Thought for the Week: Matt 24/28

Christ Gives Great Commission

Herod’s magnificent temple sets
the stage for Jesus’ Olivet Discourse,
a prophetic look at future events.
His followers are urged to watchful
expectation with faithful service
ahead of the return of Christ.
The events in the final two days of
Jesus’ earthly life carry shadows of
the cross: the anointing in Bethany,
the Passover Observance, Lord’s
Supper, the prayer in Gethsemane.
Jesus is arrested, tried, condemned
executed and placed in a tomb. But
in triumph, Jesus comes forth from
the grave in resurrection power.
The Kings of the Jews Lives again,
a message which His followers
are commissioned to share.

Lord, we’ll Do Your Assignment:
And there will be famines, pestilences
and earthquakes in various places…
And… lawlessness will abound…
And this gospel of the kingdom
will be preached in all the world…
and then the end will come…
Immediately after the tribulation…
the sun will be darkened… Then…
they will see Son of Man Coming
on the clouds (Matt 24:7-14, 29-30).
Then the eleven disciples went to the mountain which Jesus had appointed.
And Jesus came to them and said:
Go and make disciples of all the
nations… teaching them to obey
everything I have commanded you;
and lo I am with you always, even
to the end of the age (Mt 28:16-20)

Lord, help us Keep Watch and
Be Ready for Your sure return
so that we may be able to give an
account of ourselves at any time.
Help us declare the word of t Lord
for righteousness being restored.
These are the days of the harvest,
The fields are as white in Yr world.
We are the labourers in Yr vineyard
Declaring the word of t Lord! Amen

Lord, there is no doubt about
the task You had left for us to do.
Help me step out of comfort zone
to find people who need to know U.
Help me witness to the people You
hv placed in my sphere of influence
Help me in my concern for the lost,
in words, deeds and attitudes.
Help me make disciples for Christ to
be like Him & further His Kingdom.
And Help me reflect as one who
has found the answer to life. Amen.

Lord, it’s easy to look at others and
think that I have nothing to offer.
But You have implanted passion
within me and blessed me with gifts
and talents that the world needs.
Help me to see where You God are
at work & watch for opportunities to
join U by sowing seeds of kindness.
Help those seeds to grow & flourish
and thank You for reaping a good
harvest. In Jesus’ precious name.

Reflection on Matthew

Knowing God thru His Names

The purpose of the Gospel according
to Matthew is to prove that Jesus
is the Messiah, the eternal King.
This week we understand God better
thru knowing His attributes, mostly
related to His ability to meet needs.
On Monday, we learn from
Matt 11 about Friend of Sinners.
On Tues, we learn from Mt13 about
God who Reveals kingdom secrets.
On Wednesday, we learn from Mt 14
about Son of God who Saves Me.
On Thursday, we learn from Mt 17
about God of the Impossible.
On Friday, we learn from Matt 24/28
about Christ Gives Great Commissn.
Let us humble ourselves and pray
and seek His face…In Jesus’ name.

Meditating on 2Thess 2/3 (July 4)

Being Ready for Day of the Lord

Paul begins his second letter to the
Thessalonians by commending them for their faithfulness in the midst
of persecution and by encouraging them that present suffering will be
repaid with future glory. Paul also
deals with a misunderstanding concerning the Day of the Lord.
That day had not yet arrived, and
Paul recounts the events which
must take place first. Labouring
for the gospel, rather than lazing is
the proper response to such truth.

No one knows the time of Christ’s
return; and we’re to live moral and
holy lives, and not neglecting our
responsibilities to please the Lord.
Dear Lord, we are inspired by
the Thessalonian church for
their faithfulness in the midst
of persecution and suffering.
Help us be watchful, persevere and
never be tired of working for Christ.
Help us Mature In Holiness;
Help us Share the Gospel; and
Help us Love You more. Amen.

Lord, we purpose to Be Holy:
God chose you for salvation
through the Sanctifying work
of the Spirit and through belief
in the truth… Therefore stand fast
and hold the traditions which you
were taught. Now may our Lord
Jesus Himself..comfort your hearts
and establish you in every good
word and work (2 Thess 2:13-17).
Lord, we praise You for Your
holiness and Your perfection.
Thank You for the promise to
help us live holy life through
the sanctifying work of the Spirit.
And I choose to trust that You
Lord already see me as holy
and Your work in my life will help
me Mature In Holiness. Amen.

Lord, we will Share the Gospel:
Finally brothers pray for us that
the message of the Lord may
spread rapidly and be honoured,
just as it was with you (2Thess 3:1)
Lord, help me share the good news
of salvation thru Christ to others.
Equip me with the right words at
the right time, so that those hearts
are ready will be drawn toward You.
I also pray for people who need
the good news, that their hearts
would be open to receive all
that You have for them. Amen.

Lord, we purpose to Love You:
May the Lord lead your hearts
into a full understanding and
expression of the love of God
and the patience endurance that comes from Christ (2Thess 3:5).
Lord, I choose to love You with
all my heart, with all my soul, with
all my mind & with all my strength.
I love You Lord because You are
infinitely good, kind and worthy.
I ask that loving You would not
merely be an act of my will;
I ask that I would also feel the
emotion of being loved by You
and love for You. And lead my
heart into fuller understanding of
Your love so that You can express
Your love through me. Amen.