Knowing God In 2 Thess 1/2

God Enables & Establishes (Dec 21)

Paul commended Thessalonpians
for their faithfulness in midst
of persecution and encouraging
them that present suffering
will be repaid with future glory.
Paul also clarified the Day of
the Lord had not yet arrived,
and recounts the events which
must take place first. Labouring
for the gospel, rather than lazy
resignation, can be the only
proper response to such truth.

Lord, make Effective our Calling:
We keep on praying for you,
that our God will make you Worthy
of the life to which He Called you.
And we pray that God by His Power
will fulfill all your good intentions
and faithful deeds. Then everyone
will give honour to… our Lord
Jesus because of you (2Ths1:11-12)
God chose you for salvation
through the Sanctifying work
of the Spirit and through belief
in the truth… Therefore stand fast
and hold the traditions which you
were taught. Now may our Lord
Jesus Himself..Comfort your hearts
and Establish u in every good word
and work (2 Thess 2:13-17). Amen.

Gracious Father, grateful that Effectiveness in Your calling
doesn’t depend on my abilities.
In Your grace, impart Your power
to me so that I may live the life
to which You Lord has called me.
Make me Lord a vessel of Your glory so that those who see my works will look past me and be drawn to You.
In Jesus’ mighty name, Amen.

Lord Jesus, I realise apart from
You, I can do absolutely nothing.
So I humbly seek You in prayer,
admitting my inadequacy & asking
for Your grace and sufficiency.
Grant me tenacious faith in You and
Empower me to fulfil my calling. For
U alone can make me worthy of the
life which You’ve called me. Amen

Lord, trust the sanctifying work
of the Spirit in our lives and
through believing the truth
will help us mature in holiness.
Thank You Lord for Your Word
to bolster us in times of trouble.
And best of all, we have Jesus
Yourself inside us to comfort and
strengthen us to face anything
and provide all we need. Amen.