven.
Help me have a greater knowledge
of Your Word so that I will always
pray in alignment with Your will.
Help me Lord to never get in
the way of what You want to do
in response to prayers. Amen.