Meditating on Jude (Sep 12)

God Is Able & Will Keep Us

Alarmed by the presence of
false trenching, Jude (who was
the brother of James) exhorts
believers to stand firm for the truth.
He ends his short epistle with
a series of urgent commands:
Remember Christ’s words,
remain in God’s love and seek
to remove erring brothers from
the fiery danger of their ways.

Father, U are Able & Will Keep Us:
Beloved, build yourselves up on
your most holy faith and pray in
the Holy Spirit. Keep yourselves
in God’s love… Be merciful to
those who doubt, snatch others
from the fire and save them…
All glory to God, who Is Able
to Keep You from stumbling,
and who will bring you into His
glorious presence innocent of sin
and with great joy. All glory to Him,
who alone is God our Saviour,
through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Yes, glory, majesty, power
and authority belong to Him,
in the beginning, now, and
forevermore (Jude 20-25). Amen.

Father, as I can be tempted towards
despair, grant me steadfastness
and assurance to persevere in faith.
As sometimes I have felt bitterness
towards situations and people,
increase my understanding & love.
Grant me Lord also the concern
and compassion for those in need.
And at times when I’m fainthearted,
increase my hope and grant me
the solid assurance of the future
to rise above fear. In Jesus’ name.

Father, You are powerful & loving;
and You can keep us from stumbling.
You’re the God who not only saves us
but also never leaves or forsakes us.
You will lead us step by step until
You bring us into Your presence.
And You’re Able to bring good out of
evil & keep everything that we have
committed until the day we see You.
For You Lord are the God whose
promises we can count on. Amen.

Father, Thank You for the great gift
of salvation thru Christ our Lord.
Glory to You the one who is able to
keep me from stumbling and bring
me into Your glorious presence
blameless and with great joy!
Help me Lord to depend on Your
keeping power and strength as
You work within me to please You.
All glory, majesty, power and
authority belong to You from
beginning, now & forever. Amen.