Seeking God In Matt 21 (Feb 28)

Christ Teaches Trust & Obey

After Peter’s dramatic confession
of Jesus as the Christ, the Son
of the living God, Jesus began to
shew unto His disciples how He
must go to Jerusalem and suffer
many things, be killed and raised
again the third day. After preparing
His disciples for the unexpected
events, Jesus begins His final
journey to Jerusalem. Arriving
to a hero’s welcome, He is hailed
as King while making His humble
entrance into the city. It’s now the
final week of Christ’s earthly life.

Lord, we purpose to Trust & Obey:
So Jesus said: Assuredly I say
to you, if you have faith and do
not doubt, you will not only do
what was done to the fig tree,
but also if you say to this mountain:
Be removed and be cast into the
sea, it will be done (Matt 21:21-22)
Jesus said: A man with two sons
told the older boy: Son go out
and work in the vineyard today.
The son answered: No, I won’t go
but later he changed his mind
and went anyway. Then the father
told the other son: You go and
he said: Yes sir I will. But he
didn’t go. Which of the two did
the will of the father? They said
to Him: The first (Matt 21:28-31).

Lord, take away any unbelief in me;
and increase my faith to believe
for great things. Help me to have
faith enough to not pray too small.
I know it is not about trusting
in faith itself but trusting in You.
It’s not about believing in my ability
to believe or perform, but rather
it is believing in Your ability and promise to hear and answer. Amen.

Lord, help me not think that some
problems are too big and hence
best considered as lost causes.
Help me not to focus on the size
of the mountain but rather how
much power You Creator God have.
I leave the mountain of challenge
in Your hands. You Lord can do
as You will; for my mountain is
surely not too big for You. Amen.

Lord, help me obey You in action
and not merely assenting words.
Help me to obey You wherever
You lead me and told me to do.
Help me not write off people
who walk away from Your calling
but pray that You draw them back.
Help me Lord lift up those who
have turned away; for You are able
to draw them back to You. Amen.

Thought for the Week: Matt 17

Christ Points to Faith In God

Mathew records many crucial
incidents from Jesus’ life in M16-19.
Though Christ takes time to heal
an epileptic boy, pay His temple
tax and confront hostile Pharisees,
His key concern is for His disciples
to continue the work He had begun.
Healings and discourses, miracles
and parables all focus on Jesus’
faithful followers to prepare them
for the difficult days just ahead.

Lord, we’ll Exercise Faith In You:
A man came to Him, kneeling…
and saying: Lord, have mercy on
my son, for he is an epileptic and
suffers severely… So I brought him
to Your disciples but they could
not cure him. Then Jesus said: O
faithless generation (Mt 17:14-17)
The disciples asked Jesus
privately: Why couldn’t we
cast out that boy’s demon?
So Jesus said to them: Because
of your unbelief; for assuredly
I say to you, if you Have Faith
as a mustard seed, you will say
to this mountain: Move from here
to there, and it will move; and
nothing will be impossible for you.
But this kind does not go except
by prayer & fasting (Mt 17:19-21).

Lord, You promise that With Faith
In You Nothing Is Impossible.
Thank You for being the God
of the possible; for You are the
Almighty who moves mountains.
Help me Lord to realize that
my faith, even though small
and weak, can do great things.
For it’s not the amount of faith but
the Focus of the faith In You. Amen

Lord, although circumstances
seem challenging, yet You
are the source of my strength.
Although my faith seems small,
yet when placed in the Creator’s
hands, it can produce a greater
harvest than I could ever imagine.
Lord, take my tiny seed of faith
and multiply it with Your strength.
Thankful for assurance that there’s
nothing impossible with You. Amen.

Lord, we want to boost kingdom
growth by sharing the gospel as it’s
more valuable than anything else.
We purpose to regularly spend
time alone with You, to know
You more and to seek Your will.
Help us to pray in faith trusting
You Lord to do the impossible and
be wary of the spirit of unbelief.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Reflection on Matt 12-20 (Feb 27)

Seeking God thru Biblical Prayers

The purpose of Matthew is to prove
Jesus is Messiah the eternal King.
This week we are challenged to
inculcate attitudes that promote growth & community in the kingdom.
On Monday, we learn from Mt 12-14
that Christ Seeks Will of Father.
On Tuesday, we learn from Matt 15
that Christ Responds to Faith.
On Wednesday, we learn from Mt 17
that Christ Points to Faith In God.
On Thursday, we learn from Matt 18
that Christ Stresses Unity in Prayer.
On Friday, we learn from Matt 19
that Christ Urges Eternal Mindset.
On Saturday, we learn from Matt 20
that Christ Casts Servant Mindset.
Let us humble ourselves and pray
and seek His face…In Jesus’ name.

Seeking God In Matt 20 (Feb 26)

Christ Inspires Servant Mindset

After Peter’s dramatic confession
of Jesus as the Christ, the Son
of the living God, Jesus began to
shew unto His disciples how He
must go to Jerusalem and suffer
many things of elders and chief
priests, be killed & be raised again
the third day. After preparing
His disciples for the unexpected
events which would soon take
place, Jesus begins His final
journey to Jerusalem. Arriving
to a hero’s welcome, He is hailed
as King while making His humble
entrance into the city. It’s now the
final week of Christ’s earthly life.

Lord, we aspire to serve like You:
Whoever wants to become great
among you must be your servant
and whoever wants to be first
must be your slave. Just as the Son
of Man did not come to be served,
but to serve, and to give his life as
a ransom for many (Matt 20:26-28)
Behold two blind men sitting by
the road, when they heard that
Jesus was passing by cried out…
Have mercy on us O Lord Son of
David! Then the multitude warned
them that they should be quiet;
but they cried out all the more…
Have mercy on us O Lord… Jesus
called them: What do you want
Me to do for you? They said:
Lord that our eyes may be opened.
So Jesus had compassion and
touched their eyes. And immediately
their eyes received sight (v29-34).

Lord, Your Word teaches that true
reward awaits those who humble
themselves in loving service.
Keep me Lord from the tendency
to be busy, to be too driven, to
step on others and to exalt myself.
Give me Lord instead the grace
to choose the way of servanthood;
for I want to be more like You.
Help me to consider others’ needs
and desires besides my own. Amen.

Lord, You have given us freedom
and calling to serve. Thank You
for freeing me from my sinful
nature and giving the willingness
to reach out and serve others.
Show me where I can use my gifts
to really make a difference for
the advancement of Your kingdom.
May an attitude of humble service
infuse every part of my life. Amen

Lord, we learn from the two blind
men to seize the opportunity
to appeal for Your healing for
You wouldn’t pass that way again.
We also learn of their humility
to simply ask for Your mercy.
We also learn of their persistent
faith in praying for their need.
Help us to humbly come before
You with our need; for You are
almighty, compassionate and You
respond to prayer in faith. Amen

Seeking God In Matt 19 (Feb 25)

Christ Casts Eternal Mindset

Matthew records many crucial
incidents from Jesus’ life in Matt
16-19. Though Christ takes time
to heal an epileptic boy, pay His
temple tax and confront hostile
Pharisees, His primary concern
is for His disciples, who will
continue the work He had begun.
Healings and discourses, miracles
and parables all focus on Jesus’
faithful followers to prepare them
for the difficult days just ahead.

Lord, lead us to Eternal Mindset:
Little children were brought that
He might put His hands on them
& pray, but disciples rebuked them.
But Jesus said: Let the children
come to me. Don’t stop them! For
the Kingdom of Heaven belongs
to such as these. And He laid
His hands on them (Matt 19:13-15).
The young man said. What do
I still lack? Jesus replied: Give to
the poor & you will have treasure
in heaven. Then come, follow me.
When the young man heard this,
he went away sad because he had
great possessions (Matt 19:20-22).
Everyone who has left houses…
or father or mother or wife or
children for My sake, shall receive
a hundredfold (Matt 19:29).

Lord, help us to adopt the
attitude of a child who readily
come to You in simplicity of faith.
Help us teach spiritual children
to go to You Lord in times of need
as well as times of praise to trust
You with every part of their lives.
Help us be Your hands and feet
and lead us to bless our charges
as You would. In Jesus name, Amen

Lord, help us to Be more People-
centred rather than things-centred.
Help us to get rid of a mindset
and lifestyle that revolve around
material things & temporal minded.
Help us instead to trust in You,
be more eternality minded
and to further Your Kingdom.
We ask Your strength; for apart
from You we can do nothing. Amen.

Lord, noted Your Word of promise
that people who have sacrificed
for You will ultimately be rewarded.
What an encouragement that
You God will never forget or
overlook any work done for Christ.
Teach us Lord to have an eternal
mindset & lead us to see as You see.
And lift our aspirations towards
Your Kingdom and eternity. Amen.

Seeking God In Matt 18 (Feb 24)

Christ Stresses Unity in Prayer

Matthew records many crucial
incidents from Jesus’ life in M16-19.
Though Christ takes time to heal
an epileptic boy, pay His temple
tax and confront hostile Pharisees,
His key concern is for His disciples
to continue the work He had begun.
Healings and discourses, miracles
and parables all focus on Jesus’
faithful followers to prepare them
for the difficult days just ahead.

Lord, help us Be Humble, Agreeable
and Forgiving toward one another:
The disciples asked Jesus:
Who then is the greatest in the
kingdom of heaven? Jesus said:
Whoever takes the Lowly position of
this child is the greatest (Mt 18:1-4)
Whatever you bind on earth will
be bound in heaven and whatever
you loose on earth will be loosed
in heaven. Again I tell you that if two
of u Agree on earth about anything
you ask, my Father in heaven will do
it for you. For where two or three
gather together as my followers,
I am there among them (v18-20).
Then Peter asked: Lord, how many
times shall I forgive my brother when
he sins against me? Up to 7 times?
Jesus answered: I tell you, not seven
times, but 70 times seven (v21-22).

Lord, You promise that those who
are humble will be the greatest
in Your kingdom. Help us to be
gentle & lowly in heart as You are.
Help us to be humble like a child
with a sincere and trusting heart
as well as depend wholly on You.
And I pray that my humble faith
and service to You will accomplish
great things for Your kingdom. Amen

Lord, we thank U for friends whose
fellowship can make life better.
Trusted friends can also offer us
wise counsel & sharpen our prayers.
Despite differences of views, help us
adopt attitude to seek agreement.
For U promised that if all can agree,
You Will hear & answer our prayers
when we gather together in the
mighty name of Christ Jesus, Amen.

Lord, You’ve forgiven me so many
times out of Your tender mercies.
Each time I falter, You lift me up &
put me in right standing with You.
So Lord, when I Owe Forgiveness,
remind me of the times You have
forgiven me. Help me be gracious
to each person who wrongs or
offends me. And help me walk
in Forgiveness daily because
daily You readily forgive me. Amen.

Seeking God In Matt 17 (Feb 23)

Christ Points to Faith In God

Mathew records many crucial
incidents from Jesus’ life in M16-19.
Though Christ takes time to heal
an epileptic boy, pay His temple
tax and confront hostile Pharisees,
His key concern is for His disciples
to continue the work He had begun.
Healings and discourses, miracles
and parables all focus on Jesus’
faithful followers to prepare them
for the difficult days just ahead.

Lord, we’ll Exercise Faith In You:
A man came to Him, kneeling…
and saying: Lord, have mercy on
my son, for he is an epileptic and
suffers severely… So I brought him
to Your disciples but they could
not cure him. Then Jesus said: O
faithless generation (Mt 17:14-17)
The disciples asked Jesus
privately: Why couldn’t we
cast out that boy’s demon?
So Jesus said to them: Because
of your unbelief; for assuredly
I say to you, if you Have Faith
as a mustard seed, you will say
to this mountain: Move from here
to there, and it will move; and
nothing will be impossible for you.
But this kind does not go except
by prayer & fasting (Mt 17:19-21).

Lord, You promise that With Faith
In You Nothing Is Impossible.
Thank You for being the God
of the possible; for You are the
Almighty who moves mountains.
Help me Lord to realize that
my faith, even though small
and weak, can do great things.
For it’s not the amount of faith but
the Focus of the faith In You. Amen

Lord, although circumstances
seem challenging, yet You
are the source of my strength.
Although my faith seems small,
yet when placed in the Creator’s
hands, it can produce a greater
harvest than I could ever imagine.
Lord, take my tiny seed of faith
and multiply it with Your strength.
Thankful for assurance that there’s
nothing impossible with You. Amen.

Lord, we want to boost kingdom
growth by sharing the gospel as it’s
more valuable than anything else.
We purpose to regularly spend
time alone with You, to know
You more and to seek Your will.
Help us to pray in faith trusting
You Lord to do the impossible and
be wary of the spirit of unbelief.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Seeking God In Matthew 15 (Feb 22)

Christ Responds to Persistent Plea

A turning point occurs in Matt 12
where mounting antagonism by
Jewish religious leaders erupts
into open denunciation of Jesus.
They demand yet another sign
to substantiate Jesus’ messianic
claims. After a rude reception
in His home town of Nazareth,
Jesus withdraws across the
Sea of Galilee to Tyre and Sidon
to escape growing opposition.

Lord, we Seek Your Compassion:
Behold a woman of Canaan… cried
out to Him… Have mercy on me
O Lord, Son of David! My daughter
is severely demon-possessed.
But He answered her not a word.
And His disciples urged Him
saying: Send her away… But He
answered… I was not sent except
to the lost sheep of… Israel. Then
she came & worshiped Him saying,
Lord help me! But He answered…
It is not good to take the children’s
bread and throw it to the little dogs.
And she said: Yes Lord, yet even
the little dogs eat the crumbs
which fall from their masters’ table.
Then Jesus answered to her:
O woman, great is your faith!
Let it be to you as you desire.
And her daughter was healed
from that very hour (Mt 15:22-28)

Lord Jesus, we realise Your initial
silence towards the Cannanite
woman was not a reflection of
Your unwillingness to help her;
but rather it was meant to prompt
her to draw closer. In the end
her humility in midst of prejudice
and great persistence despite
multiple barriers proved her faith.
Lord, in Your mercy grant us the
needed strength to persist. Amen.

Lord, we note the touching prayers
offered by the Canaanite woman:
“Have Mercy on me O Lord” and
“Lord Help me!” which not only
imply faith that Christ could deliver
her daughter, but also appeals to
Your compassion & lovingkindness.
We’ll note that in our point of need.
And make us O Lord as Your people
to be more trusting, merciful and
compassionate. In Jesus’ name.

Lord Jesus, may my hunger for
Your voice makes me persist
through Your period of silence.
Gracious Lord, please draw me
closer to You in such times.
Help me to keep asking, keep
seeking and keep knocking for
You are a good and merciful God.
And let me discover the depths of
Your nature when I am searching
& waiting for Your response. Amen.

Seeking God In Matt 12-14 (Feb 21)

Christ Seeks Will of the Father

A turning point occurs in Matt 12
where mounting antagonism by
Jewish religious leaders erupts
into open denunciation of Jesus.
They demand yet another sign
to substantiate Jesus’ messianic
claims. After a rude reception
in His home town of Nazareth,
Jesus withdraws across the
Sea of Galilee to Tyre and Sidon
to escape growing opposition.

Lord, we see even in challenges,
You Reach Out to Less Fortunate;
Focus on the Gospel Treasure
and Seek the Will of the Father:
Jesus withdrew from that place.
Many followed Him and He healed
all their sick… This is to fulfil
what was spoken through the
prophet Isaiah: Here is My Servant
& He’ll Proclaim Justice to nations.
A bruised reed He will not break
and smouldering wick He will not
snuff out. In His name the nations
will put their hope (Mt 12;15-21).

The Kingdom of Heaven is like
a treasure that a man discovered
hidden in a field. He sold every
-thing he owned to get enough
money to buy the field (Mt 13:44).
About 5000 men had eaten
from those five loaves. After this,
Jesus made His disciples get
back into the boat & cross to the
other side of the lake while He
sent the pple home. Afterwards
He went up into the hills by
himself to pray (Matt 14:21-23).

Lord Jesus, we are inspired by
Your example of being a servant
that brings Hope to the nations.
Even as injustice bother You and
You proclaim justice, help us speak
against injustice & stand for justice.
Lord, You’re always seeking out
those on the margins of society.
So help us to reach out to the
less fortunate, the oppressed
and the disadvantaged. Amen.

Lord, we realise the kingdom of
Heaven is more valuable than
anything else we could have,
and a person ought to be willing
to give up everything to obtain it.
There is nothing more important
than to share the gospel to others.
As Your disciple, spur us to have
total commitment and not half-
hearted sharing of the gospel. Amen

Dear Lord, help me to find the
time I need every day to be
alone with You. Escaping all the
busyness seems to be a constant
struggle. Help me with the ability
to shut out everything else and
find solitude with You in prayer
so that I can hear Your voice
speaking to my heart. Amen.

Thought for the Week: Matt 8

Christ Looks for Faith in Prayer

Matthew shared ten miracles to
demonstrate Jesus’ power over
disease, nature and the spirit world.
Christ then bestows that same
power and authority on His chosen
apostles and sends them out
as ambassadors of the kingdom.
He first instructs them how to act,
then warns them of the dangers
they will face, as he calls them
to committed discipleship.

Lord, we will Pray In Faith:
When He came down from the
mountain, a leper worshiped Him…
Lord if U are willing, U can make me
clean. Then Jesus put out His hand
and touched him saying: I am
willing, be cleansed. And instantly
the leprosy disappeared (Mt 8:1-3)
When Jesus entered Capernaum,
a centurion came pleading: Lord my
servant is lying at home paralysed…
Jesus said: I will come & heal him.
The centurion answered: Only speak
a word & my servant will be healed…
Jesus said to those who followed:
I have not found such great faith
in Israel… Then Jesus said to the
centurion: Go your way; as you‘ve
believed, let it be done for u (v5-13)
Suddenly a terrible storm came up
with waves breaking into the boat.
But Jesus was sleeping. The
disciples wake Him up shouting:
Lord, save us! And Jesus
answered: Why are you afraid?
You have so little faith (Mt 8:23-26)

Lord, You are creator & Almighty
and nothing is beyond You.
From the account of the healing
of the leper we know You are
also compassionate and willing.
Hear our cry to Heal our friends
who are unwell, including Covid.
Jehovah Rapha, our healer, You can
make them whole, touch their lives
so that they know You more deeply
& love You more than before. Amen.

Lord we realise from the centurion
account that our Faith determines
our experience of Your power.
What we expect in our hearts
will largely determine what we
will get in our actual experience.
Help us Lord to expect You to make
Yourself more real to us each day;
and we wait with anticipation for
You to do so. In Jesus’ name, Amen

Lord, sometimes we forget that
You are in the boat with us and
You rule over storms in our lives.
Increase our faith so that even
in the midst of great turbulence
we will not panic but will trust You
to care for us. Grant our spirits
be able to rest at all times because
Your presence is always greater
than any stormy circumstances
we will face through life. Amen.