Preview On Revelation(Sep18)

Revelation, Warning & Hope

We had chronologically meditated
the OT scripture phase by phase,
including Torah Laws and Job;
Conquest to United Kingdom
plus Psalms and Wisdom Poetry;
as well as Divided Kingdom & Exile
including major & minor prophets.
We start the Gospels, with Jesus
presented as the Perfect Servant,
Savior of the world, Messianic King
and the Son of God, before Acts
chronicles Growth of the Church.

Then Apostle Paul encourages and
builds up the church in various ways:
to Romans Justification by Faith;
to Corinthians to Live Rightly;
to Galatians Living by Faith alone;
to Eph Living as Body of Christ;
to Colossians Doctrinal Purity;
to Philippians Unity of the Spirit;
to Ths Serve ahead of 2nd Coming;
before Paul’s pastoral letters and
then pursing Maturity in Hebrews,
Practical Christianity in James,
Maturing thru tough times in 1/2Pet
Walking in Love in the three letters
of John & Keeping the Faith in Jude.

And finally we reach Revelation.
Just as the first book of the Bible
– Genesis – provides the opening
chapter of God’s redemptive
program, so the last book supplies
the conclusions as it describes
the return of Jesus Christ and
the creation of a new heaven
and earth. Revelation portrays
Jesus Christ as the victorious
King and coming Judge. Writing
from exile on the Island of Patmos,
John uses a dramatic series of
symbolic word pictures to capture
the awesome holiness of the
Lamb of God coming to defeat
Satan’s forces and judge the
world in perfect righteousness.

We will meditate Revelation over
four weekends in seven divisions:-
Rev 1-3:God’s Word to 7 Churches
Rev 4-6: Worship God & 7 Seals
Rev 7-9: Seven Trumpets
Rev 10-13: Seven Signs
Rev 14-16: Seven Plagues
Rev 17-19: Seven Dooms
Rev 20-21: Seven New Things
Lookout for them to understand
the holiness and hope in Christ.