Knowing God In 2 Peter 1 (Sep 30)

Excellent Glory & Morning Star

Peter’s 2nd letter teaches opposing
internal spiritual attacks by Satan
with the knowledge of the truth.
Peter warns against apostasy within
the church, moral perversions
and the denial of Christ’s return
that false teachers propagate.
He exhorts his readers to grow in
grace & knowledge that come thru
Christ, thereby gaining strength
to resist error and avoid heresy.

Lord, You Enable Godly Living:
By His divine power, God has given
us everything we need for living a
godly life… He has given us great
…promises; which enable you to
share His divine nature (2Pet 1:3-4)
Brethren, be…diligent to make your
call & election sure, for if u do these
things you will never stumble (v10).
He received from God the Father
honour and glory when a voice
came from Excellent Glory: This is
My Son in whom I am well pleased…
And so we have the prophetic Word confirmed, which you do well
to heed… until the morning
star rises in your hearts… for…
holy men of God spoke as they
were moved by Holy Spirit (v17-21).

Father God, I claim Your promises:
that You give us godly nature
and that You enable godly living.
Grant me grace of developing more
intimate relationship with You as
I know more of You & Christ Jesus.
Help me remember what You teach
& be diligent in faithful obedience.
Help me grow spiritually; so that
I may live wholly for You. Amen.

Lord Jesus, thank You for giving
me new life that will never end.
Your holy word says if anyone is in
Christ; the new creation has come:
The old has gone; the new is here.
And I purpose to make the call
and election sure. For I don’t have
to keep living the way I used to live.
And with Your empowerment, I have
the capacity to change & grow into
Your image. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Holy Spirit, teach me how to tap
into Your divine power so that I will
not lack anything that You offer.
Fill me continually Lord, and be
ever present within me; for I want
to experience You more and more.
Holy Spirit, increase the evidence
of Your presence in my life. And
make Your home in me so that
I will display more love, more power,
more of You in my life. Amen!!

Knowing God In 1 Peter 4 (Sep 29)

Spirit of Glory & Faithful Creator

Peter writes to scattered Jewish
Christians who are undergoing
intense persecution for their faith.
God has begotten us again unto a
living hope. So don’t be surprised
when suffering comes your way;
prepare & respond to it correctly.
Purpose to do what is right and 
imitate Christ in submissive spirit.
And God will richly reward you
when the trials of life are over.

Lord, we will reflect Your Grace:
Most of all, continue to show deep
love for each other; for Love Covers
a multitude of sins (1 Peter 4:8).
Be hospitable to one another
without grumbling. As each has
received a gift, minister it to one
another as Good Stewards of the
manifold grace of God (v9-10).
If anyone speaks, they should do it
as one who speaks the Very Words
of God… so that in all things
God may be praised (1 Pet 4:11).
If you are reproached for the name
of Christ, blessed are you, for the
Spirit of glory… rests upon you…
Therefore let those who suffer
according to the will of God commit
their souls to Him in doing good, as
to a faithful Creator (1Pet 4:12-14,19)

Lord, I confess a lack of love & need
for Your unfailing love toward some.
Help me to yield to Your Spirit and
experience dear intimacy with You
and Your love for me. May Your
love Lord so fill me that others may
feel splashes from the overflow.
And in those relationships that are
toughest, grant me Your Love which
covers a multitude of sins. Amen.

Lord, sometimes we neglect
relationships & erect boundaries
due to distrust and bitterness.
We also confess of commitment
phobia and sins of the flesh that
block us from Christlike love.
Grateful for the spiritual gifts that
the Holy Spirit has given to me.
Help me to use them well to serve
one another. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Lord, let me declare Your Words,
and let me recognise them in others.
We often ask You to speak to us,
and it only make sense that You
will use people to do so. Help me
to hear Your words in season for me.
And help me Lord speak forth Your
thoughts for Your people graciously.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Knowing God In 1 Peter 2

Shepherd of Your Souls (Sep 28)

Peter writes to scattered Jewish
Christians who are undergoing
intense persecution for their faith.
God has begotten us again unto a
living hope. So don’t be surprised
when suffering comes your way;
prepare & respond to it correctly.
Purpose to do what is right and 
imitate Christ in submissive spirit.
And God will richly reward you
when the trials of life are over.

Lord, we will live as Your People:
But you are a chosen generation, 
a royal priesthood, a holy nation,
His own Special People, that you
may proclaim the praises of Him
who called you out of darkness
into His marvellous light (1Pet 2:9)
Live such good lives among the
pagans that…they may see your
good deeds & Glorify God (v12).
Live As Free People, but do not
use your freedom as a cover-up
for evil; live as God’s servants (v16).
(For) we having died to sins,
might live for righteousness
by whose stripes you were healed.
For you were like sheep going
astray, but have now returned
to the Shepherd and Overseer
of your souls (1 Peter 2:24-25).

Lord, Thank You for bringing us
out of darkness into Your wonderful
light because of Your great mercy.
Thanks for making us Your Special
People, Your very own possession.
Help me to continually yield to You
Lord so that the life and character
of Christ will be formed in me.
Then others may see Your goodness
and will be drawn to You. Amen.

Lord, You are good and holy and
we pray our lives will honour You.
And we pray that You will enable us
have godly character so that our lives
will be a Shining Example of You.
Lord, live in me and live through me
so that those who disagree or even
dislike me will be drawn to You and
to the saving knowledge of U. Amen

Lord, Thanks for the phenomenal
truth that I am truely Free In Christ.
I confess not always living it out.
Instead of joyful delight in Your
refreshing salvation, sometimes
I do feel like just barely making it.
Nevertheless, I claim Your promise
that I am free. Help me live beyond
what I want to what You desire.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Knowing God In James 4

Spirit who Dwells In Us (Sep 27)

Just as a human body that fails to
breathe is a dead body, so a faith
that fails to breathe is a dead faith.
The breath of faith in the Christian
life is good works: demonstrating
concern for the poor, controlling
the tongue and building up others.
True faith & good works cannot be
divorced, for your life is the lab in
which your faith is shown to be real.

Lord, we’ll Come & Submit to You:
The Spirit who dwells in us yearns
jealously… He gives more grace.
Therefore He says: God Resists
the proud, but gives grace
to the humble (James 4:5-6).
Therefore submit to God. Resist the
devil and he will flee from you (v7).
Draw Near to God and He will draw
near to You. Cleanse your hands…
and purify your hearts… Humble
yourselves in the sight of the Lord
and He will lift you up (Jas 4:8-10)

Lord, You Resist the proud but show
grace and favour to the humble.
Keep me from being full of myself
and thinking myself better than
or more important than others.
Help me not to blindly keep up
with the Jones and be seduced
to embrace a lifestyle of busyness
and let pride rule over me.
For I purpose to be a friend of
God and not of the world. Amen.

Lord, Thank You for Your grace;
thank You for dying for my sins and
thank You for being my protector.
O God, my enemy is strong and
sinister; but You are stronger.
Give me the grace to recognise
the attacks of the enemy and the
strength to spurn his sinful offers.
Grant me the will to Submit to You
Lord and to Resist the devil. Amen.

Lord, I want to know You more and
know Your specific will for my life. 
Your Word says You Make Your
heartbeat known to those whose
hearts Draw Near towards You and
to those whose hearts are tender.
And even as I purpose to yield
my heart towards You, share Your
deepest impulses with me. Amen.

Thought for the Week: Heb 13

The Great Shepherd of the Sheep

Hebrews closes with an appeal for
a persevering Faith that relies on
the promises of God regardless
of the circumstances. Writing to
an audience whose actions were
being shaped by pressure from
the world rather than promises
from God, the author urges the
kind of Faith-inspired walk that
characterised so many OT saints.
Being so convinced of God’s
Faithfulness, they ordered their
lives according to His Word. Follow
their commendable example and
walk by Faith; and not by sight!

Lord, we’ll Hold On to Your Word:
Be content for He Himself has said:
I will Never Leave You nor forsake u.
So we may boldly say: The Lord
is my helper; I will not fear. What
can man do to me? (Heb 13:5-6)
(For) Jesus Christ is The Same
yesterday, today and forever (v8).
May the God of peace,
who through the blood of the
eternal covenant brought back
from the dead our Lord Jesus,
that Great Shepherd of the Sheep,
equip you with everything good
for doing His will, and may He
work in us what is pleasing to Him
through Jesus Christ (v20-21).

Lord, thank You for the promise
that You will be Always With
me in times of great trouble.
Thank You that You are my God
and my Saviour; and that You
love me and I’m precious to You.
Thank You for Your presence,
protection and shalom peace.
You are the one true God and
the only One who saves. Amen.

Lord Jesus, thanks that You never
change, which give me confidence.
Your immutability means so much
for I can trust that Your words
and character are as trustworthy
now as when You were on earth.
So, I can trust Your promises;
and I can rely firmly on the fact
that You are always compassionate;
that You will never give up on me &
that You’ll always be with me. Amen

Lord Jesus and Great Shepherd
of the Sheep, prepare me for
what You are preparing for me.
Strengthen and equip me with every
good thing so that I can do Your will.
Open my heart to the working of Your
Spirit so that my life will Honour You.
Produce in me, through the power
of Christ all that is pleasing to You
so that I’ll be Complete in U. Amen.

Meditating Revelation 10-13

The Lord In Power & Glory (Sep 26)

John sees a mighty angel carrying
a little book. He is instructed
by the angel to eat the book,
which proves sweet to the taste
but bitter to the stomach. Next
John is told to measure the temple,
altar and courtyard in preparation
for the arrival of two witnesses
who will prophesy, perform miracles
and finally suffer martyrdom
for their testimony. The seventh
and last trumpet sounds, ushering
in a grand chorus of praise.
Then the scene shifts to heaven,
where a mighty conflict takes place
involving a woman, a dragon, a child
and Michael the archangel; followed
by a description of two beasts.

Lord, we will Overcome with You:
These two prophets are the two
olive trees and the two lamp stands
that stand before the Lord of all the
earth. If anyone tries to harm them,
fire flashes from their mouths and
consumes their enemies(Rev 11:4-5)
Then the seventh angel sounded:
And there were loud voices in
heaven saying: The world now
become the Kingdom of our Lord
and of His Christ, and He will
reign forever and ever (Rev 11:15).
They have defeated (the accuser)
by the blood of the Lamb and
by their testimony (Rev 12:11).

Lord, we purpose to stand up
for what is right no matter how
few people share our conviction.
For those who have closed their
minds to God’s Word will have
to answer for themselves.
God’s truth will stand on its own,
even if there are few people
defending it. In Jesus’ name.

Father God, it has been Your plan
from the beginning that every
kingdom on earth will be the
Kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ.
We realise God ensures that
everything He has promised us
will be fulfilled; for He will do it.
Help us Lord to do our part by
waiting patiently and let You
God work it out all the way. Amen.

Lord, we praise You for You are
In control and we surrender to
Your timing and to Your ways.
For You will defeat evil by the blood
of the Lamb and by our testimony.
And I rest all my expectations
on You at Your Word of promise.
May my every moment stand
as proof that You are utterly
faithful. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Meditating Rev 7-9 (Sep 25)

Submitting to His Lordship

Before the seventh seal is opened,
John sees four angels place a seal
upon 144,000 servants of God.
Then the seventh seal is broken,
revealing the seven trumpets.
As each is sounded in turn, natural
and heavenly disasters once again
result: hail, fire, falling stars, death,
darkness, torment – plagues
which cause people to seek
death but not find it (Rev 9:6).

Lord, the revelation on end times
is both a warning to Christians
who have grown apathetic and
an encouragement to those who
are faithfully enduring struggles
in the world. It reassures us
that good will triumph over evil,
give us hope as we face difficult
times and gives guidance when
we are wavering in our faith.
Lord, we Repent Before You.
Lord, we Submit Prayers to You.
Lord, we Purpose to Serve You.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Lord, we purpose to Serve You:
They stand in front of God’s throne
and serve Him day and night…
And He who sits on the throne
will give them shelter. They will
never be hungry or thirsty; they
will never be scorched by the sun.
For the Lamb on the throne will
be their Shepherd. He will lead
them to springs of life-giving water
And God will wipe every tear
from their eyes (Rev 7:15-17).
Lord, trust that the promise that
You God will wipe out every tear
is not just for the Great Tribulation.
For the compassionate God we see
in Christ has the same compassion
for us. No matter what pain we
encounter, Your caring is unlimited.
And as we turn to You, U will also
wipe away the tears from our eyes;
not just in our heavenly future but also here and now. Amen.

Lord, our prayers rise to You:
The smoke of the incense,
together with the prayers of
the saints, went up before God
from the angel’s hand… And there
were… thundering, lightnings,
and an earthquake (Rev 8:4-5).
Lord, how grateful that our prayers
always rise to You in heaven
and You will hear each one.
Even the quietest prayers of
our hearts born out of faith
are as important as the loudest
prayers ignited by fervency.
Thank You Lord that You will
hear and answer them all.
How blessed we are to have You
as the center of my life. Amen.

Lord, we’ll Repent & Submit to You:
And there will be pestilences and
earthquakes in various places…
And because lawlessness
will abound, the love of many
will grow cold (Matt 24:7, 12).
But the people who did not die
in these plagues still refused to
turn from their evil deeds. They
continued to worship… idols…And
they did not repent (Rev 9:20-21)
Lord, we recognize and repent of
our desire to be our own masters.
You alone can cure us of this.
We freshly lay at Your feet our
imagined rights to think, feel, and
do as we wish.  Put Your thoughts,
emotions, and decisions in us.
We, for our part, freshly commit
to simply listen and obey. Amen.

Reflection on Hebrews (Sep 24)

Knowing God thru His Names

The purpose of the letter of
Hebrews is to present the
sufficiency & superiority of Christ;
for He offers a better priesthood,
covenant, sacrifice and power.
This week we understand God better
thru knowing His attributes, mostly
related to His ability to meet needs.
On Monday, we learn from Heb 4,
that He is the Great High Priest.
On Tuesday, we learn from Heb 6
that He is Anchor of Our Souls.
On Wed, we learn from Heb 8/9
that He is Mediator of New Covenant.
On Thursday, we learn from Heb 12,
He is Author & Finisher of Our Faith.
On Friday, we learn from Heb 13,
the Great Shepherd of the Sheep.
Let us humble ourselves and pray
and seek His face…In Jesus’ name.

Knowing God In Heb 13 (Sep 24)

The Great Shepherd of the Sheep

Hebrews closes with an appeal for
a persevering Faith that relies on
the promises of God regardless
of the circumstances. Writing to
an audience whose actions were
being shaped by pressure from
the world rather than promises
from God, the author urges the
kind of Faith-inspired walk that
characterised so many OT saints.
Being so convinced of God’s
Faithfulness, they ordered their
lives according to His Word. Follow
their commendable example and
walk by Faith; and not by sight!

Lord, we’ll Hold On to Your Word:
Be content for He Himself has said:
I will Never Leave You nor forsake u.
So we may boldly say: The Lord
is my helper; I will not fear. What
can man do to me? (Heb 13:5-6)
(For) Jesus Christ is The Same
yesterday, today and forever (v8).
May the God of peace,
who through the blood of the
eternal covenant brought back
from the dead our Lord Jesus,
that Great Shepherd of the Sheep,
equip you with everything good
for doing His will, and may He
work in us what is pleasing to Him
through Jesus Christ (v20-21).

Lord, thank You for the promise
that You will be Always With
me in times of great trouble.
Thank You that You are my God
and my Saviour; and that You
love me and I’m precious to You.
Thank You for Your presence,
protection and shalom peace.
You are the one true God and
the only One who saves. Amen.

Lord Jesus, thanks that You never
change, which give me confidence.
Your immutability means so much
for I can trust that Your words
and character are as trustworthy
now as when You were on earth.
So, I can trust Your promises;
and I can rely firmly on the fact
that You are always compassionate;
that You will never give up on me &
that You’ll always be with me. Amen

Lord Jesus and Great Shepherd
of the Sheep, prepare me for
what You are preparing for me.
Strengthen and equip me with every
good thing so that I can do Your will.
Open my heart to the working of Your
Spirit so that my life will Honour You.
Produce in me, through the power
of Christ all that is pleasing to You
so that I’ll be Complete in U. Amen.

Knowing God In Heb 12 (Sep 23)

Author & Finisher of Our Faith

Hebrews closes with an appeal for
a persevering Faith that relies on
the promises of God regardless
of the circumstances. Writing to
an audience whose actions were
being shaped by pressure from
the world rather than promises
from God, the author urges the
kind of faith-inspired walk that
characterised so many OT saints.
Being so convinced of God’s
Faithfulness, they ordered their
lives according to His Word. Follow
their commendable example and
walk by Faith; and not by sight!

Lord, help us Endure the Race:
Since we are surrounded by
so great a cloud of witnesses,
let us lay aside every weight and
the sin which so easily ensnares us,
and let us run with endurance
the race that is set before us,
Looking unto Jesus, the author
and finisher of our faith, who for
the joy that was set before Him
endured the cross (Heb 12:1-2).

Father, I want to keep my eyes
on Jesus, my Saviour & Master.
Grant me the grace to consciously
turn my eyes away from problems
and the things of this world.
Help me focus on the one whom
my faith depends from start to finish.
Open up my ears Lord to Your voice
and soften my heart to live closely,
deeply and boldly in You. Amen.

Lord, thank You for the promise
in Isaiah 26:3-4: You will keep in
perfect peace those whose minds
are steadfast for they trust in You.
Lord, You promise peace to those
who trust in You and set their minds
on You – the fully dependable one.
You Lord are worthy of my full trust
for You are my rock. And as long
as I look to You Lord, I cannot be
shaken for You are with me. Amen

Lord, we purpose to run the race by
keeping our eyes on U Jesus the one
who initiates and perfects our faith.
Our desire Lord is to hear Your voice
and to follow You for life is about You.
As You Lord live Your life within me,
let my spiritual ears open up and
my heart softens towards God.
And may You live fully, deeply,
boldly in my total being. Amen.