Seeking God In Genesis 48/49

Prayer for Blessings  (Jan 14)

Gen 48-50 conclude the book
of beginnings by recording the
final acts of Jacob and Joseph.
Jacob’s blessing upon Joseph’s
two sons, announcing that the
younger would be more honoured
than the older, is in keeping with
the pattern established in Genesis
(Isaac instead of Ismael, Jacob
instead of Esau, Joseph instead
of Reuben). As his final earthly act,
Jacob blesses each of his 12 sons,
giving divine guidance of their future
Jacob’s body is taken back to
Canaan for burial, while Joseph’s
body remains in Egypt until release
of the newly born nation of Israel.

Lord, You are the Shepherd of Life:
Then (Jacob) blessed Joseph and
said: May the God before whom
my fathers Abraham and Issac
walked, the God who has been
my Shepherd all my life to this day…
may he bless these boys…
and may they increase greatly
upon the earth (Gen 48:15-16).
The sceptre will not depart fr Judah
nor the ruler staff from between
his feet, until he comes to whom
it belongs and the obedience
of the nations is his (Gen 49:10).
Joseph is a fruitful vine, a fruitful
vine near a spring..His bow remained
in strength, and the arms of his
hands were made strong by the
hands of the Mighty God because
of the Shepherd, the Rock of Israel…
By the God of your father who will
help you, and the Almighty who
will bless you, with blessings of
heaven above (Gen 49:22-25).

Lord, we note Jacob at the end of his
eventful life, spoke of the God who
has been my Shepherd all my life.
This was quite a claim for one where
much of the pain were self-inflicted.
Even in the dark experiences was a
God who cared & carried His people.
Loving Lord, grant us discernment
to see Your caring & guiding hands
through the challenges of life. Amen.

Lord, throughout history, You have
chosen Israel as Your very own pple.
Through Israel, You’ve also delivered
to all humanity the gift of salvation
thru one of their own Jesus Christ.
We praise Your plan of salvation
and for delivering Israel so that
Jesus Christ could enter the world.
And we look forward to His return
for gathering of His sheep including
those from the nation of Israel. Amen

Lord, because You are my shepherd,
You are the provider of my needs;
protector of my safety as well as
the guider of my soul and direction.
Forgive me for discontent, for I have
disregarded what You have given.
With all the confusion ahead, I need
You to guide me on the right path
to go and what decision to make.
Thank You Lord for being my shepherd, who knows what’s best
and leads me in that direction. Amen