Knowing God In Mt 18/20 (Nov 19)

Christ Urges Servanthood

Matthew records many crucial
incidents from Jesus’ life in c16-20.
Though Christ takes time to heal
an epileptic boy, pay His temple tax
and confront hostile Pharisees,
His key concern is for His disciples
to continue the work He began.
Healings and discourses, miracles
and parables, all focus on Jesus’
faithful followers to prepare them
for the difficult days just ahead.

Lord, we aspire to Serve Humbly:
The disciples asked Jesus:
Who then is the greatest in
the kingdom of heaven? Then
Jesus called a little child, set him
in the midst of them and said:
Whoever takes the Lowly position of
this child is the greatest (Mt 18:1-4)
Whoever wants to become great
among you must be your servant
and whoever wants to be first must
be your slave. Just as the Son of
Man did not come to be served,
but to serve, and to give his life as
a ransom for many (Matt 20:26-28)

Lord, You promise that those who
are humble will be the greatest
in Your kingdom. Help us to be
gentle & lowly in heart as You are.
Help us to be humble like a child
with a sincere and trusting heart
as well as depend wholly on You.
And I pray that my humble faith
and service to You will accomplish
great things for Your kingdom. Amen

Lord, Your Word teaches that true
reward awaits those who humble
themselves in loving service.
So keep me from the tendency
to be busy, to be driven, to step
on others’ toes and to exalt myself.
Give me Lord the grace to choose
and learn the way of servanthood;
for I want to be more like You. And
Help me to consider others’ needs
and desires besides my own. Amen

Lord, You have given each of us
the freedom and calling to serve.
Thank U for freeing me from sinful
nature & giving willingness to serve.
Show me Lord where I can use Your
gifting to really make a difference for
the advancement of Your kingdom.
Make me a servant, humble & meek;
help me lift up those who are weak.
And may attitude of humble service
infuse every part of my life. Amen.