Knowing God In Rev 17/19

Lord of lords In Control (Oct 15)

Then seven angels emerge with
the seven last plagues, which
involve boils, blood, scorching
heat, darkness, pain, earthquakes,
hailstones & titanic confrontation
at a place called Armageddon.
Then John sees doom of Babylon
and a great multitude in heaven
sings praises to God in anticipation
of the marriage supper of the Lamb.
A white horse emerges, mounted
by the King of kings who destroys
the beast and the false prophets.

Jesus, we Hail You as Lord of All:
Many will make war agst the Lamb
but the Lamb will overcome them
all because He is the Lord of lords
and the King of kings (Rev 17:14).
Then I saw heaven opened, and
a white horse was standing there.
Its rider was named Faithful & True,
for He judges fairly and wages a
righteous war… On His head were
many crowns… His robe dipped
in blood and His name is called
The Word of God (Rev 19:11-13).
And He has on His robe and
on His thigh a name written:
King of Kings and Lord of lords…
Then the beast was captured
and with him the false prophet…
These two were cast alive into
the lake of fire (Rev 19:16-20).

Lord, the end times is a warning to
Christians who have grown apathetic
and an encouragement to those
who faithfully endure life’s struggles.
It reassures good will triumph over
evil, gives hope as we face trials and
emboldens when we waver in faith.
Lord, our prayers rise up to You;
and we will Overcome with You; for
You are King of kings & Lord of lords.
In Jesus’ mighty name, Amen.

Lord, we confess tendency to call
the shots in various areas of life.
Forgive us for failing to recognise
You in Your rightful place as Lord
& not giving the honour due to You.
Forgive us for times we pressed
on our own agenda rather than
advancing Your kingdom agenda.
Align our thots & desires to Yours;
and grant us the grace & strength
to pray ‘Thy will be done’. Amen.

Lord, Give us a kingdom mindset
and help us advance Your agenda.
Show us Lord how to live in a way
that will advance Your agenda.
Enable us to be the kind of people
and do the work that You desire.
Help us Lord discover the calling
You’ve planned for each of us. And
Equip us to serve U & Your kingdom
in the way You desire and deserve.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.