Meditating 2/3 John (Sep 11)

Living in the Truth

In 2 John, the apostle urges
balance in Christian life, standing
firm in the faith and obey God
by loving Him and one another.
In his third letter, apostle John
commends Gaius for hospitality
& love of the truth and Demetrius
for serving the church faithfully.
But John rebukes Diotrephes
for gossip and arrogant attitude.

Lord, we will Live in the Truth:
How happy I was to meet some
of your children and find them
living according to the truth,
just as the Father commanded.
And now I urge you..that we should
love one another (2 John 1:4-5).
I am praying that all is well with you
and that your body is as healthy as
I know your soul is. Some brothers
recently returned and make me
very happy by telling me about
your faithfulness and that you
are living in the truth (3Jn 1:2-3).
Dear friends, you are doing a good
work for God when you take care
of the travelling teachers… even
though they are strangers to you…
They have told the church here
of your friendship & loving deeds…
We ourselves should support them
so that we may become partners
with them for the truth (3Jn 5-8).

Lord, we can teach our children
well, take them to church and
build good foundation of faith;
but only You God can change
their heart to be fully Yours.
Thank You Lord that every time
we pray, the Spirit is activated
and God’s heart-changing power
is released. As we pray for our
children, may their lives be covered
by the grace & love of Christ. Amen

Lord, l lift up all those in ministry,
those in training & church leaders
for their task can be challenging.
Minister to them, protect them and
wrap Your arms around their families.
Help me to be a blessing rather
than a burden; and help me to
faithfully practice what I believe.
Help me Lord to be a bright spot in
the ministry of the church by living
in the truth. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Lord, move us to show Your love
to those in need and be hospitable
to fellow church members,
Your workers and missionaries.
Because of our individualistic and
self-centred society, there are also
many lonely people who wonder
if anyone cares their well-being.
Lead us Lord to such lonely people
so that we can show him or her
that You care for them. Amen.