Knowing God In Acts 5-7 (Aug 11)

Princely Lord & Saviour

The advance of the gospel is all
too soon opposed by adversaries
of the gospel. Attacks from without
and within threaten to fracture
the body of believers in Jerusalem.
Selfish lies (c5), ethnic squabbles
(c6) & brutal martyrdom (c7) each
falls upon the young congregation.
However, prompt discipline,
wise leadership and unflinching
commitment serve to enlarge
the church as the number of the
disciples multiplies in Jerusalem.

Lord, we Submit in Obedience:
Peter and the apostles replied:
We must obey God rather than
any human authority. God… raised
Jesus from the dead after you killed
Him by hanging him on a cross.
Then God put Him in the place
of honour at His right hand as
prince and Saviour (Acts 5:29-31).
Brethren, seek out 7 men of good
reputation, full of the Holy Spirit
and wisdom, whom we may appoint
over this business; but we will give
ourselves continually to prayer and
ministry of the word (Acts 6:3-4).
The Most High does not dwell
in temples made with hands,
as the prophet says: Heaven is
My throne and earth is My footstool.
What kind of house will you build
for Me? says the Lord (Acts 7:48-49).

Lord Jesus, we praise You as
Saviour and Prince of peace.
Thank You Father God for raising
Your Son from the dead and
seating Him at Your right hand
in the place of highest honour.
We worship You and give You
all praise and love because
You are worthy of our obedience
rather than any human authority.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Lord, grant me a heart to spend
time with You and be ready to pray.
Open my heart to understand the
privilege to access Your throne.
Pray the leadership of the church
be more in line with Your heartbeat.
Bless the pastors, staff members
and their families, that they be led
by Your Spirit, be kept safe from
attacks of the enemy and further
Your kingdom on earth. Amen.

Lord, thank You that You have
purchased me; and I proclaim
that the members of my physical
body are instruments that God
can use; I yield them to Him
and I purpose not to defile them.
For my Father has made me;
for Christ redeemed me at a price,
for my body is the temple of
the Holy Spirit who is within me
and for I belong to God. Amen.