Thought for the Week: 1Cor 15

Lord of Resurrection Gives Victory

False teachers had been confusing
the Corinthians by denying the
doctrine of physical resurrection.
Paul defends the Resurrection
as a historical fact confirmed
by more than 500 eyewitnesses.
The Resurrection provides hope
for the believer’s body and soul
as well as motivates believers to
abound in the work of the Lord.

Lord, You Give us the Victory:
But now Christ is risen from
the dead and has become
the firstfruits of those who
have fallen asleep (1Cor 15:20).
For when the trumpet is blown,
those who have died will Be Raised
to Live Forever. And we who are
Living will also be transformed…
O death where’s your victory?(52-54)
But thank God! He gives us Victory
over sin and death through our Lord
Jesus Christ. (So) my beloved…
be steadfast, immovable, always
abounding in the work of the Lord,
knowing that your labour is Not In
Vain in the Lord (v57-58). Amen.

Lord, in a world filled with gloomy
news, Thank You that Your Word
holds Great Hope for the future.
Someday all believers of Christ
will be given new bodies. And
eternal life with God in heaven is far
better than what we experience here.
Thank You we can be confident for
Your good plan for us and that You
are in control of everything. Amen.

Lord, the sting of death is not dying
but rather what happens after.
Thank You for eliminating possibility
of hell; but giving eternal bliss in
heaven for all who believe in Christ.
Because Jesus had paid for our sin
and rose from the dead, death has
No Power over us. In gratitude and
realising importance of the gospel,
help us be worthy witnesses. Amen

Lord, we recognise that You
have given us talents and gifts.
They may not be something overt
like teaching and singing; but skills
like cooking or greeting people.
For all that matters is that we use
them for the Lord. For You God promise Nothing done for You will
be useless. For You will honour
us for the faithful service. Amen.

Meditating 2 Peter 2-3 (Aug 29)

Preparing for Christ’s Return

While Peter’s audience is the same
as in his first letter, his theme and
purpose are different. Persecution
from unbelievers can be hard
for Christians to bear (1 Peter),
but defection within the community
of believers can be even more
devastating (2 Peter). To counter-
act the effects of this “poison”,
Peter reminds his readers of the
timeless truths of the faith and
exhorts them to continue growing
toward Christian maturity.

One day Christ will create a new
heaven and earth where we
will live forever. As Christians,
our hope is in this promise. But
with Christ’s return comes His
judgment on all who will not believe.
To be ready, Christians must keep
on trusting and resist the pressure
to give up waiting for Christ’s return.
Lord, Help us be diligent in Christian
growth as well as faithful obedience.
Help us to Wait Upon You;
Help us to Share the Gospel;
Help us to Seek Things Eternal.
In Jesus’ precious name, amen.

Lord, we will Wait Upon You:
And (God) delivered righteous Lot
who was oppressed by… the wicked…
(For) the Lord knows how to rescue
godly people from their trials,
even while keeping the wicked
under punishment until the day
of final judgment (2 Pet 2:7-9).
Lord, some of us may be struggling
with some sin or trial in our life.
But Your Word says that You
will help us escape temptation
and rescue us from trial that
arises if we would ask of You.
For You care about everything
in our life & that You will always
rise to the occasion for us. Amen.

Lord, we will Share the Gospel:
Christ Jesus display His immense
patience as an example for those
who would believe in Him and
receive eternal life (1Tim 1:16).
The Lord is not slack concerning
His promise… but is longsuffering
toward us, not willing that any
should perish but that all should
come to repentance (2Pet 3:9).
Lord, thanks for showing mercy &
not treating me as my sins deserve.
You are patient towards sinners.
So, help me encourage others
to seek Your mercy and grace.
For what You have done in my life,
You will surely do it for others.
Help each of us bring You glory in
our lives & share the gospel. Amen.

Lord, we will Seek Things Eternal:
The day of the Lord will come
as a thief in the night, in which
the heavens will pass away…
both the earth and the works
that are in it will be burned up…
Therefore beloved looking
forward to these things, be diligent
to be found by Him in peace, without
spot and blameless (2Pet 3:10-14).
Lord, I know that this earth
as it is presently constituted is
not my future; for my future is
in the new heavens & new earth.
Remind me that the best thing
here are but mere shadows of
what will be there in eternal glory.
Since I can affirm this magnificent
future, I will make every effort
to be found spotless. And I will
endeavour to store up treasure
in heaven. In Jesus’ name, Amen.