Knowing God In Genesis 22

The Lord Will Provide (Oct 18)

The climax of more than 20 faith-
stretching years for Abraham and
Sarah comes in the birth of Isaac,
their miracle son and heir. But soon
Abraham’s faith is tested again
as God calls upon him to sacrifice
that treasured son upon an altar.
Abraham obeys, showing that
the experiences of the past two
decades have not been in vain.
For his faithfulness to the point
of death, God rewards Abraham
with further assurance of blessing.

Lord, You are Jehovah Jireh:
Some time later God tested Abraham.
He said to him: Abraham! ‘Here I am,
he replied. Then God said:Take your
son, your only son, Isaac, whom you
love and go to Moriah. Sacrifice Him
there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains I’ll tell you(Gen22:1-3)
Abraham took the knife to slay
his son. But the Angel of the Lord
called: Do not lay your hand on
the lad for now I know that you
fear God since you have not
withhold your son, your only son
from Me. Then Abraham lifted his
eyes and there was a ram caught
in a thicket by its horns. So,
Abraham took the ram & offered
it up for a burnt offering instead
of his son. And Abraham called
the name of the place: The Lord
Will Provide (Gen 22:10-14).

Lord, how my life will change
when I say “Here I am” I can’t know
for sure. It might require laying down
of a dream that I long held tightly.
But Lord You are my Provider
and You work things for good.
You are the one I can put my trust
since it is also well within Your will.
So I present myself to You as an
offering to You; to be moved and
activated by Your voice. Here I am
while I am yielded and still. Amen.

Lord, realise that Abraham saw
Your willingness and ability to keep
promises even if it took a miracle.
Know that You wanted Abraham
to sacrifice Isaac in his heart so that
he learn to trust God completely.
Lord, obeying You may often be
quite a struggle for it may mean
giving up something we truly want.
Help us Lord when tested that we
will not complain but trust You. Amen

Lord Jehovah Jireh, my provider,
at this juncture, I appeal to this
name perhaps more than any other.
In your lovingkindness, let me know
You in the truest form of this name.
In Your mercy, let me see You on
the mountain-top of my struggles.
Come through for me as You Lord
did in providing Abraham’s sacrifice.
In Jesus’ mighty name, Amen.

Knowing God thru His Shepherding

Launch of New Series (Oct 18)

For the past four years, we’ve been
meditating two themes each year
to form disciple attitudes including:
Imploring God thru His Promises;
Seeking God thru Gospel Truths;
Adoring God thru Thanksgiving;
Hearing God thru His Word;
Praising God thru Classic Hymns;
Experiencing God thru Obedience;
Knowing God thru His Names.

For the next three months or so,
we will meditate deeper on Knowing
God through His Shepherding.
In the Bible, God reveals Himself by
various names, mostly related to His
ability to meet needs of His people.
He also reveals Himself through
the ways He shepherds His people,
caring for them and guiding them.

Moreover, our Lord Jesus has called
us to make disciples… teaching them
to observe things that Christ directed.
Throughout scripture, God had been
shepherding His people in diverse ways
to be His people and to do His work.
Friends, let the scripture instruct us in
righteousness & that we be complete
and equipped for every good work.
Lord, help us know You better through
the ways You shepherd and care for us.
And Lord, help us shepherd the church
with integrity of heart and lead Your
people with skilful hands. Amen.