Thought for the Week: John 10

Christ the Good Shepherd

Christ’s claims draw the attention
of more than the hungry and sick.
The religious leaders concerned
about maintaining the status quo,
respond with angry resistance.
But how do You refute a Man
who preaches that He is the
Light of the World, then proves
it by giving sight to the blind?…
The choice is to either believe
Him or seek to silence Him.

Lord, we’ll Hear & Follow You:
A Shepherd enters thro the gate.
He Calls his own sheep by name
and leads them out… He walks
ahead of them, and they Follow
Him because they recognise
His voice (John 10:2-4).
I have come that they may
Have Life and have it to the Full.
I am the good shepherd.
The good shepherd gives
His life for the sheep (v10-11).
I am the good shepherd; I know
my own sheep, and they know me,
just as my Father knows me and
I know the Father. So I sacrifice
my life for the sheep (v10:14-15).

Lord Jesus, Thank You for being
my good shepherd and making
me one of Your sheep. What
a privilege to belong to You!
Thank You for providing for me,
guiding me and protecting me.
You Call me by name and speak
to my heart. With all the voices
in the world, quieten my mind
and heart, so that I will recognise
Your Voice and Follow You. Amen.

Lord Jesus, You did not come
just to forgive our past deeds and
offer us hope of heavenly glory.
You came to give us full satisfying,
meaningful and abundant life.
Forgive me Lord when I am too
preoccupied with earthly stuff.
Help me to hear You & seek You.
Help me to pursue things eternal
and further Your kingdom, knowing
You will Provide all my needs. Amen

Lord Jesus, I am so blessed that
You are my caring Shepherd and
because of that I can Fear No Evil.
For You have always promised
to provide, lead and protect me.
Though evil may come, it has no
power over me and I can live with
confidence that I am Safe in You.
Keep me trusting You not worrying
& help me to stay close to You so
that I need not worry at all for You
will be Watching over me. Amen.

Reflection on John (Dec 5)

Knowing God thru His Shepherding

The purpose of gospel acc to John
is to prove conclusively that Jesus
is the Son of God and that all who
believe in Him will have eternal life.
This week we understand God better
thru seeing His Shepherding Ways.
On Monday, we learn from Jn 3
that God so Loved that He Gave.
On Tuesday, we learn from Jn 5
that Christ Follows the Father.
On Wed, we learn from John 10
that Christ is the Good Shepherd.
On Thursday, we learn from Jn 13
that Christ Models Caring Love.
On Friday, we learn from John 15
that Christ Invites to Abide In Him.
On Sat, we learn from John 17
that Christ Prays for Our Unity.
Let us humble ourselves and pray
and seek His face…In Jesus’ name.