Meditating on 2Thess 1 (July 3)

Be Strengthened in Day of the Lord

Paul begins his second letter to the
Thessalonians by commending them for their faithfulness in the midst
of persecution and by encouraging them that present suffering will be
repaid with future glory. Paul also
deals with a misunderstanding concerning the Day of the Lord.
That day had not yet arrived, and
Paul recounts the events which
must take place first. Labouring
for the gospel, rather than lazing is
the proper response to such truth.

We… thank God always for you…
brethren… because your faith grows
exceedingly, and the love of every
one of you all abounds toward each
other… so that we ourselves boast
of you among the churches of God
for your patience and faith in all
your persecutions and tributions
that you endure (2Thess 1:3-4).
We keep on praying for you, that
our God will make you worthy of
the life to which He called you.
And we pray that God by His power
will fulfill all your good intentions
and faithful deeds. Then everyone
will give honour to… Lord Jesus
because of you (2Thess 1:11-12)

Lord, I lift up the needs of my
loved ones and friends to You.
Meet their physical and obvious
needs; meet their emotional and
less obvious needs; and also meet
their spiritual and ultimate needs.
Cause their faith to grow so that
they would fear You; and create
in them a desire to love others.
And help me to point them to You
in my words and in my life. Amen.

Lord, grateful efficacy in Your calling
does not depend on our abilities.
In Your grace, impart Your power
to me so that I may live the life
to which You have called me.
Make me a vessel of Your glory
so that those who see my works
will look past me and be drawn
to You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Lord, forgive us from focusing
on temporal matters in our prayers.
While we know that You are about
every area of our lives, we do
not want to neglect praying for
the things that are most important
to You and the things that will
bring us lasting joy and honour.
So we ask You Lord the power
to accomplish all the good things
faith prompts us to do, so that the
name of the Lord be honoured. Amen